There’s a Girl by the Tracks lesson work sheet with key answer. Activity work sheet for class 10. SSLC worksheet with answers.
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Worksheet on There’s a Girl by the Tracks lesson for class 10
There’s a Girl by the Tracks
Lesson work sheet with key answer
Write basic details of Roma Talreja and Baleshwar Mishra. Watch the following picture of individual character. Some clues are given in the table. Write in details of using the given clues.

Name: Roma Talreja Age: Qualification: Occupation: Fiancé name: Reason for accident: |

Name: Baleshwar Mishra Age: Qualification: Occupation: Reason for offering help: |

Tempo-truck driver State: Speaking language: Age: About helping nature: |
1. look at the picture and write few lines about Rama’s falling from the train.

Answer: |
2. Write a paragraph describing on the following picture.

Answer: |
Read the following extract and answer the questions that follows.
1. “There’s a girl by the tracks!”
a) Where was the speaker?
Answer: _______________________________.
b) Who was the speaker?
Answer: _______________________________.
c) Why was she by the tracks?
Answer: ____________________________________________.
2. “Let’s go and help her.”
a) where was she?
Answer: _______________________________.
b) what happened to her?
Answer: _______________________________.
c) why did they have to help?
Answer: ____________________________________________.
3. “I hope I’m not too late.”
a) who is I here?
Answer: _______________________________.
b) what did he have to do?
Answer: _______________________________.
c) Why did he hope so?
Answer: ____________________________________________.
4. “Please help me take her to the hospital.”
a) Who was requesting?
Answer: _______________________________.
b) Whom did he request?
Answer: _______________________________.
c) Why did he have to take her to the hospital?
Answer: _______________________________.
5. “Chacha can I borrow your mobile?”
a) Who is ‘your’ in this context?
Answer: _______________________________.
b) Who wanted the mobile?
Answer: _______________________________.
c) Why did he want the mobile?
Answer: _______________________________________.
Download English pdf worksheet and key answers for class 10
6. “I can’t imagine what would have happened if Baleshwar hadn’t been there.”
a) who is the I here? Answer: _______________________________.
b) Why was Baleshwar there? Answer: _______________________________.
c) What would have happened? Answer: _______________________________________.
Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each.
1. Why did Baleshwar revisit the spot where Roma had fallen?
Answer: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
2. After Roma’s recovery, what did she say about Baleshwar?
Answer: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
3. Why did Baleshwar take Roma to the Multi-speciality hospital?
Answer: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
4. How did Roma fall on the tracks?
Answer: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
5. Who volunteered to help Baleshwar? How did he help him? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
There’s a Girl by the Tracks work sheet key answer
There’s a Girl by the Tracks
Lesson work sheet with key answer
Write basic details of Roma Talreja, Baleshwar Mishra and Tempo-truck driver. Watch the following picture of individual character. Some clues are given in the table. Write in details of using the given clues.
Name: Roma Talreja Age: 21-year-old Qualification: Occupation: call centre executive Fiancé name: Vijay Reason for accident: Train’s compartment was full rush. |
Name: Baleshwar Mishra Age: 20-year-old Qualification: High-school dropout He was from: Mirzapur, UP Occupation: unemployed Reason for offering help: He was kind hearted. |
Tempo-truck driver State: Gujarat Speaking language: Gujarati Age: middle-aged man About helping nature: Carried Roma to the hospital and gave cell phone to contact. |
ಅಭ್ಯಾಸ ಹಾಳೆಗಳು ಹಾಗು ಉತ್ತರಗಳು
1. look at the picture and write few lines about Rama’s falling from the train.
Answer: Roma Talreja fell from the train beside the tracks. Roma, jammed between other women in the train, she was trying to find some space to stand safely on when she suddenly got pushed, lost her tenuous foothold and panicked. |
2. Write a paragraph describing on the following picture.
Answer: Baleshwar jumped off the still moving train to help Roma. He wanted to carry her to nearby hospital but no one is ready to stop vehicles. “My sister is injured,” he implored motorists. But no one stopped. |
SSLC worksheet with answers
Read the following extract and answer the questions that follows.
1. “There’s a girl by the tracks!”
a) Where was the speaker?
Answer: In the train.
b) Who was the speaker?
Answer: Passengers from the opposite train.
c) Why was she by the tracks?
Answer: She fell from the moving train.
2. “Let’s go and help her.”
a) Where was she?
Answer: She was by the tracks.
b) What happened to her?
Answer: Fell from the train and injured.
c) Why did they have to help?
Answer: Because she was bleeding and unconscious.
3. “I hope I’m not too late.”
a) Who is I here?
Answer: Baleshwar Mishra.
b) What did he have to do?
Answer: He need to carry that girl to the hospital.
c) Why did he hope so?
Answer: Because he couldn’t see the girl by the tracks.
4. “Please help me take her to the hospital.”
a) Who was requesting?
Answer: Baleshwar Mishra
b) Whom did he request?
Answer: Motorists
c) Why did he have to take her to the hospital?
Answer: Because she was injured seriously.
5. “Chacha can I borrow your mobile?”
a) Who is ‘your’ in this context?
Answer: Tempo-truck driver.
b) Who wanted the mobile?
Answer: Baleshwar Mishra.
c) Why did he want the mobile?
Answer: To inform about Roma’s accident.
6. “I can’t imagine what would have happened if Baleshwar hadn’t been there.”
a) Who is the I here?
Answer: Roma Talreja
b) Why was Baleshwar there?
Answer: To help Roma Talreja.
c) What would have happened?
Answer: She would have bled to death.
There’s a Girl by the Tracks lesson for class 10
Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each.
1. Why did Baleshwar revisit the spot where Roma had fallen?
Answer: Baleshwar revisited the spot to find out Roma’s belongings. Dinesh told him that her mobile phone and handbag were missing.
2. After Roma’s recovery, what did she say about Baleshwar?
Answer: After the recovery, Roma said she could not imagine what would have happened if Baleshwar had not been there. Roma was amazed to hear about the manner in which she had been rescued.
3. Why did Baleshwar take Roma to the Multi-speciality hospital?
Answer: Baleshwar took Roma to the nearby hospital, which gave her treatment but as the hospital lacked facilities, he took her to divine multi-speciality hospital where she could be treated well.
4. How did Roma fall on the tracks?
Answer: Roma Talreja had squeezed herself near the door of the crowded ladies compartment of a train. She tried to find some space to stand, suddenly she got pushed and fell from the moving train.
5. Who volunteered to help Baleshwar? How did he help him?
Answer: The tempo truck driver helped Baleshwar by offering a place in his truck to take Roma to hospital. He lent his phone to inform her family. He didn’t expect money or thanks in return.
Watch this video for the explanation of There’s a Girl by the Tracks lesson work sheet with key answer.
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