Gentleman of Rio en Medio 2 marks questions and answers

Gentleman of Rio en Medio 2 marks questions and answers. Notes of the lesson Gentleman of Rio en Medio for class 10.

In this video we are going to learn Gentleman of Rio en Medio question and answer. We have provided 2 marks important questions from Gentleman of Rio en Medio.

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Gentleman of Rio en Medio 2 marks questions and answers

Questions and answers form Gentleman of Rio en Medio

1. Describe the appearance and manners of Don Anselmo.


Don Anselmo’s appearance and manners were unusual. Justify it.

Answer: Don Anselmo’s coat was old, green and faded. His gloves were old & torn. He bowed to the Americans and removed his hat and gloves slowly and carefully. He was a man of principle.

2. How do you say the Americans were good people?


How can you say that the Americans were generous?

Answer: The Americans were good people because they did not want to cheat Don Anselmo. They discovered that Don Anselmo owns more than eight acres of land. So they are willing to pay twice the money for his land.

3. Don Anselmo was a man of principles and generous. Justify it. (June 2020, June 2016)


Don Anselmo was fond of the children of his village. Illustrate it. (March 2016)


Don Anselmo was compassionate on his land and children of his village. Explain it. (March 19)


What makes you think that Don Anselmo was a man of principles?

Answer: Don Anselmo tilled the same land his people had tilled. He was principled and generous because he refused to take more money. He was fond of the children because he planted a tree, whenever a child was born.

4. Why did the Americans offer double money to the old man?


‘We have made a discovery.’ What discovery did Americans make? What was the result of the discovery?

Answer: Americans discovered that the old man had more than eight acres of land. As a result, they offered him double the money for it.

10th class Gentleman of Rio en Medio notes

5. Describe old man’s land and house.


Why do you think that The Americans wanted to buy Don Anselmo’s land?

Answer: Don Anselmo’s house was small, wretched and quaint. A little creek ran through the land. Trees in the orchard were gnarled and beautiful.

6. What made the Americans complain against the children of Rio en Medio?

Answer: The children of Rio en Medio were overrunning property and built play fences. They played under trees and took blossoms.

7. How did the Americans solve the problem of ownership? (Preparatory 2010)

Answer: The Americans approached each person of the village. They convinced them. It took a long time to convince but finally it happened.

8. Don Anselmo was generous. Justify. (March 2018)

Answer: Don Anselmo was generous. Because he was a man of principles. He refused to take the extra money offered by the Americans for his land. He said the trees belonged to the children.

9. The story teller offered the old man almost the double of what he had quoted earlier. Why?

Answer: According to the surveyor, the land was double so the old man was offered the double of what he had quoted earlier.

10. What was the reaction of the old man to the story teller’s offer?

Answer: The old man thought a while and he felt insulted and refused the offer. He was the man of principles, so according to him, it was not fair to accept more money than agreed before.

11. What did Don Anselmo do as he left the place with the money?

Answer: As he left the place with the money, Don Anselmo shook hands all around, put on his ragged gloves, took his stick and walked out with the boy behind him.

10th class English notes

12. How did the old man greet the people who had been waiting for him?

Answer: The old man bowed to all of them in the room. Then he removed his hat and gloves, slowly and carefully. He talked about rain and other ice breaking words.

13. Why did the story teller fail to convince Don Anselmo to accept extra money?

Answer: The story teller failed to convince because Don Anselmo felt that he was insulted by the offer and he was a man of principle who fixed himself to his talk alone.

14. Why did the author say that the Americans were buena gente?

Answer: The Americans did not want to cheat Don Anselmo and they were willing to pay him twice the promised money for his land. Hence the author says that the Americans were buena gente.

15. Why couldn’t Don Anselmo sell the trees on his ranch?

Answer: Don Anselmo planted a tree for every child born and so the trees in the orchard belonged to the people. Hence he could not sell the trees as they did not belong to him; they belonged to the people of Rio en Medio.

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