Collocative word list

Collocative word list
Collocative word list

Collocative word list for high school students. Important collocation word list for SSLC students. Download list of important collocative words.

In English grammar collocation words are very useful for spoken English as well as writing English. That reason we provided list of collocative words.

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1. Arm chair46. Fast food91. Post box
2. Air plane47. Front Bencher92. Pondered future
3. After noon48. Firework93. Photo studio
4. Anyone49. Generate power94. Quick temper
5. Back word50. Grandmother95. Quick cure
6. Back bone51. Get married96. Rosy lips
7. Black bird52. Get ready97. Raise doubts
8. Blood bank53. Get lost98. Raise money
9. Beautiful girl54. Hand kerchief99. Renovated house
10. Bed room55. Heavy drinker100. Railway station
11. Butterflies56. Hard worker101. Rainbow
12. Boiled egg57. House hold102. Ragged gloves
13. Book mark58. Home maid103. Save time
14. Book worm59. Handsome boy104. Shake hands
15. Broad hearted60. Honey moon105. Sun flower
16. Board bus61. Keep quite106. Self-discipline
17. Bright boy62. Key board107. Something
18. Break record63. Key answer108. Save electricity
19. Breakfast64. Keep silence109. Super market
20. Brisk walk65. Ladies compartment110. Super star
21. Bypass66. Leave letter111. Super power
22. Catch fire67. Long chat112. Super man
23. Curly hair68. Long chart113. Sincere officer
24. Commit suicide69. Loud voice114. Sweet moment
25. Commit crime70. Life time115. Steel railing
26. Commit mistake71. Life line116. Small boy
27. Catch cold72. Lifelong117. Speed recovery
28. Chain smoker73. Light house118. Text book
29. Combat violence74. Lay emphasis119. Tooth paste
30. Dimple cheek75. Long run120. Table salt
31. Developed nation76. Make business121. Take chance
32. Dutiful husband77. Money order122. Time table
33. Dead line78. Moon light123. Take action
34. Draw money79. Mouth watering124. Take notes
35. Draw laughter80. Meet requirements125. Take care
36. Draw parallel81. Make arrangements126. Under ground
37. homework82. Make money127. Up date
38. Earth quack83. Make gesture128. Unexpected turn
39. Eye balls84. Modern science129. White wash
40. Eye sight85. Noble thoughts130. Wary faces
41. Freedom fighter86. Noble leaders131. Water fall
42. Fast train87. Nuclear bomb132. White teeth
43. Foot ball88. Pay attention133. Wall clock
44. Friendship89. Pop corn134. Wheel chair
45. Face challenges90. Police constable135. Young man

Watch this video for Collocative word list for high school students. Important collocation word list for SSLC students. Download list of important collocative words.

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