Kalika Chetarike activity 5 for 8th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 5 for 8th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 5 for 8th class students. 3.c activity worksheet for 8th standard students. Key answer for activity 5 and 4.a.

In this post we are discussing learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. Activity worksheet and key answer. 8th class learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike.

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Download worksheet with key answer

8th class Activity 1.a and 1.b

Activity 3.c:

Write your instructions to your school premises and paste them wherever necessary in your school surroundings. Take the help of your friends or teacher. Use the same in your home.

Answer:   Instructions in school premises:   1. Maintain regularity & punctuality in school.   2. Come to School regularly and always be on time.   3. Always be clean, well-groomed and in proper school uniform.   4. Attending the Morning Assembly is compulsory.   5. Keep the school premises clean and tidy.   6. Use all school property with respect and care.   Instructions in home premises:   1. Treat people and property with respect · 2. Knock on closed doors before entering. 3. Not to open the door for strangers. 4. Keep dangerous objects out of reach. 5. Take care of your items and keep room clean. 6. Ask for help when needed.

Activity 4.a:

(Assessment activity)

Listen to the announcement and answer the questions that follow.

Announcement 1:

Dear Sir/Madam,   Anand enterprises will “Webcast” its entire annual meeting this year due to pandemic caused by Covid-19 virus. The meeting will stream live onto the Internet beginning at 9 A.M. on Monday, July 27th 2022. There is no need to register to view the session.   We encourage all employees and customers view the Webcast. We’re proud of our company and all of our people, and we use the annual meeting to acknowledge our accomplishments, along with our sales and profit.   Sincerely   Anand Sharma, CEO

1. When is the meeting scheduled?

Answer: Meeting is held on Monday, July 27th, 2022.

2.Who is requested to attend the meeting?

Answer: All employees and customers are requested to attend the meeting.

8th class Activity 8.1 and 8.2

Announcement 2:

May I have your attention please the trains to Ahmedabad to Vadodara is coming shortly. The Ahmedabad Express train number 84591 is coming on platform number 2. Please bring your ticket which you for no for the problems with passenger thank you.   May I have your attention please the trains to Mangloor to Bengaluru is running late due to heavy rain rain.

2.1: What is the announcement about? What is the name of the Express?

Ans: The announcement is about train arrival and delay report. The name of the express is The Ahmedabad Express train.

2.2: Which train is arriving on platform no. 2?

Ans: Ahmedabad to Vadodara train is arriving on platform no. 2.

2.3: Which railway station it is? Which train is running late?

Ans: It is Ahmedabad railway station. Mangloor to Bengaluru train is running late.

Learning Outcome 8.2:

Uses polite expressions to communicate such as ‘May I borrow your book?’, ‘I would like to differ’ etc.


1. “Can you pass me the newspaper?”

2. “I’d like a cup of coffee, please”.

3. “Would you mind not using your phone in the cinema, please?”

4. “Mr. John”. If you don’t know their name you can say ‘Sir’.

5. Excuse me, could you help me pick this up?

8th class Abhyasa halegalu


Activity 1. a:

Look at the following picture and guess the conversation.


ANAND: Hello SHAM, how are you?

SHAM : Physically I am fine.

ANAND: Nice. I am also missing my school very much.

SHAM : Not only school but also missing the lectures of our respected teachers.

ANAND: No doubt Mr. Mondal was our favourite teacher, I am also missing him very much.

SHAM : But, sir does help me in any of my problem. Yesterday, I got struck while writing the answer of a question of our geography text book, I called him and received instant assistance from him.

ANAND: That’s great, I also call our school-teachers whenever I ran into a problem in my studies.

SHAM: With our school teacher I am also missing our friends moreover the whole environment of the school. I am feeling very sad whenever I am calling up the memory of the morning assembly of our school.

ANAND: Oh yes, I do miss that also. I hope that the school will start soon.

SHAM : I am also hoping that. The fast it starts, the great it will be.

ANAND: Ok, bye.

SHAM : Bye, take care.

8th class Activity worksheet and key answer

Activity 1. b:

Underline the polite expressions in the following conversation. Use them while talking to your partner.

Answer:   Ayush: Hello Luciana. Nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.   Luciana: Oh, I hope it was all good!   Ayush: Where exactly are you from Luciana?   Luciana: Well, I’m Argentinian. I was born in Buenos Aires, but I’ve been working in the US for the last couple of years.   Ayush: That’s interesting. And what are you doing in London?   Luciana: Work, I’m afraid. Actually, I’m on my way to Amsterdam for a conference, and I thought I’d stopover in London to see Anna and Ben. We used to work together in New York. Ayush: Nice to meet you Luciana.   Luciana: Thank you so much.

Watch this video for the explanation of Kalika Chetarike activity 5 for 8th class students.

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