Colours of Silence 3 marks SA questions and answers

Colours of Silence 3 marks SA questions and answers for 9th standard students. We have provided 3 marks questions and answers from Colours of Silence for class 9.

In this post we are going to learn important notes of the lesson Colours of Silence. Here we have given only 3 marks questions from Colours of Silence. Colours of Silence lesson is for 9th class second language English for Karnataka state syllabus.

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Colours of Silence 3 marks SA questions and answers

Colours of Silence 3 marks SA questions and answers for class 9


Colours of Silence – 3 marks SA questions and answers

1. Narrate the circumstances that compelled Satish stay at home.


How did Satish meet with an accident? How did it affect his formal education? (March 2018)


Narrate the incident that deprived Satish of regular school going.


Satish went to Kashmir during summer. He went hiking with his father and brother. They were crossing a rickety bridge. Standing on the edge he looked at the swirling water. Suddenly he lost his balance and fell into the rapids. He was badly hurt and became deaf. No school gave him admission. So he stayed at home.

2. How can you say that physical disability is no barrier to success in Satish’s life.


How did Satish achieve a great name in spite of his disability?


Satish met with an accident which changed his destiny. Explain.


‘Satish became a great artist.’ Support this statement mentioning a few of his achievement.


How did Satish Gujral become popular all over the world?


In spite of his disability, Satish was able to succeed in his life. Justify (March 2019)


The accident was turning point in Satish’s life. Justify (June 2015)


Satish became deaf after he got an accident. He could not go to school. After looking at the bird, he started drawing and painting at home. Satish became a great artist with the support of his father. He made a name in the field of painting, sculpture, architecture and writing. His works were exhibited almost all parts of the world and displayed in prestigious museums like the Museum of Modem Art, New work, The Hiroshima Collection, Washington and the National Gallery of Modem Art, New Delhi. So he became popular all over the world.

Colours of Silence lesson is for 9th class second language English for Karnataka state syllabus

3. Each family member had great concern for Satish. Justify it.


Both the parents were his well-wishers. But, each cared for him in a different way. How?


Sathish’s father and mother thought differently. According to Satish’s father, he should learn something by reading and able to earn his livelihood in the future. Instead of that if he spends

his time in painting, how should he lead his future by mere an artist. But mother soft hearted didn’t have this type of far vision, she simply thought that why should they restrict for his happiness. Both the parents were well-wishers, they thought differently.

4. How did the bird inspire Satish to become an artist? (June 19)


How did the bird trigger Satish’s creativity? (Preparatory 2020)


How did the bird change Satish’s life?

Answer: One day he saw a rare bird that was flying here and there. It had long tail and black crest. It had restless energy and to flight at any moment. He was attracted by the bird and sketched the bird from his memory. He liked his sketch, and kept beside his bed on the pile of books. He had discovered his past time by filling the pages with pictures and patterns of his thinking. Like this the bird in the garden changed his life.

Important notes of the lesson Colours of Silence

5. Why was Satish confined to bed? What was the worst thing for him? Why was it so?


Satish met with an accident when he had gone hiking with his father and brother. He had to undergo several operations to set his leg right. In addition, he suffered from frequent bouts of fever and infection, especially of the ear. The worst was the silence that surrounded him as a result of the infection in the ear, as he lay confined to the bed.

6. Satish didn’t want to go to a new school. What were the reasons?


Satish was a very sensitive and delicate boy. He had hesitation to talk to other children and had a fear that they would make fun of him for his disability (deafness). The children at a new school were new to him, so he didn’t want to join a new school.

7. Which action of Satish changed his father’s attitude?


Satish had very good skills in painting. He did his painting with devoted and dedicated interest. He got much pleasure in painting. One day though Satish knew his father was not pleased with his painting pastime, he was immersed and busy in painting. By seeing all these, his father’s attitude was completely changed and he agreed to continue and encouraged him a lot.

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