SSLC English FA 1 question paper 2023-24 (Part 2). Download 10th class FA 1 question papers. English FA 1 question papers for class 10.
In this post we have uploaded 10th standard FA 1 question papers with key answer. Formative assessment question papers for SSLC. SSLC English FA 1 question paper 2023-24 (Part 2)
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Subject: English
Class: 10th
Medium: Kannada
State: Karnataka
Cost: Free
Sub-topic: FA 1 Question paper with key
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Answers: Given key answer
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Year: 2023-24
Board: Karnataka KSEEB
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Watch this video for the explanation of SSLC English FA 1 question paper 2023-24 (Part 2).
English FA 1 question papers for class 10
Achievement Test: 01
Subject : English Formative Assessment 1 Marks : 20
Class : 10th Time : 45 minutes
Q. I Do as directed: 4×1=4
1. Which one of the following word has mono syllable?
Manage, wonder, School, study
2. Write the correct form of the word given in the bracket.
Patil, the sub-inspector was an _________ (honour) person.
3. Frame ‘Wh’ question to get underlined word/words as answer:
His classmates looked at him with respect.
4. Combine the word in column’ A’ with its collocative word in column ‘B’
Quick (song, decision, play, game)
Q.II Answer the following question in two or three sentences. 1×2=2
5) Why had the students been marching? How was it an unusual march?
Q.III Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow. 2×3=6
6) “You think you are wiser than newspaper.”
a) Who is the ‘you’?
b) What was in the newspaper?
c) What made the speaker say so?
7) “Whom can I call?” He asked quickly.
a) Who is the ‘I’ here’?
b) What made the speaker ask quickly?
c) Whom did he call?
Q.IV Quote from memory. 1×4=4
8) The throned _____________________
Q.V Answer the following question in 8 to 10 sentences. 1×4=4
9) Write in your own words the substance of the poem “Grandma Climbs a Tree”.
10th standard FA 1 question papers with key answer
1) School
2) honourable
3) Who did look at him with respect?
4) decision
5) The students were marching to give a notice to collector. That was an unusual march because there were no slogans, no shouts and they marched silently.
a) Swami
b) About bravery of a village lad.
c) Because Swami didn’t agree with the news paper’s report about bravery of village lad. He argued
that he might be well grown up person.
a) Baleshwar Mishra
b) Baleshwar quickly asked because he thought she should blackout once more.
c) He called Roma’s brother Dinesh.
8) The throned monarch better than his crown.
His sceptre shows the force of temporal power,
The attribute to awe and majesty,
Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;
9) The poem ’Grandma Climbs a Tree ’is written by Ruskin Bond. Ruskin Bond’s grandmother has an unusual habit of climbing the trees. She was a genius and could climb up trees very quickly even at the age of sixty-two. Granny had such an unusual gift since childhood. She learned climbing trees at six from her loving brother.
But She was very happy in a tree than in lift. Her neighbors advised her to stop climbing tree in old age and spend her life gracefully. She rejected their advice.
One day she climbed up a tree but could not come down. After the rescue the doctor recommended her a week bed rest. But she felt it like a hell. Soon she recovered and asked for a house on tree top. Her son fulfilled her wish. He and the poet built a house on tree top. The Granny enjoyed her remaining part of life happily. Thus Granny enjoyed her unusual gift of life in nature.