A Day in the Ashram question and answer

A Day in the Ashram question and answer

A Day in the Ashram question and answer for 8th standard students. In this post we will discuss notes of the lesson A Day in the Sharam.

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A Day in the ashram queations

C 1 Answer the following questions.

1) Who named the School ‘Shantiniketan’?

Ans: Gurudeva Rabindranath Tagore named the School Shantiniketan.

2) When does the day in Shantiniketan begin?

Ans: The day begins long before the sunrise.

3) What is termed by Gurudeva as, ‘the darling of our hearts’?

Ans: Shantinikethan is termed as darling of our hearts by Gurudev.

4) Which phrase is used in paragraph to mean ‘both the old the young people’?

Ans: The Phrase used is “old and young alike”

5) The boys in Shantinlketan get up early in the morning. Who else are the early risers?

Ans: The Choristers are the first to rise early in the morning.

Questions of a day in the ashram

C 2  Answer the following questions.

1) What kind of work do the boys practice in the afternoon?

Ans: In the afternoon boys practice handiwork. The work is chiefly with hand and mind.

2) What are Shantinikethan boys famous for?

Ans: Shantinikethan boys are famous for their sports and games.

3) How do the boys spend evenings before they go to bed?

Ans: Before they go to bed some fairy tales are told, short dramas are recited and different school gatherings are held.

4) Read the second Paragraph carefully what it describes is :

a) the greatness of the teachers.

b) the song of the choristers.

c) the lessons taught in the Ashram.

d) the silent meditation of the inmates.

Ans: b) the song of the choristers.

8th class notes

C 3  Read and discuss. Then write.

1) What is the effect of the song of the choristers on the listeners?

Ans: The Choristers are the first to rise and they go round the Ashram singing their morning hymn. The beauty of the sound in the silent morning air and the sense of joy gives peace to the soul.

2) How are the classes held in the afternoon in Shantiniketan?

Ans: In the afternoon classes are chiefly with hands as well as mind. Handiwork is practiced. Some boys prefer carpentry others prefer mechanical work, others enjoy spinning, weaving, draftsman, painting and music.

3) How do the boys spend their evenings in Shantiniketan?

Ans: In the evening the boys return from their fields and sit down to do short meditation in silence.

4) How are the classes at Shantiniketan different from the classes in other schools?

Ans: In other School they don’t offer natural education. They have large buildings and classrooms. Only bookish knowledge is important. But in Shantiniketan work of books is less. School is conducted in the open air. The boys are allowed to practice and learn with their own interest.

5) How does Shantiniketan prepare the boys for life?

Ans: The education in Shantiniketan is the living education. Boys are taught according to their tastes and preferences. They enjoy learning and become exports in the subject of their interest. That is how Shantiniketan prepares boys for life.



 The writer has used the phrase ‘living education’ to describe the experience in Shantiniketan. Some features of education are given below. Classify them into the categories of ‘living education’ and ‘unimaginative instruction’. Discuss in groups.

Memorizing, meditating, punishing learners, learning outside in nature, dictating notes, open discussion, students asking questions to teachers, students passively listening, experimenting, creative thinking, identifying students’ natural taste, bookish learning.

Ans: Living Education:

Meditating learners

Learning outside in nature,

Students asking questions

to Teachers Experimenting

Creative thinking. Identifying,

student’s natural tastes.

Unimaginative Instruction:



dictating notes,

Passive listeners,

bookish learning

C5 A Day in the Ashram question and answer

Write a paragraph describing your idea of a good school.

Good school is one where boys get living education. The school should give scope to all the students to develop their natural tastes. Students must be allowed to take part in sports and game. In good school scope should be provided for meditation and boys must be allowed to ask questions to their teachers and gain knowledge. ‘Prayer, singing hymns meditation all these should become part of education.


C6 A Day in the Ashram question and answer

Write a few lines about your school using the following clues:

Name of the School


School building

Facilities – about teachers, laboratory, library, sports etc.

Ans: Our School is located in the local area. The name of our School is Government High School. The building of our School is beautiful. There is a beautiful garden in front of our school. There is vast playground in front of the school building. We play different games after school hours. There are good experienced and learned teachers in our School. There is a big laboratory. All the facilities for experiments are available Teachers help us to conduct experiments.

V 1 A Day in the Ashram question and answer

Observe the use of nearer and nearer in the following example.

e.g. You can hear the voices in the distance, drawing nearer and nearer [near].

Fill in the blanks in each of the following sentence with the help of the clues given in brackets.

1. When you blow air into a balloon it becomes ____ and _____ [big]

2. As the train approaches the station, the sound of its whistle becomes ______ and _______ [loud]

3. If you practise harder and harder, you will feel _______ and _____ [much] confident to solve the problems.

4. Man has been constructing ______ and ______ [tall] buildings in the cities.

5. As you move away from a tree it looks _____ and ______ [small

Ans: 1) When you blow air into balloon it becomes bigger and bigger.

2) As the train approaches the station the sound of its whistle becomes louder and louder.

3) If you practise harder and harder you will feel more and more confidant to solve the problems.

4) Man has been constructing taller and taller buildings in cities.

5) As you move away from a tree it looks smaller and smaller.

V2 A Day in the Ashram question and answer

Fill in the blanks using some and others. e.g. Some prefer carpentry, others prefer mechanical work.

1. You can see shining objects in the sky at night. Some of them are planets, others are stars.

2. There are many fruits in the basket. Some of them are mangoes, others are bananas.

3. After the bell, some boys went out to play, others went home.

4. There are a few books on the table. Some of them are text books, others are not.

5. Some of the apples in the basket are good others are bad.

8th prose notes

V3 Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate words from the words given in brackets.

Last ______ [week, weak] I went to a shop to _____ [by, buy] a pair of trousers. I bought one and returned home. When I tried to _____ [wear, ware] it, I found that it was rather ____ [loose, lose]. So I went to the shop in fury. But the shopkeeper was out. So I had to ____ [wait, weight] for half an hour. When he returned. I shouted at him, “See, how big it is. It fits an elephant”. He replied coolly looking at my pot belly, “Therefore we offered it to you, Sir”.

V 4 Fill in the blanks using the antonyms of the words underlined.

1. Krishna was a rich king, while his friend was a poor man.

2. Madanika is tall but her brother is short.

3. Radhika is strong but her sister is weak.

4. Silk is soft ; iron is hard.

5. I can remember stories but forget lessons.

V5 Classify the following into prefixes and suffixes:






ex minister












8th standard notes

V6 Fillintheblanks withthe appropriateprefixes choosing fromthe ones given above [V5] : re, less, ful, mis, non, anti, ment, able, ish, in, ex, ion, ship, multi, sub, ive.

1. The school re opens on June 1.

2. Manish eats meat. He is a non- vegetarian.

3. Terrorists are anti- social.

4. Bakra Nangal is a multi- purpose project.

5. Plastic chairs are in- expensive.

V7 Fill in the blanks with appropriate suffixes choosing from the ones given above [V5]: re, less, ful, mis, non, anti, ment, able, ish, in, ex, ion, ship, multi, sub, ive.

1. He was comfortable in his seat on the train.

2. He was acting in a very childish way.

3. She looked at her reflection in the mirror.

4. India has won the Championship at Sharjah.

5. The rate of employment in India has been rising steadily.

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