Kalika Chetarike activity 23 for 8th class students. 8.10 activity worksheet for 8th standard students. Key answer for activity 29 and 30.
In this post we are discussing learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. Activity worksheet and key answer. 8th class learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. 8th class Kalika Chetarike English.
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Kalika Chetarike activity 23 for 8th
Learning Outcome 8.10: Narrates stories (real or imaginary) and real-life experiences.
Activity 1:
Sequence the pictures in the correct order. Write the corresponding number in the box inside each picture. Colour the pictures. Narrate the story to the class with the help of the given clues. Give a suitable title for this story.

Story title: The Cap-Seller and The Monkeys:
Once, there was a cap-seller in a town. After he made few sales of caps, he became very tired. He decided to sit under a big tree to take rest for a while. Soon, he slept off.
There were many monkeys on the big tree. They saw the cap-seller was sleeping under the tree. The monkeys were sitting on the top of the tree. The monkeys came down, took the caps from the cap-seller-bag and wore them. Then they climbed the tree again.
When the cap seller woke up, he was shocked to see his basket empty. To his surprise, he saw the monkeys were wearing them. He found that monkeys were imitating him. So, he started throwing his cap down and the monkeys also did so. The cap-seller collected all the caps, put them back in his basket and went away happily.

11. Once there was a cap seller. He used to sell caps in far off places.
12. Once he was travelling to a place far away. On the way, he saw a tree.
13. He sat under the tree to rest.
14. Soon he fell fast asleep.
15. There were a lot of monkeys on the tree. A little monkey was watching the cap seller.
16. The little monkey went towards the sleeping cap seller.
17. It opened the bag with the caps.
8th class Kalika Chetarike English
18. After a long rest, the cap seller awoke from his sleep.
19. He was surprised to see his bag empty.
20. He tried a lot to get his caps back.
21. He got an idea.
22. He threw his cap at the monkey.
23. In response, the monkey followed the same and threw its cap to the cap seller.
24. All the monkeys imitated it.
25. Soon all the caps were on the ground. The cap seller collected all caps.
Activity 2:
Look at the following posters carefully and narrate the story to the class.

Watch this video for the explanation of Kalika Chetarike activity 23 for 8th class students.