Idioms and phrases

Idioms and phrases with meanings and examples for all competitive exams. Idiom and phrases meaning in Kannada.

Idioms and phrases with meanings and examples in English. Idioms and phrase in Kannada. Phrases meaning. Idioms meaning.

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idioms and phrases with meanings:

1. A fish out of water

Meaning: Someone in an uncomfortable situation

Example: Anjali felt like a fish out of water in her new college.

2. Add insult to injury

Meaning: Do something to make a bad situation worse

Example: Raju failed in exam on the same day his friend moved away added insult to injury.

3. Barking up the wrong tree

Meaning: To be looking for answers in the wrong place

Example: John thought Raju was broken the glass, but he was barking up the wrong tree.

4. Beat around the bush

Meaning: Discuss a matter without coming to the point.

Example: Don’t beat around the bush. Just tell me why you can’t come to my birthday.

5. Bite the bullet

Meaning: To do something that’s uncomfortable

Example: After few days, Shreya decided to bite the bullet and start work on the computer.

6. Break a leg

Meaning: Good luck! Often used in the theatre before a play or performance

Example: Is your drama competition tonight? Well, break a leg!

7. Break the ice

Meaning: To do or say something that will make people feel more comfortable

Example: Let’s introduce ourselves and break the ice by sharing our favourite snacks.

8. Call it a day

Meaning: To stop working on something and plan to pick it up again later

Example: After working for 4 hours on science project, Ramesh decided to call it a day.

9. Get out of hand

Meaning: To become difficult to control

Example: It was the end of term and the children were getting a little out of hand.

10. It’s not rocket science

Meaning: Not so complicated or difficult

Example: Cooking is not a rocket science.

idioms and phrases in English:

11. It’s raining cats and dogs

Meaning: To rain very hard

Example: Don’t go outside. It’s raining cats and dogs out there.

12. Pull someone’s leg

Meaning: To tease someone

Example: No, the cafeteria isn’t really giving away free ice cream. I was just pulling your leg!

13. Spill the beans

Meaning: To give away a secret

Example: I don’t have contact with his other staff to spill the beans.

14. Take a rain check

Meaning: To postpone a plan until another time

Example: I have some important works. Can I take a rain check?

15. The ball is in your court

Meaning: The decision or next step is up to you

Example: The ball is firmly in the court of the Election Commission.

16. Under the weather

Meaning: To be sick

Example: Kiran will not come to meeting because he is feeling a little under the weather.

17. The other side of the coin

Meaning: Different opinion or a different point of view.

Example: We must always see the other side of the coin in all arguments.

18. Cool your heels

Meaning: It is used when someone is making one wait.

Example: Cooling your heels can not be a priority when the work is not complete.

19. Clear the decks

Meaning: Removing all the unnecessary distraction and objects before achieving a task.

Example: I usually clear the decks before preparing for any exam.

20. Turn a deaf ear

Meaning: Ignore other people’s sayings and opinions.

Example: His appeal always seems to fall on deaf ears of the authority.

important idioms and phrases:

21. Hold your horses

Meaning: It means being patient for something.

Example: Boys! Hold your horses for the next season.

22. Stick to your guns

Meaning: Standing firm against all difficulties.

Example: He stuck to his gun despite all the criticism coming from his colleagues.

23. Hit the book

Meaning: Do study.

Example: I need to hit the book because my exams are approaching.

24. Hit the Jackpot

Meaning: Sudden success.

Example: I have hit the jackpot in the final examination.

25. Hold your tongue

Meaning: It means telling someone to stop speaking.

Example: Hold your tongue; otherwise, you will face the consequences.

26. Cry for the moon

Meaning: Ask for something unaffordable or complicated to get.

Example- Don’t cry for the moon because we are poor.

27. point the finger at

Meaning: Blaming someone directly.

Example: You should stop pointing your finger at others all the time.

28. Go through the roof

Meaning: It means tremendous increment in something.

Example: The price of gold is going through the roof.

29. No smoke without the fire

Meaning: rumour and gossip have some ground to it.

Example: People are saying she is thief. Well, there can be no smoke without the fire.

30. Wear two hats

Meaning: It means managing several works at the same time.

Example: I am usually lazy, but when needed I can wear two hats too.

Watch this video for the explanation of Idioms and phrases and examples for all competitive exams.

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