English grammar activity 2

English grammar activity 2

English grammar activity 2 for GPSTR exam. In this post we will learn linking words, syllabification and SMS decoding. English notes for GPSTR notes.

This post is very useful for KARTET and CTET exam also. English grammar for all competitive exams. Study material for GPSTR exam.

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Task 1. Here are some sentences. Combine them using the linkers given in brackets. One is done for you.

e.g. It rained heavily. We reached home in time. (though)

Though it rained heavily, we reached home in time.

1. There is shortage of water. Some people are wasting it unthinkingly. (although)

Ans: Although there is a shortage of water, some people are wasting it unthinkingly.

2. There was heavy traffic. We were delayed. (since)

Ans: Since there was heavy traffic, we were delayed.

3. The students played for an hour. They attended to their studies later on. (and then)

Ans: The students played for an hour, and then attended to their studies later on.

4. We expected a difficult question paper. The questions asked in the examination were easy. (but)

Ans: We expected a difficult question paper, but the questions asked in the examination were easy.

5. The flight was delayed. The weather was cloudy. (as)

Ans: The flight was delayed as the weather was cloudy.

6. The student scored less marks. He had not studied properly. (because)

Ans: The student scored less marks because he had not studied properly.

Task 2: Split the following words into their syllables:

1. probability 2. determination 3. accept 4. Canteen 5. again 6. conscience 7. idea 8. Reflection


1. prob-a-bil-i-ty

2. de-ter-mi-na-tion

3. ac-cept

4. can-teen

5. a-gain

6. con-science

7. i-de-a

8. re-flec-tion.

Task 3: Decode the following sms into sentences: – (one has been done for you)

1. ‘Try it jst 1s again,’ he wudsA.

Sentence: – ‘Try it just once again,’ he would say.

2. Yday, i rot leaVletta 2 hm.

Sentence: Yesterday, I wrote a leave letter to him.

3. My sis gt 8T% n mats n 2ndtst.

Sentence: My sister got 80 percent in Mathematics in the second test.

4. bravo India 1d match

Sentence: Bravo! India won the match.

5. w’rgunA excursion on satdy 2 historical places.

Sentence: We are going on an excursion on Saturday to historical places.

6. Im ill, i cnot attend today’s skool so plzgivyr notesindevng.

Sentence: I’m ill, I cannot attend today’s school. So please give your notes in the evening.

7. do d hmwrk quickly n zzzwel. Gudn8.

Sentence: Do the homework quickly and sleep well. Good night.

Watch this video for explanation of English grammar activity 2 for GPSTR exam.

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