Language functions in English for competitive exams. Language functions examples with answers. Multiple choice questions on language functions.
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language functions with examples:
1. Introducing oneself and others,
2. Seeking and giving information,
3. Asking for and giving directions,
4. Giving instructions,
5. Making a request,
6. Giving suggestions
7. Advice thanking,
8. Expressing one’s opinion
Introducing oneself and others:
1. Peter: Hello.
Jane: Hi!
Peter: My name is Peter. What’s your name?
Jane: My name is Jane. Nice to meet you.
Peter: It’s a pleasure. This is a great party!
Introducing others:
Ken: Peter, I’d like you to meet Mary.
Peter: It’s a pleasure to meet you.
Mary: It’s a pleasure to meet you too!
Ken: Mary works for…
Seeking information:
Smith: Where is the function hall?
John: Near Basava temple
Smith: May I go through walk?
John: No. Its far away from here.
Giving information:
Keane : The race will start at 8 a.m., won’t it ?
Clerk : That’s right. After registration, you have to assemble at the starting line in the field.
Asking directions:
Arun: Excuse me sir. Is there a bank around here?
Babu: Yes, there is one right across the street next to Library.
Giving directions:
Pavan: Is there a bank near here?
Priya: Yes, there is one in Orange Street. Orange Street is the third road on your right.
Giving instructions:
Simple instructions to replace a light bulb:
Firstly, turn off the electricity.
Secondly, remove the light bulb.
Then, screw in the new light bulb.
Finally, turn the electricity on and switch on the light.
Making a request:
Friend 1: Can you open the window please?
Friend2: Sure.
Brother: Can you give me some water please?
sister: of course.
language functions in english grammar:
Giving suggestions:
1. What about going to the cinema tonight?
2. Why don’t we do our homework?
3. Couldn’t we invite your grandmother to our party?
4. Chris: Why don’t we see a film?
Jean: Which film shall we see?
Chris: Let’s see “Action Man 4.”
Jean: I’d rather not. I don’t like violent films. How about going to “Mad Doctor Brown?” I hear it’s quite a funny film.
Chris: OK. Let’s go see that. When is it on?
Jean: It’s on at 8 p.m. at the Rex. Shall we have a bite to eat before the film?
Chris: Sure, that sounds great. What about going to that new Italian restaurant Michetti’s?
Jean: Great idea! Let’s meet there at 6.
Expressing one’s opinion:
Linda: Our sales figures are down this month. Does anyone have any ideas for how we can increase them?
Thomas Gray: It seems to me that we lost sales because our competitor had a sale.
Linda: You may be right.
Thomas Gray: In my opinion, we should have a sale this month, and I think our sales will increase again.
Linda: Good idea. Let’s try that this month.
Identify the language function:
1. Could you please spare some time, sir?
a. request b. apologise c. order d. Questioning
Ans: a
2. You’re absolutely right.
a. expressing agreement b. expressing disagreement c. Complimenting d. Wishing
Ans: a
3. If you don’t mind could I use your pen?
a. questioning b. seeking information c. seeking help d. seeking permission
Ans: d
4. I‟m really grateful to you.
a. Complimenting b. Wishing c. requesting d. expressing gratitude
Ans: d
5. I‟m very sorry.
a. apologizing b. ordering c. complimenting d. expressing gratitudeAns: a
English grammar on language functions:
6. You should consult a doctor.
a. ordering b. expressing agreement c. seeking information d. Suggesting
Ans: d
7. Don‟t worry everything will be all right.
a. sympathising b. giving direction c. suggesting d. Requesting
Ans: a
8. Shut the door.
a. suggesting b. requesting c. ordering d. giving direction
Ans: c
9. Story books are on fifth shelf in second row from here.
a. giving direction b. seeking information c. ordering d. Requesting
Ans: a
Watch this video for explanation of Language functions in English for competitive exams.