Message Writing tips and tricks. Message writing format and examples. short message writing examples. SMS writing in English.
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Message writing is prescribed for GPSRT exam also. We have discussed Message Writing tips and tricks with examples.
Message Writing tips and tricks:
What is a message?
A message refers to a brief piece of information that you write down for a person when you cannot contact them directly. A message can be both written or oral.
Message writing format:
1. Heading
You should begin with writing the heading as ‘MESSAGE’ in capital letters. It is supposed to be written in the centre at the top.
2. Date
On the left-hand side of the page, you have to write the date in expanded form.
3. Time
Though it is mandatory to mention the time in a message.
4. Salutation
Respecting words like dear or Mr etc.
5. Body
It is the main passage, wherein you need to mention all the essential information. Do not use lengthy sentences, keep it short, precise and within 30 words.
6. Sender
After writing the necessary information, the sender’s name comes at the end on the left side.
message writing format:
Message Date:___/_____/____ Time: _____________ Salutation: _________ Body of the message: ____________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ___________________________ . Sender name: ________ |
1. Read the following telephone conversation between Neerqja and Sonum. Sonum is about to leave home and will not be able to meet Rohit. She leaves a message for him. Write that message, using not more than 30 words. 3 marks
Neeraja: Hello ! Is that Sonum ?
Sonum: Speaking.
Neeraja: It is Neeraja here. Sonum, you know India International Trade Fair 2022 is on. I plan to visit it today.
Sonum: Oh ! it is a wonderful idea. But why not make it tomorrow?
Neeraja: No. Tomorrow I am busy. Let’s make it today. Surinder is coming with me. You bring Rohit with you.
Sonum: He is not at home at present. But rest assured, he will be happy to be with us. He expressed a desire to visit it earlier.
Neeraja: Then it is settled. Please wait for us at Gate No. 3 at 1.30 pm today. In case, you reach earlier, please wait for us. If we reach earlier, we shall look for you.
Sonum: Fine. It shall be all right. We shall reach in time.
Neeraja: All right. Bye till then.
Sonum: Bye.
Message 7.5.2022 Timer: 5. pm Darling We are visiting India International Trade Fair 2007 today. Neeraja and Surinder shall wait for us at 1.30 pm today at Gate No. 3.1 shall be back from office at 12 noon to go there together. Please wait till then. I shall tell you everything Sonum |
message writing format 2
2. Read the following telephone conversation that took place when Rama answered the phone at Future Knowledge Encyclopaedias and Reference books. Write the message that Rama leaves for Mr. Debu using not more than 30 words. 3 marks
Mr. Murli: Hello, This is Mr. Murli from Madras. May I speak to Mr. Debu please ?
Rama: Mr. Debu is not in at the moment: May I take a message for him ?
Mr. Murli: : Please convey my thanks to him. I have just received the encyclopaedia I ordered. The last payment would reach him tomorrow. I would also like some information on the latest reference books in Geography.
Rama: I’ll make sure he gets that message, Mr. Murli.
Mr. Murli: : Thank you.
Message 7.5.2022 Time: 6.pm Mr. Debu Mr. Murli telephoned to you from Madras. He wanted to thank you as he has received the encyclopaedia ordered by him and assured that the last payment would reach you by tomorrow. He would also like to get some information on the latest reference books in Geography. Rama |
message writing format 3
3. Read the following telephonic conversation between Rahul and Sonu. Sonu is about to leave for school and will not be able to meet her brother Mohit. She leaves a message for him. Write the message in about 30 words.
Rahul: Hello! Can I speak to Mohit, please?
Sonu: He is not at home. I’m his sister. Would you like to leave a message for him?
Rahul: I’m his friend Rahul. Kindly tell him that tomorrow we are going to Pragati Maidan tomorrow, where a book-fair is going to be held. Tell him to call me in the evening, in case he is interested.
MESSAGE 7th May 2022 4. 00 pm Dear Mohit, Rahul called up to inform that tomorrow morning they are going to a book-fair, being organised at Pragati-Maidan. If you are interested, then call him in the evening. Sonu |
Watch this video for the explanation of SMS writing tricks.