Kalika Chetarike activity 3

Kalika Chetarike activity 3
Kalika Chetarike activity 3

Kalika Chetarike activity 3 for 9th class students. 9.3 activity worksheet for 9th standard students. Key answer for activity 3 and 9.3.

In this post we are discussing learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. Activity worksheet and key answer. 9th class learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike.

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Kalika Chetarike activity 3 for 9th class

Learning Outcome 9.3

Engages in conversation in English with family friends and people from different professions such as shopkeeper, salesman using appropriate vocabulary and narrates real life experiences in English.

Activity 3: Polite Expressions

Activity 3.1: Remember and write/ find and write down polite expressions from your textbook.

1. __________   Answer: Could you please come here?

2. __________   Answer: Do you mind if I use your mobile?

3. __________   Answer: Pardon me. I didn’t hear what you said.

4. __________   Answer: Sorry to bother you, but do you know what time it is?

5. __________   Answer: Thank you for your kind information.

6. __________   Answer: Please make a room for waiting customer.

7. __________   Answer: Thank you for not smoking here.

8. __________   Answer: Excuse me, May I come in please?

Activity 3.2: Underline the polite expressions in the following conversation. Use them while talking to your partner.

Shubha: Hi, Sumitha, how are you?

Sumitha: I’m fine. Thank you for asking.

Shubha: Good to hear! Do you have a few minutes to talk?

Sumitha: Yes.

Shubha: May I ask you a question?

Sumitha: Please do.

Shubha: May I know why you didn’t attend yesterday’s programme?

Sumitha: I’m sorry I couldn’t attend the programme. I had a headache.

Shubha: Oh, I’m sorry. How are you feeling now? Did you see a doctor?

Sumitha: I’m feeling much better now. Thank you for your concern.

Shubha: You are welcome.                                                          

Given above are the expressions usually used for making our conversations more polite.

9th class Activity worksheet and key answer

Activity 3.3: Choose the polite forms for these sentences.

1. The teacher wants Ravi to come in. What can the teacher say?

a. Please help me.        b. Please come in.          c. Excuse me

Answer: b. Please come in.

2. Charan needs Ravi’s help. What can Charan say?

a. Please help me.          b. You are welcome            c. I’m sorry

Answer: a. Please help me.

3. Your friend gives you a chocolate. What should you say?

a. May I help you?         b. Excuse me          c. Thank you

Answer: c. Thank you

4. You want to get into an office. What will you ask?

a. May I come in?          b. Thank you          c. Please help me

Answer: a. May I come in?

5. You want to talk to your principal. What will you ask?

a. Do you have a minute, sir?           b. I want to talk.        c. Please help me.

Answer: a. Do you have a minute, sir?

Activity 3.4: Convert the following into polite expressions.

e.g. Give me your penCould you please give me your pen?
1. Give me your notebookPlease give me your notebook.
2. Open the window.Could you please open the door?
3. Bring me some water.If you don’t mind bring me some water.
4. Switch on the fan.Kindly switch on the fan.
5. Get the register.Please get the register.

Watch this video for the explanation of Kalika Chetarike activity 3 for 9th class students.

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