Notice Writing examples and format for competitive exams. Notice writing for GPSTR exam. We will learn how to write these types of questions.
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What is notice writing in English?
Notice writing is a formal means of communication. The purpose of this is to bring to notice a certain piece of information to a group of people. It is one of the common methods of communication.
Notice is a written or printed information or news announcement. Notices are either displayed at prominent places or published in newspapers/ magazines. Since a notice contains a formal announcement or information, its tone and style is formal and factual. Its language should be simple and formal. Notice is always brief and to the point.
Instructiom writing tricks and tips:
1. Strictly follow up word limit of 30 – 50 words.
2. Write the word NOTICE at the top.
3. You should mention the name and place of the school, organization, or office issuing the notice.
4. Give an appropriate heading.
5. Write the date of issuing the notice.
6. Clearly mention for whom the notice is to be displayed.
7. Purpose of the notice.
8. Mention all the relevant details (date, venue, time).
9. Signature, name and designation of the person issuing the notice.
10. Put the notice in a box.
1. You are Kiran / Kavya, Secretary Bhagat Singh Society. You are going to organize a blood donation camp. Write a notice in not more than 50 words, urging the members of your society to come in large numbers for this noble cause. Invent all the necessary details.
Bhagat Singh Society Kalaburagi Notice 14th May, 2022 Blood Donation Camp. Our society is organising a blood donation camp in the Community Centre in Kalaburagi on 21st May, 2022, from 10 AM to 4 PM. All arrangements will be adequately made along with drinks and refreshments for all donors. The camp is being conducted under the expert guidance of the doctors and nurses of the Red Cross Society. Residents are hereby requested to ensure an overwhelming response to this camp by even persuading their friends and relatives to come forward for this noble task. Kiran Secretary |
How to write notice writing?
2. You are Manoj / Mayuri Head master of St. Joseph Public School, Mysore. Your school has organized a Science Exhibition in connection with the death anniversary of Ramanujam. Write a notice in not more than 50 words inviting students to participate in it. Provide all the necessary.
St. Joseph Public School Mysore Notice 20th February, 2022 Science Exhibition Our school is organizing a Science Exhibition to commemorate the death anniversary of the great mathematician Ramanujam on the 12th of March, 2022 in the school lawns. Students are hereby informed to participate in this exhibition and make it a success. Mayuri Head Master |
Watch this video for explanation of Instruction Writing examples and format for competitive exams.