Awareness Poem Questions and Answers for class 7. Notes of the poem Awareness of 7th standard students. KSEEB solutions for class 7 English poem chapter 2 Awareness.
In this post we are going to discuss question and answer of Awareness poem for 7th class English. Let’s download questions and answers of Awareness poem for 7th class.
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Awareness poem 7th standard question answer
POEM: 02
Poem Questions and Answers for class 7
KSEEB Solutions for Class 7 English Poem Chapter 2 Awareness
C1. Answer the following questions in one sentence each:
1. Name the things that are tossed on the grass.
Answer: Broken bottles and curved pieces of glass wadded up newspapers.
2. What are sprayed on our food?
Answer: Insecticides and poisons are sprayed on our food.
3. What pollution is mentioned in the third stanza?
Answer: Air pollution is mentioned in the third stanza.
4. What risk are we taking by staying in such a world?
Answer: Our lives are at risk. It may cause the destruction of man.
C2. Answer the following after discussing with your group/ partner:
1. What damage to nature is discussed in the first stanza?
Answer: The stanza highlights several forms of environmental pollution. Broken bottles, half-burnt glass pieces, and bundles of newspapers contribute to pollution. Non-biodegradable materials like plastics and glass can cause soil pollution. Additionally, the cutting down of trees to make way for concrete buildings further harms the environment.
2. How is our food contaminated?
Answer: Our food becomes contaminated because we spray poisons and insecticides on it.
3. Describe the way the air is being polluted.
Answer: Various factors cause air pollution, including factories emitting smoke, mills releasing yellow fumes, and airplanes discharging caustic gases from aviation fuels. Additionally, nuclear weapons testing in remote deserts releases dangerous gases into the atmosphere, contributing significantly to air pollution.
KSEEB solutions for class 7 English poem chapter 2 Awareness
4. In what way can we solve these problems?
Answer: Everyone should be aware of the environmental issues and the conditions we live in. We need to take necessary measures to control air pollution, such as planting more trees, refining smoke emissions from industries, and raising awareness among people about the importance of environmental protection.
C3. Answer the following after discussing in groups:
1. What message does the poem give?
Answer: The poem conveys that environmental pollution, caused by factors like water, air, smoke, dangerous gases, noise, and contaminated food, poses significant hazards to our health, leading to both physical and mental diseases. Animal and plant life also suffer as a result. To overcome this, we must raise awareness among people and pledge to take actions that do not harm the environment. If we fail to do so, the destruction of mankind is forthcoming, and our lives are in danger.
2. Write at least five environmental awareness statements displayed in public places.
1. Plant Trees for a Better Future.
2. Say no to plastic; Use eco-friendly bags.
3. Keep Our Earth Clean.
4. Save Water, Save Life.
5. Save Electricity; Turn off the lights.
Additional questions and answers for the poem Awareness for 7th standard:
1. Who is the author of the poem “Awareness”?
Answer: The author of the poem “Awareness” is Sylvia Stults.
2. What warning does the poet give in the poem?
Answer: The poet warns us to be aware of the environmental conditions we live in.
3. What impact does crude oil have on the environment?
Answer: Thick crude oil mixed in the sea and oceans causes significant harm to aquatic plants and animals.
Notes of the poem Awareness of 7th standard
4. How do industries contribute to air pollution?
Answer: Industries contribute to air pollution by emitting poisonous gases into the atmosphere.
5. What does the poet suggest is necessary to address pollution?
Answer: The poet suggests that everyone should be aware of pollution and take necessary actions to address it.
6. What is the potential consequence if action is not taken against pollution?
Answer: If we do not take action, the poet warns that mankind’s future may face destruction.
7. How does pollution from industries affect the air we breathe?
Answer: Pollution from industries affects the air we breathe by releasing poisonous gases, which contaminate the atmosphere.
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