Kalika Chetarike activity 45 for 9th class students. 46 activity worksheet for 9th standard students. Key answer for activity 46.1 and 46.2.
In this post we are discussing learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. Activity worksheet and key answer. 9th class learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. 9th class Kalika Chetarike English.
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9th class Activity 46 and 46.1
Learning Outcome 9.3
Engages in conversation in English with family friends and people from different professions such as shopkeeper, salesman using appropriate vocabulary and narrates real life experiences in English.
Activity 46: Narrating real life experiences
Activity 46.1: Talking about events
How are the following events celebrated in your school? Share with your class.
1. Children’s Day.
2. Independence Day
3. Republic Day
Answer: 1. Children’s Day:
The auditorium was decorated by the children themselves. The Chief Guest was the former Principal of some local school. The Principal and staff welcomed him with bouquet. The parents of the children were also present. The Programme began at 10 a.m. with Saraswati vandana with little children.
The chief guest gave a short speech on the occasion. Then our Principal took the stage and threw light on the life of our first Prime Minister. The very young children presented dance, skits and songs. Even some students delivered speeches on Pt Nehru. It looked very nice. The audience cheered the young performers with clapping.
It took around 2 hours to end the programme. In the end, the chief guest gave away the prizes to the young winners. The Programme ended with National Anthem. Everybody enjoyed the programme a lot.
2. Independence Day
On 15th morning, we are asked to come to school for the flag hoisting and other activities. We all are requested to come in white dress and by 8.00 am, the National Anthem would be sung by our school choir team and later the Chief Guest for the occasion would be hoisting the flag. Speeches would be given by our Principal on the importance of the day.
9th class Activity worksheet and key answer
Once the flag is hosted, and speech is done, sweets are distributed among the students and teachers at school. Later, there would be games and activities for students and teachers where we all would be participating and winning prizes.
On our Independence Day, we do not have classes and by noon almost all the celebration would come to an end. It is great fun and entertainment and also great pride for us as students to be at school on Independence Day.
3. Republic Day
This year the Republic Day was celebrated in my school in a fine way. All the teachers and students of my school gathered in the school compound in early morning. We paraded through the streets of the town with national flags. We shouted national slogans and sang national songs.
Then we returned to our school. We stood in rows for flag hoisting. The headmaster of my school hoisted the national flag at 8 a.m. then we sang the national anthem. Some teachers of my school made brief speeches on the importance of the Republic Day. Made great progress after independence.
He reminded us that we would be the leaders of our country in future. He advised us to turn our country into a better place to live in. his speech made a great impression on us. After his speech was over, sweets were distributed among students.
Activity 46.2: Talking about experiences
Choose any one topic and share in your groups.
1. Visit to a big city
2. Watching a film with your friends/ family
3. Something scary you experienced
4. A recent family function you attended
5. Something funny that happened to you
Key answer of 9th class worksheet
Answer: 4. A recent family function you attended:
Last week, my cousin brother’s engagement took place in a grand style and it served to be one of the most enjoyed family functions in our family. The function held in ‘The Sai Palace’ and the entire place was beautifully decorated in purple. As per the theme, we all were dressed in our designer clothes in combination of purple and pink.
The ‘would-be bride and groom’ reached the venue and the function began. The ring exchange ceremony was unique this time. The ceremony held with the auspicious mantras and blessings of the elders. After, each member of the family presented a dance performance dedicated to the couple.
Then, the couple performed dance and the whole crowd was amazed to see their performance. We had a wonderful photo session and then, came the time for food. We all had dinner at the common table where everyone was eating. It was truly a great family time where we all enjoyed thoroughly.
5. Something funny that happened to you:
We were visiting Kolkata for spending the summer vacation with my grandmother. She was living there with an uncle. When the train reached Kolkata, we came down and started
walking. I was holding my mother’s hand. But accidentally I picked another woman’s hand. She was walking with us.
She had a boy with the same age as me. After a couple of minutes of walking, I saw my mom was walking in a different way and I am walking with another woman. I felt puzzled and forgot what to say or do, I looked at her face, and she looked back, also puzzled, I called my mom loudly.
Worksheet answer for class 9
My mom came and the confusion was over there. They both laughed and I laughed a lot. I still can remember this incident and I still laugh a lot. My mother sometimes reminds me of this incident.
Activity 46.3:
Fill the table and share the details with your partner.
Incident/ Experience | Where it happened | When it happened | Who you were with | What happened? |
Bicycle accident | Near my school | In summer day | With my friends | Injury |
School picnic | In Bijapur | Early morning | With my teachers | I missed |
Birthday | In house | On 12th June | My parents | They hide cake |
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Watch this video for the explanation of Kalika Chetarike activity 45 for 9th class students.