Articles and Usage (Part 1)

In English there are three articles. Articles are used before nouns. In this post we will learn rules of articles and how to use in the sentences.

Types of Articles

  1. Definite article (the)
  2. Indefinite articles (a, an)

1. Definite Article:

The definite article is used before nouns to indicate the identity of the noun is known to the reader. It is used before a singular or plural noun. It is used for specific people or things.

2. Indefinite Article:

The indefinite article is uesd before a noun that is gereral or when it is identity is not known.

To understand the correct use of articles, It is important to know that nouns be either count or non count. In adittion, count nouns are either singular or plural. But non countable nouns are always in singular form.

Definite Articles:

‘The’ is called the definite article. Because it is used when we speak of a particular person, place, thing or animal.

E.g: 1. This is the pen which was presented.

2. The man you spoke was my father.

3. I saw the boy stealing.

Use of definite article:

Rule : 1 Before a particular person, place or thing, one already referred to.

E.g: 1. The book you have read is very interesting.

2. The girl you called was my classmate.

3. I saw a man. The man was my uncle.

Rule : 2 Before the names of Gulfs, Rivers, Seas, Oceans, Islands, Mountains etc.

E.g: 1. The Ganga is holy river.

2. The Pacific ocean is beautifu.

3. I visited the Persian Gulf.

4. I saw the Mount Everest.

Rule : 3 Before the names of certain books.

E.g: 1. The Ramayana is our epic.

2. I have read the Bible.

3. The Mahabharat is written by Vedavyasa.

Rule : 4 Before the names of things unique of their kind.

E.g: 1. The Sun is very hot.

2. The Mars is a plante.

3. The moon is very cool.

4. I am living on the earth.

Rule : 5 WIth superlatives.

E.g: 1. He is the tallest boy.

2. She was the brightest girl.

3. Bhima is the strongest boy.

Rule : 6 With ordinals.

E.g: 1. He is the first man.

2. Ramya is the second girl in our house.

3. It is the third matter to talk.

Rule : 7 Before the names of musicl instruments.

E.g: 1. Ravi is playing the sitar.

2. Geeta bought the violine.

3. He is playing the tabla.

To know more about articles and explanation watch the following video. This video explains all the rules of article and how to use in a sentence. To watch the video click on the photo given below.

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