Kalika Chetarike activity 7 for 8th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 7 for 8th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 7 for 8th class students. 3.b activity worksheet for 8th standard students. Key answer for activity 7 and 3.c.

In this post we are discussing learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. Activity worksheet and key answer. 8th class learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike.

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Kalika Chetarike activity 7 for 8th class

Activity 3. b:

Complete the following conversation by choosing the appropriate expressions given in the box.

I’m waiting,     ok ,     bye,    see you,    what about,    I’m alright,    how’re

Rajesh : Good Morning Rahim, ___________ you?

Rahim : ___________ thanks, and you?

Rajesh : I’m good ___________ your studies?

Rahim : I just took my exams and ___________ for the results.

Rajesh : Oh, I see, I think that’s my bus.___________ later.

Rahim : Ok, bye, take care.

Rajesh : Thank you.


Rajesh : Good Morning Rahim, how’re you?

Rahim : I’m alright thanks, and you?

Rajesh : I’m good what about your studies?

Rahim : I just took my exams and I’m waiting for the results.

Rajesh : Oh, I see, I think that’s my bus. See you later.

Rahim : Ok, bye, take care.

Rajesh : Thank you.

Activity 3. c:

Introduce yourself to a small group.

You : _______________________________________________________________

Your friend : _______________________________________________________________

You : _______________________________________________________________

Your friend : _______________________________________________________________

You : _______________________________________________________________

Your friend : _______________________________________________________________


Introduce yourself to a small group.

You : Hi… friends I’m Sharat from Karnataka.

Your friend : Hello.. Sharat nice to meet you.

You : Thank you. Who are these all boys?

Your friend : They are my classmates.

You : Ok, bye see you later.

Your friend : Bye… bye…

8th class Activity worksheet and key answer

Activity 4.a: (Assessment activity)

Read the given sentences and suggest the right expressions.

1. If someone gives you something you would like to say ______

2. If you meet someone _______

3. If you ask for something _______

4. If you heart some one _____

5. When your teacher entered the class in the morning ______


1. If someone gives you something you would like to say = Thank you so much.

2. If you meet someone = Hello..! How are you?

3. If you ask for something = If you don’t mind may I use your pen?

4. If you heart someone = So sorry.

5. When your teacher entered the class in the morning = Good morning, sir.

Activity 4.b: (Assessment activity)

Convert the following into polite expressions.

E.g.: Give me your pen.Could you please give me your pen?
1. Give me your notebook.May I borrow your notebook please?
2. Open the window.Kindly open he door.
3. Bring me some water.Please give me a glass of water.
4. Switch on the fan.Could you switch on the fan?
5. Get the register.If you don’t mind please give that register.

Watch this video for the explanation of Kalika Chetarike activity 7 for 8th class students.

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