All the World Her Stage notes

All the World Her Stage notes

All the World Her Stage notes for 8th standard students. We explained important questions and answers from the lesson All the World Her Stage.

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Questions from all the world her stage:

C1. Answer the following questions.

1)Who were usually playing companions for Sai in her childhood?

Ans: Sai’s grandfather, R.P. Paranjpye, was her playing companion.

2) Who was affectionately called Appa?

Ans: Sai’s grandfather was affectionately called ‘Appa’.

3) When was the grandfather very much impressed by Sai’s ability?

Ans: When Sai narrated a fairy tale of her own creation her grandfather was impressed by her talent.

4) What was sai’s first published book?

Ans: Sai’s first published book was a fairy tale book, called “Mulancha Mera.”

5) ‘Sai Froze’ when did it happen?

Ans: ‘Sai Froze’ when she stepped on a book.


C.2. Answer the following questions. 1)How could sai draw the attention of the playmates while they made fun of her?

Ans: When her friends made fun of her she starts a lovely game. It’s a magic island full of Children treasure. The friends came to her and listened to her story.

2) What fascinated Sai as a child?

Ans: Fairy tales fascinated Sai as a child.

3) Why the word ‘mother’ given within inverted commas in 16th & 17th paragraphs?

Ans: The word ‘mother’ is given in inverted commas because Sai played the role of bride’s mother in dolls marriage.

C 3. Some statements are given below some are true and some are false. Tick off ‘T’ or ‘F’ Also indicate in the box the paragraph numbers in which you can find your answer.

1) Sai looked very athletic (False) (12)

2) Sai used to tell fantastic stories to her friends. (True) (14)

3) Even as child Sai published a book. (True) (8)

4) Her grandfather did not take it seriously when she stepped on a book. (False) (10)

5) Pranjpye was a ‘Senior Wrangler’ (True) (2)

6) One of the Maharastrian Children’s game is marriage of dolls. (True) (15)

7) Sai told a story to her grandfather. (True) (4)

8) Sai learnt to regard books with respect. (True) (11)

C 4 QUESTIONS : All the World Her Stage notes

C4 Some important events in the story are given in a jumbled order. Put them in the order in which they are given in the text :

• Sai’s drawing the attention of the playmates.

• Grandfather telling her to treat books with respect.

• The usual sight of grandpa and Sai playing together.

• The wedding of dolls.

• Sai’s telling a story to her grandfather.


1.The usual sight of grandpa and sai playing to get her.

2.Sai telling a story to her grandfather.

3.Grandfather telling her to treat books with respect.

4.Sai’s drawing the attention of the play mates.

5.The wedding of the dolls.

C 5. Read and discuss and write.

1)Describe how grandfather and sai enjoyed each other’s company?

Ans: Every morning Sai went skipping with her grandfather. Her grandfather told her fables and put simple mathematical problems.

2) Why was grandfather very much impressed by sai’s story ?

Ans: Sai told her grandfather the fairy tale that was full of dragons and princes. Talking parrots and hidden gold. The story was very interesting. Therefore her grandfather was very much impressed.

3) What do you think the great achievement of Sai as a child?

Ans: When she was only eight she published a book of fairy tales, ‘Mulancha Mera’. This is her great achievement as a child.

4) Describe the incident in the library.

Ans: One day Sai by mistake stepped on a book. Her grandfather told her to ask the forgiveness of the book. According to him kicking a book was kicking knowledge. So sai bent and did Namaskar.

5) How was Sai able to win over her friends?

Ans: When her friends made fun of Sai she sat sadly. At one she cried and called her all friends. She told that she know of a lovely game. Its magic island fun of hidden treasure. When her playmates heard this they came to her and listened to her story.

6) What surprise awaited Sai one day as she came back from school?

Ans: When Sai returned form the School the whole house looked like marriage hall. She was dressed like a mother of the bride. The bands arrived. The groom road on real horse. Bride was brought by chanting mantras.

Watch this video for explanation of All the World Her Stage notes.

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