Kalika Chetarike activity 24 for 9th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 24 for 9th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 24 for 9th class students. 9.5 activity worksheet for 9th standard students. Key answer for activity 25 and 25.1.

In this post we are discussing learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. Activity worksheet and key answer. 9th class learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. 9th class Kalika Chetarike English.

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9th class Kalika Chetarike English

Learning Outcome 9.5

Uses appropriate grammatical forms in communication: noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, determiners, prepositions, conjunctions, time, tense, adjective, passivation

Activity 25:  Time and Tenses


The verb changes depending on when the action happens. We can guess when the action happened by looking at the form of the verb.

Activity 25.1:

Fill in the blanks choosing correct word from the brackets:

A. 1. (drops      runs     removes     hits     throws)

Ashish ___________ the ball high. Sanjay ___________fast to catch it. But ___________the ball. But he ___________the ball to the wicket keeper and the wicketkeeper ___________the bails.


Ashish hits the ball high. Sanjay runs fast to catch it. But drops the ball. But he throws the ball to the wicket keeper and the wicketkeeper removes the bails.

B. Choose the correct word and use the correct form to fill the blanks.

9th class Abhyasa halegalu

2. (arrive      make     look     removes     wear     wait     shout     see     make)

When I ___________ at the station, Sunita ___________ for me. She ___________ a blue dress and ___________ very pretty. As soon as she ___________ me, she ___________ something but I couldn’t hear what she___________ as everyone ___________ such a noise.


When I arrived at the station, Sunita was waiting for me. She wore a blue dress and was looking very pretty. As soon as she saw me, she shouted something but I couldn’t hear what she made as everyone was making such a noise.

3. (visit     go     promise     stay     sit     see)

Rajesh ___________ in the train at this time tomorrow. We ___________ to see him off. He ___________ with us for almost a month. He ___________ that he ___________ us again next year.

English worksheet


Rajesh will go in the train at this time tomorrow. We will go to see him off. He willstay with us for almost a month. He promised that he will visit us again next year.

Activity 25.2:

Read the above passage about Ravi’s daily routine. Complete the flow chart:

Ravi wakes up at 5 o’clock in the morning. He brushes his teeth and washes his face. He takes his bath at 5.30 a.m., then says his daily prayers. He sits down to study at 6 o’clock. He waters the plants at 8 o’clock. At 8:20 a.m., he sits down to eat. He gets dressed at 8.30 a.m. and walks to school at 9 o’ clock.


Activity 25.3:

Read the given paragraph and underline the verbs. Rewrite the passage in past tense:

 My father is a Bank manager. He gets up early in the morning and goes for a walk. He takes bath and washes his clothes. He does his prayer for few minutes. He helps my mother to prepare the breakfast. He takes his breakfast with us. He packs our lunch box. Then he leaves for work at 8:30 every day.

Kalika Chetarike notes

Underline the verbs:

My father is a Bank manager. He gets up early in the morning and goes for a walk. He takes bath and washes his clothes. He does his prayer for few minutes. He helps my mother to prepare the breakfast. He takes his breakfast with us. He packs our lunch box. Then he leaves for work at 8:30 every day.

Rewrite the passage in past tense:

My father was a Bank manager. He gets up early in the morning and went for a walk. He took bath and washed his clothes. He did his prayer for few minutes. He helped my mother to prepare the breakfast. He took his breakfast with us. He packed our lunch box. Then he leaves for work at 8:30 every day.

Kalika Chetarike activity 25 for 9th class

Activity 25.4:

Write the past tense forms. Make sentences using the basic and past forms.

Basic formPast form

9th class Activity worksheet and key answer


1. i. I will dance on the stage.

ii. I danced on the stage.

2. i. They break the glass.

ii. They broke the glass.

3. i. You will throw the ball.

ii. You threw the ball.

4. i. We listen the class silently.

ii. We listened the class silently.

5. i. I seek correct answer from my teacher.

ii. I sought correct answer from my teacher.

Activity 25.5:

Look at the picture of a village. Imagine that you visited the village last Sunday. And write about what you did in the village.

9th class English Worksheet:


I visited my grandpa’s house last Sunday. My grandpa welcomed me with a great pleasure. I listened moral stories with my grandpa and grandma. They prepared delicious food for me. I played chess with them.

I sketched a beautiful bird design and showed it to them. They appreciated me and offered a chocolate. I helped them to clean that house. I felt very happy in offering help. . By that I learnt that offering help to aged people gives lot of satisfaction.

Watch this video for the explanation of Kalika Chetarike activity 24 for 9th class students.

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