English notes for GPSTR exam. Rearrange the sentence and summary writing. Profile writing and syllable. GPSTR, KARTET and CTET notes.
In this post we will learn profile writing for GPSTR, Summary writing for GPSTR, Jumbled sentences for GPSTR and syllable for GPSTR exam.
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Activity 1. Rearrange the sentences in a right sequence to form a meaningful story.
Read the jumbled sentences and rearrange them in a proper sequence to construct a meaningful story.
A. One hot day, an ant was moving near a river bank.
B. The ant screamed for help as the water flow was strong.
C. Suddenly, the ant fell into the river.
D. The ant climbed on top of the leaf and reached the shore safely.
E. A dove which was resting on a nearby tree saw the ant.
F. The dove quickly plucked off a leaf and dropped it into the water.
G. The ant wanted to save the dove so it quickly bit his leg.
H. A few days later, a hunter came to the river bank.
I. He saw the dove and wanted to kill it.
J. The dove thanked the ant for saving its life.
K. The dove heard the hunter’s cry and flew away.
L. The hunter shouted in pain and missed the shot.
Rearrange the sentences
A. One hot day, an ant was moving near a river bank.
C. Suddenly, the ant fell into the river.
B. The ant screamed for help as the water flow was strong.
E. A dove which was resting on a nearby tree saw the ant.
F. The dove quickly plucked off a leaf and dropped it into the water.
D. The ant climbed on top of the leaf and reached the shore safely.
H. A few days later, a hunter came to the river bank.
I. He saw the dove and wanted to kill it.
G. The ant wanted to save the dove so it quickly bit his leg.
L. The hunter shouted in pain and missed the shot.
K. The dove heard the hunter’s cry and flew away.
J. The dove thanked the ant for saving its life.
Activity 2. Read the following information about Mr. Raman and write a paragraph using the points given.

Mr. Raman is an engineer. He is very handsome, jovial and confident. Rama is very determined and disciplined man. He had strong will power. He had a beautiful wife and two children.
Passage reading
Activity 3. Read the passage and summarize it in your own words.
The most important thing is that we should have freedom of thought. This is not as easy as it sounds, for everyone likes to have freedom for himself, but none is ready to give it to the others, when they express different opinions. Therefore, if we are to think new thoughts we must try to study all sides of the topic that comes before us and not be contented with only what we read in newspapers or what others say.
Ans: Freedom of thought is a right of human being. Now a day everyone wants to have freedom but they are not ready to give freedom. Because they express different opinion of freedom of thought. So we need to study all sides of the topic. Don’t depend on what others said or on the newspaper reports.
Activity 4. Read the following group of words and circle the odd word which does not have equal syllables as other words in each group.
a. remind, bother, solitude, finite, gutter
Ans: solitude
b. tonight, bomb, act, count, dumb, month
Ans: bomb, act, count, dumb, month
c. chocolate, generosity, animal, celebrate, business
Ans: celebrate, generosity
d. vocabulary, similarity, qualification, superficiality, communication
Ans: vocabulary, similarity, qualification, superficiality, communication
e. community, personification, autonomy, education, exhibition
Ans: no odd number
Watch this video for explanation of English notes for GPSTR exam. Rearrange the sentence and summary writing. Profile writing and syllable. GPSTR, KARTET and CTET notes.