Conditional sentences

Conditional sentences

Conditional sentences for GPSTR exam. If clause in English grammar. Examples for conditional sentences. Examples for if clause. English grammar for GPSTR exam.

In this post we are going to learn conditional sentences and examples. Open condition- type 1 condition, Improbable condition type 2 condition and Impossible condition type 3 condition.

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‘If’ clause is used when

1 It is possible to fulfil conditions. (Open condition- type 1 condition)

2 It is theoretically possible to fulfil conditions. (Improbable condition type 2 condition)

3 It is impossible to fulfil conditions. (Impossible condition type 3 condition)

Examples of TYPE 3 are given for you.

Study the given situations. They suggest that it is impossible that the condition will be fulfilled as it refers to the past. One is done for you.

Task 1 :

Rohini and her friends were on a picnic. They couldn’t take photographs as John forgot to carry his camera. How did John express his feelings?

Rohini : John, did you bring your camera?

John : Oh! Sorry.

Rohini : It’s Ok.

John : If I had brought my camera, we’d have taken some photographs.

Task 2 :

Complete Hemanth’s mother’s reaction. Hemanth moved to the edge of the compound to pluck guava fruits. He lost balance, fell down and broke his leg. His mother said, “If you had not moved ……….. .”

Ans: “If you had not moved to the edge of the compound, you wouldn’t have fallen and broken your legs.”

Task 3 :

In the inter-school cricket match, the captain of your school team chose only one fast bowler. As a result, your team lost the game.

Your reaction : If the captain of our team ……………. (complete the sentence)

Ans: If the captain of our team had chosen more than one fast bowler, we would have won the game.

Task 4 :

Monsoon rains failed. Farmers couldn’t grow crops. Newspaper reported: Had it rained ………………..

(complete the sentence)

Ans: Had it rained sufficiently, the farmers could have grown crops.

Task 5 :

Shanthanu scored less marks in English. Therefore, he couldn’t get a seat in the college he wanted. Guess the response of his father : ……………………..

Ans: If you had scored good marks in English, you could have got a seat in the college of your choice.

Task 6 :

Chitra : You missed the train, didn’t you ?

Saina : Yes. I went to the railway station at 10.30.a.m. But the train had left at 10.15.a.m.

Chitra : If you —— —— (go) to the station at 10.a.m, you wouldn’t———— ———— ( miss) the train.

(complete the sentence)

Ans: If you had gone to the station at 10 a.m., you wouldn’t have missed the train.

More exercise of If Clause:

1. If they had been more careful, this ……………………………..

Ans: would not have happened

2. If you …………………….. a little earlier, you could meet her.

Ans: arrived

3. If you ………………………… faster, you could have overtaken him.

Ans: had run

4. If you call me names again, I ……………………….. you.

Ans: will hit

5. If she didn’t mend her ways, she …………………………… in trouble.

Ans: would be

6. If you had practiced well, you …………………………………. better performance.

Ans: could have delivered

Watch this video for explanation of Conditional sentences for GPSTR exam. If clause in English grammar. Examples for conditional sentences. Examples for if clause.

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