If Clause – The third conditional

If Clause - The third conditional

If Clause – The third conditional. If clauses for SSLC students. We will learn conditional sentences in English grammar. Conditional sentences in English grammar.

Learn English grammar through Kannada. If clause exercises. We discussed third conditional sentences examples and exercises.

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When do we use the third conditional?

The third conditional is used to express the past consequence of an unrealistic action or situation in the past.

For example:

If he had studied harder, he would have passed the exam.

The first action (studying hard) did not happen. But in the case that he happened, the consequence was passing the exam.

How do we create the third conditional?

To make a sentence in the third conditional, we use,

If + past perfect, would/wouldn’t have + past participle.

For example:

If you had told me about the meeting, I would have come.

If you had told me about the meeting, I wouldn’t have missed it.

Third Conditional Exercise:

1. If he had studied harder, he ………. passed the exam.

a) Should have         b) will have        c) Would have     d) wouldn’t have

2. If my alarm had gone off, I ………. late to work.

a) Would have          b) shall           c) wouldn’t have      d) should not have

3. If there had not so much traffic we ………. missed our flight.

a) will have    b) would have           c) should not have   d) wouldn’t have

4. If you had told me about the meeting, I ……….. come.

a) Should have          b) will have         c) Would have     d) wouldn’t have

5. If you had told me about the meeting, I ……….. missed it.

a) will have    b) wouldn’t have     c) should not have   d) would have

6. If I hadn’t eaten so much, I ………… felt sick.

a) will have    b) should not have   c) wouldn’t have      d) would have

7. If we had taken a taxi, we ……….. missed the plane.

a) wouldn’t have     b) would have           c) should have          d) will have

8. If I had more time, I ………………. finished it.

a) shall have              b) would have          c) will have                d) wouldn’t have

9. If I had left earlier, I …………….. missed my flight.

a) will have    b) wouldn’t have     c) should not have   d) would have

10. If I had more money, I …………… bought the fancy car.

a) Should have          b) will have         c) Would have     d) wouldn’t have

Watch this video for explanation of If Clause – The third conditional. If clauses for SSLC students.

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