Develop the story using the clues for class 10

Develop the story using the clues for class 10. Story development questions and answers for SSLC.10th class story writing.

In his post we are going to discuss how to write story using the clues. Story writing questions for class 10. English grammar for 10th class.

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Develop the story using the clues for class 10

develop the story using the clues given below with answers

1. Develop the story using the clues given below: 1×3-3

A boy used to cry for new costly shoes—poor father—factory worker—meagre salary—couldn’t afford—the boy cried a lot—left home—saw a beggar at the bus stop—he had no legs—realization happened—thanked God for giving him two legs—realized the love and care of his parents. Moral of the story.


In a town, there lived a boy, innocent and unaware of his life and his blessings. He always created tantrums to buy a pair of costly shoes that he had seen in the shop the other day. His parents, being factory workers, couldn’t afford such luxuries with the little salary they got. The child eventually left home. Wandering, he saw a man begging for money; he was wearing torn clothes, dragging his body, since he had no legs. The boy realized how blessed he was and expressed his gratitude to God for giving him such loving and caring parents.

Moral of the story: The grass is always greener on the other side. We are always unaware of the blessings we have.

2. Develop the story using the clues given below: 1×3-3

Twelve fools start on a journey — cross a river — count themselves — one man lost — a passer-by offers help — gives each a blow on the back — they count twelve strokes — satisfied — moral.

Story development questions and answers for SSLC


Once twelve fools set on a journey. On their way they came across a river. Since there was no other alternative they had to cross the river. After crossing the river, they counted themselves. But they got troubled to find one man lost. One by one every fool counted the others but always forgot to count himself. So they thought that they were left eleven in number. They suspected that one of them might have drowned in the river. Meanwhile one man was passing from there. Seeing them troubled that passer-by offered his help to them. He started counting them and gave each a blow on the back. The fools counted twelve strokes. It made them fully satisfied.

Moral: Foolishness is a threat to life.

3. Develop the story using the clues given below: 1×3-3

One day a poor man – starving – went to rich man’s shop- “Sir, give me some sugar, I will eat it with little rice I have’’- rich man shouted – “go away you beggar – beat you otherwise’’. – Poor man -’If you don’t give sugar but at least be sweet like sugar – it costs nothing – rich man ashamed.


Story writing questions for class 10

One day a poor man was walking through a narrow street. He was starving because he didn’t have much food neither money to buy some food he wants. He saw a big shop at the ending of the street, so he went to the rich man’s shop. He said ” Sir, give me some sugar, I will eat it with little rice I have.

The rich man looked at him with big red eyes with a angry expression, then the rich man shouted ” Poor man! just go away! I don’t have sugar for you! Then the poor man flinched and said in a calm yet sad expression – ” If you don’t give sugar but at least be sweet like sugar, it costs nothing.

After saying this the poor man went away. And the rich man was ashamed of what he did to the poor man.

Watch this video for the explanation of Develop the story using the clues for class 10.

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