Dr.B.R.Ambedkar lesson question and answer

Dr.B.R.Ambedkar lesson question and answer

Dr.B.R.Ambedkar lesson question and answer for SSLC students. 2 marks important questions and answer from Dr.B.R.Ambedkar lesson for class 10.

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2 marks questions from Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Lesson:

1. As a student, Ambedkar had a great thirst for books. Support this statement. OR

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was a voracious reader. Justify.

Ans: Dr. Ambedkar bought books by curtailing his daily needs. In New York, he purchased 2000 old books. In London he brought many books. He needed 32 boxes to be sent to India.

2. Why did Nehru choose Dr. Ambedkar as the first law minister of Independent India? OR

Nehru choose Dr. Ambedkar as the law minister. What might have prompted him to do so?

Ans: Dr. Ambedkar had skills in the field of law and legislation. He had vision of social justice. He made campaigns against social injustice.

3. What made Dr. B.R. Ambedkar describe the methods of civil disobedience, non-cooperation and Satyagraha as the ‘Grammar of anarchy’? OR

Dr. Ambedkar considers public agitation in free India as unconstitutional. Why?

Ans: These methods of agitation do not suit a democratic set up. They may result in loss of public lives and property.

4. Why is Dr. B.R. Ambedkar considered as a champion of the depressed classes in India?

Ans: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar spent all his time and talent for the improvement of the depressed classes. He tried to bring awareness through his newspapers and institutions. He tried to bring equality.

5. How did the fourteenth amendment to the American constitution influence on Ambedkar?

Ans: The fourteenth amendment to the US constitution gave freedom to the Black Americans. He saw the parallel situation for the depressed classes in India.

6. Why did Nehru describe Dr. B.R. Ambedkar as ‘a symbol of revolt’?

Ans: Dr. Ambedkar had a vision of social justice. He fought for the depressed classes in the society. He made various provisions in the constitution for the upliftment of the depressed classes.

7. How did Dr. Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi try to wipe out caste discrimination from India?

Ans: Gandhiji reminded the higher castes of their duties towards the depressed classes. Baba Saheb Ambedkar reminded the depressed classes of their rights.

8. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar had rare gifts. Justify the statement.

Ans: Dr. Ambedkar was tactful and he had an ocean of patience. He had the gift of clearing the most complicated legal concept in a simple language. He fought for the oppressed and depressed classes.

9. Why did Ambedkar stress the importance of constitutional methods to achieve social objectives?

Ans: In a democratic country civil disobedience, non-cooperation and Satyagraha may result in the loss of lives and public property.

10. What were the opinion of the Buddha and Avvai regarding the caste division?

Ans: According to Buddha there are only two castes. One is noble and other one is ignoble. The Tamil poetess Avvai had said that there are only two castes, One is charitable and other one is miser.

11. There were great luminaries on the drafting committee. Dr. Ambedkar is remembered as the pilot. Give reasons.

Ans: Ambedkar was the chairman of the Drafting Committee. He explained clearly the meaning and scope of the Draft Constitution. He had the rare gift of unravelling the most complicated legal concepts in a language which the laymen understood.

12. What is the significant observation of Dr. Ambedkar on the constitution?

Ans: The constitution is a fundamental document which defines the power and position of three pillars of the state. The other purpose of constitution is to limit their authority to avoid tyranny and oppression.

13. What were Dr.Ambedkar’s idea / perception of the three pillars of state?

Ans: Dr.Ambedkar had a clear idea about mutuality of the Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary. He said that the jurisdiction of each should be clear and untrammeled. He had sense of the importance of the sole of citizen.

Watch this video for explanation of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar lesson important question and answer.

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