Degrees of comparison for all competitive exams. Learn English grammar for CET and other competitive exams. Competitive English grammar.
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What are Degrees of Comparison?
Degrees of Comparison are adjectives that change form and are used to compare one thing or person to another. Adjectives have their own degrees called degrees of adjectives or degrees of comparison that compare one thing/person to another.
Types of Degrees of Comparison?
Degrees of Comparison are of three types. They are given below.
1. Positive Degree:
The positive degree of an adjective in comparison is the adjective in its simple form. It is used to denote the existing state of a person or thing and is used when no comparison is made. It is called positive degree.
E.g: The cat runs fast.
2. Comparative Degree:
The comparative degree of an adjective in Degrees of Comparison denotes the higher degree of the quality than the positive. It is used when two things or two sets of things are compared. It is called comparative degree.
E.g: The cat runs faster than dogs.
3. Superlative Degree:
The superlative degree conveys the highest quality of a person or a thing. It is used when more than two people or things are compared.
E.g: The cat runs the fastest of all animals.
Degrees of comparison word list:
Positive Degree | Comparative Degree | Superlative Degree |
High | Higher | Highest |
Fast | Faster | Fastest |
Strong | Stronger | Strongest |
Bright | Brighter | Brightest |
Black | Blacker | Blackest |
Bold | Bolder | Boldest |
Clever | Cleverer | Cleverest |
Cold | Colder | Coldest |
Great | Greater | Greatest |
Kind | Kinder | Kindest |
Long | Longer | Longest |
Small | Smaller | Smallest |
Sweet | Sweeter | Sweetest |
Tall | Taller | Tallest |
Fast | Faster | Fastest |
Young | Younger | Youngest |
Bad | Worse | Worst |
Big | Bigger | Biggest |
Brave | Braver | Bravest |
Beautiful | More beautiful | Most beautiful |
Cheap | Cheaper | Cheapest |
Clean | Cleaner | Cleanest |
Close | Closer | Closest |
Cool | Cooler | Coolest |
Cute | Cuter | Cutest |
Dark | Darker | Darkest |
Deep | Deeper | Deepest |
Dull | Duller | Dullest |
Easy | Easier | Easiest |
Few | Fewer | fewest |
Fine | Finer | Finest |
Good | Better | Best |
Happy | Happier | Happiest |
Hard | Harder | Hardest |
Healthy | Healthier | Healthiest |
Heavy | Heavier | Heaviest |
High | Higher | Highest |
Hot | Hotter | Hottest |
Handsome | More handsome | Most handsome |
Lazy | Lazier | Laziest |
Large | Larger | Largest |
Late | Later | Latest |
Light | Lighter | Lightest |
Little | Less | Least |
Lovely | Lovelier | Loveliest |
Many | More | Most |
Near | Nearer | Nearest |
New | Newer | Newest |
Neat | Neater | Neatest |
Old | Older | Oldest |
Popular | More popular | Most popular |
Poor | Poorer | Poorest |
Pure | Purer | Purest |
Rich | Richer | Richest |
Safe | Safer | Safest |
Sad | Sadder | Saddest |
Sharp | Sharper | Sharpest |
Short | Shorter | Shortest |
Small | Smaller | Smallest |
Smart | Smarter | Smartest |
Wise | Wiser | Wisest |
Wide | Wider | Widest |
Weak | Weaker | Weakest |
Ugly | Uglier | Ugliest |
Rule 1:
When the comparison is of a single entity between two people, more or most is to be used.
Manju is smarter than Harish. – Incorrect
Manju is more smarter than Harish – Correct
Rule 2:
Superlative degree should be used for comparing three or more, whereas comparative degree should be used for comparing two.
Sinchana is a clever student. (Positive Degree)
Sinchana is cleverer than Rani. (Comparative Degree)
Sinchana is the cleverest of all the students in the class. (Superlative Degree)
1. Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world. (Change in comparative degree)
Ans: Mount Everest is higher than any other peak in the world.
2. ‘Shakuntula’ is better than any other drama in Sanskrit. (Change in positive degree)
Ans: No other drama in Sanskrit is as good as Shakunthala.
3. The lion is the most ferocious animal. (Change in positive degree)
Ans: No other animal is as ferocious as the lion.
4. He is richer than all other men in the village. (Change in superlative degree)
Ans: He is the richest man in the village.
5. Very few animals are as useful as the cow. (Change in superlative degree)
Ans: The cow is one of the most useful animals.
6. Ashoka was one of the most powerful emperors. (Change in comparative degree)
Ans: Ashoka was more powerful than many other emperors.
7. India is hotter than most other countries. (Change in superlative degree)
Ans: India is one of the hottest countries.
8. Silver is not as precious as gold. (Change in comparative degree)
Ans: Gold is more precious than silver.
Change into athor degrees of comparison
9. A deer runs faster than a horse. (Change in positive degree)
Ans: A horse doesn’t run as fast as a deer.
10. Very few poets are as great as Keats. (Change in comparative degree)
Ans: Keats is greater than many other poets.
More examples for practice:
No other democracy in the world is so large as India. (Positive Degree)
India is larger than any other democracy in the world. (Comparative Degree)
India is the largest democracy in the world. (Superlative Degree)
No other river in the world is so long as the Nile. (Positive Degree)
The Nile is longer than any other river in the world. (Comparative Degree)
The Nile is the longest of all the rivers in the world. (Superlative Degree)
No other woman is so kind as Mother Teresa. (Positive Degree)
Mother Teresa is kinder than any other woman. (Comparative Degree)
Mother Teresa is the kindest of all women. (Superlative Degree)
No other country is as rich as India. (Positive Degree)
India is richer than any other country. (Comparative Degree) India is the richest of all countries. (Superlative Degree)
The Tajmahal is the most beautiful of all buildings. (Superlative Degree)
The Tajmahal is more beautiful than any other building. (Comparative Degree)
No other building is so beautiful as Tajmahal. (Positive Degree)
Very few girls are as beautiful as Shruti. (Positive Degree)
Shruti is more beautiful than most of the other girls. (Comparative Degree)
Shruti is one of the most beautiful girls. (Superlative Degree)
Vivekananda was greater than most of the saints in the world. (Comparative Degree)
Very few saints in the world were as great as Vivekananda. (Positive Degree)
Vivekananda was one of the greatest saints in the world. (Superlative Degree)
English grammar for competitive exams
Radha was the wisest lady. (Superlative Degree)
No other lady was as wise as Radha. (Positive Degree)
Radha was wiser than any other lady. (Comparative Degree)
Watch this video for explanation of Degrees of comparison for all competitive exams.