Kalika Chetarike activity 10 for 8th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 10 for 8th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 10 for 8th class students. 8.4 activity worksheet for 8th standard students. Key answer for activity 10 and 6.

In this post we are discussing learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. Activity worksheet and key answer. 8th class learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike.

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Kalika Chetarike activity for 8th class

Activity 6:

Read the below-given lessons as per the teacher’s instruction

Lessons selected from the supplementary reader (English) for grade 8: (Refer page numbers 155 to 169)

The Story of Dharmavyadha           – A story from the epic ‘Mahabharatha’
The Earthquake                        – A Folk Tale
Lal Bahadur Shastri                           – A pen sketch of a great Indian
The First Woman in Space              – A saga of an adventurous woman

Learning Outcome 8.4:

Writes answers to textual/non-textual questions after comprehension/inference; draws character sketch.

LEARNING SHEET 9    Activity 1:

Observe the picture and respond to the questions asked by the teacher.

1. What do you see in the picture?

Answer: We can see village life style in this picture.

2. What is the woman doing?

Answer: A woman is pouring water to pot and other is caring her baby.

3. Do you think the people in the picture are happy? Why?

Answer: Yes. They are happy. Because they are leading simple and stress free life in village.

Activity 2:

Complete the story with the help of the picture clues.

Raju and Radhika have pet a dog. They call it Rocky. One day they took Rocky to the park. The pictures show you what happened.

8th class Activity worksheet and key answer

They saw some__________________ playing with a____________. The ball went into a______________. Rocky jumped into the___________ to get the ________. Rocky got__________. He shook himself dry.


They saw some boys are playing with a dog. The ball went into a water pool. Rocky jumped into the water pool to get the ball. Rocky got the ball. He shook himself dry.

Answer these questions.

1. How many children were playing?

Answer: Five children were playing.

2. What were they playing with?

Answer: They were playing cricket.

3. What happened to the ball?

Answer: The ball went into a water pool.

4. How did the dog carry it?

Answer: The dog jumped into the water pool to get the ball. Rocky got the ball.

5. What did Rocky do when he got out of the water?

Answer: Rocky shook himself dry.


Activity 3:

Read the story and answer the questions given below.


Once a learned scholar (Pandit) visits the court of Akbar and introduces himself as a master of many languages, and can speak many languages fluently. He challenges the court to find out his mother tongue. All the courtiers fail to find out the pandit’s mother tongue. Then Birbal tells the Pandit that he shall find out the Pandit’s mother tongue in a day or two. The pandit agrees. That night Birbal sneaks into the Pandit’s bedroom and finds him fast asleep. He whispers into the pandit’s ear, then he tickles his ear with a feather.

Key answer of 8th class worksheet

The pandit who was in deep sleep shouted words in his mother tongue. He shouts ‘Yevaradi’ in Telugu which means ‘Who is that? The next day Birbal declares that Pandit’s mother tongue is Telugu in front of the whole court. The pandit accepted it.

Akbar is astonished and congratulates Birbal and asks him how he found out the truth. Birbal explains that in times of difficulty a person speaks his mother tongue. Then he narrates the entire incident that took place in the pandit’s bedroom, the previous night. The Pandit accepts defeat and leaves the king’s court in dismay.

1. What did the Pandit tell the king and courtiers?

Answer: Pandit told the king and courtiers that he was a master of many languages and could speak many languages fluently.

2. What did the Pandit challenge the court?

Answer: Pandit challenged the court to find out his mother’s tongue.

3. What did Birbal tickle the Pandit’s ear with?

Answer: Birbal tickled the Pandit’s ear with a feather.

4. Was Pandit’s mother tongue Hindi? Mention his mother tongue.

Answer: No Pandit’s mother tongue was not Hindi. It was Telugu.

Watch this video for the explanation of Kalika Chetarike activity 10 for 8th class students.

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