E mail writing tricks

E mail writing tricks

E mail writing tricks for GPSTR exam. We will learn email writing format samples and professional email writing examples. email writing for KARTET.

In this post we will learn email writing models and format. These models are very useful for GPSRT exam in descriptive writing notes.

To get more video notes for GPSTR exam visit our YouTube channel. This channel is very useful for all competitive exam preparation.

email writing format:

email writing tricks:

1. Write an email to inform your classmates regarding the technical festival in the college.

From: (email ID of sender)

To: (email ID of recipient)



Subject: Technical Festival.

Hello Everyone!

I am pleased to inform you that, we have organized technical fest in our college and you all are inviting to take part in technical fest on 4th April at 10:00 in the auditorium on a college campus.

For further details, feel free to contact either me or volunteers.


(Your name)

Class representative

2. Write an email to sanitary department regarding bad conditions of the locality.

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Date: 18th April 2022

Subject: Bad conditions of the locality.

Sir / Madam

Through this email, I would like to draw your attention towards the insanitary conditions of Basava Nagar. It is so bad that I fear the spread of several diseases. These are heaps of garbage. Drains are blocked. I am afraid that if nothing is done quickly, a disease might spread. I will request you to send your people to clean the colony. Visit it regularly.

Yours sincerely


3. Write an e-mail to the editor of The Indian Express on the issue of the indiscriminate cutting of trees.

From: [email protected]

To:  [email protected]  

Date: 18th April 2022

Subject: Value of trees

Dear Sir

Trees and plants have a vital role in our lives. In truth, life is possible because the trees are there. They provide us with oxygen which is essential for our life. Besides, they also add to the scenic beauty. The trees supply us ; timber which is essential for making houses and its furniture. Birds and; even some animals get their food and shelter from the trees. The same trees provide human beings with fruits and herbs. So through your newspaper I ask the people and authorities to stop this indiscriminate: cutting of the trees.

Yours sincerely


Watch this video for explanation of E mail writing tricks for GPSTR exam.

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