One word substitution

One word substitution

One word substitution for GPSTR exam. Important one word substitution for competitive exams. Important one word substitution with Kannada meaning.

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List of one word substitution:

1. A person who loves everybody – Altruist

2. A person who does a thing only for pleasure – Amateur

3. A person who wants to create lawlessness in the country – Anarchist

4. A piece of writing which does not bear the writer’s name – Anonymous

5. One who does not believe in the existence of God – Atheist

6. One who practices the science of turning base metal into gold – Alchemist

7. Medicine that prevents decomposing – Antiseptic

8. Government in which power is vested in the hands of one person – Autocracy

9. A body of listeners – Audience

10. One who cannot pay his debts – Bankrupt

11. A lover of books – Bibliophile

12. One who writes the life story of someone – Biographer

13. Government run by civil servants – Bureaucracy

14. Animals that eat flesh – Carnivorous

15. A man who eats human flesh – Cannibal

16. A list of books – Catalogue

17. Doctor who treats diseases of heart – Cardiologist

18. An unmarried man – Bachelor

19. An unmarried girl – Maiden

20. An elderly Unmarried woman – Spinster

21. One who eats too much – Glutton

22. Persons living in the same age – Contemporaries

23. One who believes in eat, drink and be merry – Epicure

24. One who leads a very severe and simple life – Ascetic

25. Not fit to be eaten – Inedible

26. Doctor who treats skin diseases – Dermatologist

27. A self-centred person – Egoist

28. One who loves to speak about oneself – Egotist

29. One and the only of its kind – Unique

30. A penniless or destitute person – Pauper

31. Animal that can live on land as well as in water – Amphibian

32. One who is extremely proud – Arrogant

33. One who hates mankind – Misanthrope

34. One who hates woman – Misogynist

35. One who hates the institution of marriage – misogamist

one word substitution in English:

36. One who can use both hands with equal ease – Ambidextrous

37. System of having several wives at a time – Polygamy

38. System of having several husbands at a time – Polyandry

39. One who knows several languages – Linguist

40. An office with very high salary but no work – Sinecure

41. An office for which no money is paid – Honorary

42. One who is present everywhere – Omnipresent

43. One who knows everything – Omnipotent

44. One who has all the power – Omnipotent

45. Murder of one’s brother – Fratricide

46. Murder of an infant – Infanticide

47. Murder of any human being – Homicide

48. One who will never die – Immortal

49. Always the same-having no variety – Monotonous

50. Study of birds – Ornithology

51. The art of public speaking – Oratory

52. Animals that eat plants and vegetation – Herbivorous

53. Murder of a king – Regicide

54. One who studies the curves of palm – Palmist

55. Art related to ornate, good handwriting – Calligraphy

56. Study of collection of coins, tokens, paper money etc – Numismatics

57. A book of accounts showing debit and credit – Ledger

58. A speech by the dramatist at the start of the play – Prologue

59. A speech by the dramatist at the end of the play – Epilogue

60. A child born of unlawful marriage – Bastard

61. Separation from other people to avoid infection – Quarantine

62. A book or paper written by hand – Manuscript

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