I am the Land notes

I am the Land notes

I am the Land notes is for SSLC students. Here we will learn most important questions and answers of the poem I am the Land. Learn I am the Land summary.

I am the Land poem questions and answers are very useful for SSLC students. Learn English grammar for 10th class students. You can also play English Quiz for SSLC exam. To watch video lessons subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Multiple Choice Questions

1.”I am the land. I wait.” Here ‘I wait’ suggests the feeling of

a. annoyance b. joy
c. patience d. disgust
Ans: patience

2.”A chain line necklace Chokes me now.” Here ‘chain line necklace’ refers to ………

a. a braslet b. a fence
c. gold d. thread
Ans: a fence

3.”You cannot put a fence Around the Planet Earth.” The speaker here is showing a tone of ……

a. weakness b. patience
c. excitement d. self assertion
Ans: self assertion

4.Which line tells that the earth is asserting itself?

a. you shout, I lie patient
b. you say you own me
c. you cannot put a fence around the planet earth
d. you buy me
Ans: You cannot put a fence around the planet earth.

5. The speaker uses the phrase “I wait” in the poem to show her …………

a.disgust b. annoyance

c.patience d.anger

Ans: patience

2 marks questions

Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentence each:

1) Bring out the contrast between the speaker and reader in the poem’ I am the Land.’

Ans: The speaker in the poem is Land. It says that it is always patient and bears all that is done to it. The reader uses the land in many ways. He digs the land grows fruits and trees and even fights for land.

2) What are the activities go around the land?

Ans: Man buys land, digs the earth and plants trees, fruits and grass on it. Children dance and play on land. Man also fences and makes boundaries over the land.

3) ‘I wait‘is repeated five times in the poem. ‘I am the land.’ what quality of the speaker highlighted with the repetition?

Ans: The repetition expresses the quality of patience and to bear the problems of the human beings. It tells us that the land is waiting for human beings to change and stop dividing the land.

4) “You cannot put a fence Around the planet earth,” Is this a tone of weakness or self-assertion? Give reasons for your answer.

Ans: It is a tone of self-assertion. It tells us that we may try to possess land and fence it, but in reality we cannot control the earth. Because the earth binds us by its power of nurturing life.

5) Why does Earth say that she cannot be fenced?

Ans: Mother Earth is big and powerful planet and is way beyond anybody’s control. If she keeps quite while human beings commit various problems.

4 marks long answers

Answer the following question in 8-10 sentences.

1)Write the summary of the poem “I am the land.”  (SSLC Exam 1.4.2020)

2) How does the poet describe that the earth has an ocean of patience in the poem, “I am the land”.  (Preparatory Exam 2020)

Ans: In the poem ‘I am the land’ the poet depicts the mother earth as the speaker. Mother earth tells that she waits with patience when people claim that the land belongs to them.

They occupy the land, plough, plant trees, grow fruits and grass. The children dance and play on the land. The land bears everything without a complaint. The soldiers come with guns fighting for the land.

People build fences on the land to divide nations which suffocates like chains in her neck. But mother earth mocks at the people’s behaviour with a tone of self assertion.

3) Describe the feelings of the Mother Earth in the poem “I am the Land” in your own words. (SSLC Exam 24. 09. 2020)

4) How does the poet Marina de Bellagenta express the feelings of the land? (Dept. Model QP 2019)

5) “You cannot put a fence around the planet earth.” Justify this statement. (Model QP 2020)

Ans: In the poem ‘I am the land’ the poet tells that the mother earth has ocean of patience. Man uses land in many way but she lie patient. People do many activities and disturbs the land.

Chainlink necklace chokes and suffocates her. But the land’s self assertion is that man cannot put fence around the planet earth. Man can’t get control over the land. In front of man land is always supreme.

6) ‘I am the land’ is about the conflict between human beings and the Land’ justify this statement.   (Model QP 2020)

7) Write the substance of the poem I am the land.  (Series Exam 2019)

8) How does the poet Marina de Bellagenta expressed the feelings of the land ? (Model QP 2019)

Ans: In the poem, I am the land the poet depicts the mother earth as the speaker. Mother earth tells that she waits with patience when people claim that the land belongs to them. They occupy the land, plough, plant trees, grow fruits and grass.

The children dance and play on the land. The land bears everything without a complaint. The soldiers come with guns fighting for the land. People build fences on the land to divide nations which suffocates like chains in her neck. But mother earth mocks at the people’s behavior with a tone of self assertion.

9)‘The earth in the poem ‘I Am The land’ is worried about the humans’ attitude towards it’. Justify.    (Preparatory Exam 2019)

10) “Patience is the utmost quality of Land.” How can you elaborate this with the poem ‘I am the Land’?  (Model QP 2020)

11) The land is the real eye witness for all our activities.’ Illustrate.  (Model QP 2019)

Ans: In this poem earth is the speaker. Earth is speaking to the reader. Man thinks that he owns earth. People buy land, drill holes. People put fences, soldiers fight with guns, which chokes the land.

When people plough her, she gives fruits and flowers. Some come with guns and try to fence her. But people do not know that no one can fence her. She can punish the people. But earth waits patiently for men to realize.


1.”You come with guns a chain link necklace chokes me now.”

a) Who came with guns?
Ans: The soldiers
b) Who is choked here?
Ans: The earth
c) How do we chock the earth?
Ans: We put fence on the earth. It is like a necklace around the neck of the earth.lt choked the earth.


a) Who is ‘you’ referred here?
Ans: People
b) What is the mood of the speaker expressed here?
Ans: The earth is in a mood of self assertion
c) Why does it feel so?
Ans: The speaker mocks at the people who makes wars and build fences on the land.

3.”You say you own me,l wait”

a) Who does ‘You’ and ‘l ‘refer to?
Ans: you refers to people and I refers to land.
b) What is owned here?
Ans: Earth is owned here.
c) Why does the earth wait?
Ans: The earth has lot of patience.

4.”Then some tickles me plant life…fruits”

a) What does ‘tickle’ mean in this poem?
Ans: plough the land
b) What is the mood of the speaker in the statement?
Ans: The mother earth waits patiently.
c) Who does the word ‘some’ refer to here?
Ans: People who own earth.

5. “I am the land. I wait.”

a) Who is the speaker?

Ans: The earth / the land

b. Why is the speaker waiting?

Ans: Beacuse the earth has lot of patience.

c. Who is ‘I’ referred here?

Ans: the earth

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