English grammar activity for GPSTR exam

English grammar activity for GPSTR exam

English grammar activity for GPSTR exam. General English grammar for all competitive exams. Learn modals and language functions and verb forms.

In this post we will learn English grammar activities for GPSTR, KARTET and CTET exams. English grammar for competitive exams.

To get more video notes for GPSTR exam visit our YouTube channel. This channel is very useful for all competitive exams.

Learn grammar through communication

Use of Modals and Language function:

Task 1: Some sentences are given below :

a. Rewrite them beginning with the clue given in brackets.

b. Identify the language function. One example is given.

e.g.: Is it all right if I sit here?

(Begin with ‘could……’)

Function – Seeking permission.

Sentence rewritten: Could I sit here?

1. Please return my library books.

(Begin with ‘ will’ ______________) Ans: Will you please return my library books?

Function ________________ Ans: Requesting

2. The files are heavy. I’ll carry them for you.

(Begin with ‘would’______________) Ans: Would you want me to carry the files for you? They are heavy.

Function_____________ Ans: offering help

3. That’s your essay. Perhaps you will have no objection if I see it.

(Begin with ‘May ________’ _________) Ans: May I see your essay? Hope you have no objection if I see it.

Function ______________ Ans: Request and enquiry

4. Let me switch on the fan, OK?

(Begin with ‘Do you’ _________’ __________) Ans: Do you mind if I switch on the fan?

Function__________________ Ans: Polite enquiry

5. ‘Bring the books to my office.’

(Begin with ‘would’ ________’ __________) Ans: Would you bring the books to my office?

Function _______________ Ans: Polite question.

Task 2 : Use the above words meaningfully to fill in the blanks in the following sentences. You can change the form of the word if required. One example is given.

1. Five of us squeezed ourselves into the back seats.

2. English people love to ………. about the weather.

Ans: chat

3. Arun …………….. Shaila close and wiped away her tears.

Ans: held

4. I haven’t ………… to Steve about all this.

Ans: talked

5. All club members have been ………….. to attend the annual meeting.

Ans: implored

6. Sudha …………….. over her shoulder.

Ans: peeped

7. The thief has …………… away her purse and ran.

Ans: snatched

8. Would you mind …………….. to fetch the kids from school?

Ans: going

9. Veena ………….. me to fetch water.

Ans: stared

10. Many people are unable to …………. the unhappiness they feel.

Ans: articulate

Learn Grammar through Communication

Task 3: Choose the correct verb out of the two given in brackets:

1. Neither he nor you __________ wrong, (is / are) Ans: is

2. His father and uncle __________ their own business, (has / have) Ans: have

3. The first innings __________ very interesting, (was / were) Ans: was

4. Either Amrutha or her friends __________ taken it.(has / have) Ans: have

5. Every one of the boys __________ sitting silent in the hall. (was / were) Ans: was

6. Every leaf __________ fallen from this tree, (has / have) Ans: has

7. Each of the boys __________ done his homework, (has / have) Ans: has

8. He, as well as you, __________intelligent, (is / are) Ans: is

9. Bread and butter __________ his daily diet, (were / was) Ans: was

10. Either you or he __________ done it. (has / have) Ans: has

11. One of the boys punished, (was / were) Ans: was

12. Neither the children nor their mothers admitted to hospital, (were / was) Ans: were

Watch this video for explanation of English grammar activity for GPSTR exam.

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