The Song of India 4 marks questions and answers for class 10. Notes of The Song of India for SSLC. We have provided important questions from the poem The Song of India. 10th class second language English 4th poem The Song of India question and answer.
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10th class second language English 4th poem The Song of India question and answer
1. Write the summary of the poem ‘The Song of India’ in your own words.
Sum up the conversation between the poet and the mother India in sentences of your own. (SSLC Exam 29. 06. 2022)
The poem ‘The Song of India’ is written by V.K.Gokak. The poet wanted to sing about the Himalayas, three seas and golden rays of sun. But mother India wishes him to sing about beggar and leaper.
The poet wished to sing about temples, soldiers, seers and prophets. Mother India asked him to sing about old, ignorant and helpless children.
The poet wants to sing about dams and lakes, steel mills, ship building yards and atomic age. But she forces him to sing about struggle of the past and present and also about class war.
Finally, the poem ends with optimistic view, motherland sitting on the waves incarnating the supreme power to write the destiny of our nation.
2. How does the poet wish to praise the mother India? (SSLC Exam 06. 04. 2023)
India is described in terms of its physical features which are beautiful, be it the majestic Himalayas, be it the magnificent seas, be it the clear sunrise.
The poet wants to praise about the song of rock-cut temples, Epics in stone or sacrifice of her children and her own children or the inspired persons, famous prophets or the great persons who made great tasks or any worthy pilgrims.
The poet wanted to sing about the achievements and progress made by the countrymen. He wished to sing about the dams and lakes, about steel mills or of the atomic age.
Important questions from the poem The Song of India
3. How does the poet describe the progress achieved in our country in the poem ‘The Song of India’? (SSLC Exam 30. 03. 2022)
Vinayaka Krishna Gokak wrote the poem in the style of a dialogue between Mother India and the Poet. In this poem, the poet aspires to convey a wonderful picture of India’s industrial progress while simultaneously presenting a glorious vision of the past.
The poet wanted to sing about the achievements and progress made by the countrymen. He is ready to sing praises of industrially and technologically developed India as he has witnessed dams, lakes, steel mills, and ship building yards. He is, confident that the hard-working men of India can put India on the glorious page of the atomic age.
4. The poet V.K. Gokak’s vision of India is full of hope. Describe. (SSLC model question paper 2022-23)
The speaker in the poem ‘The Song of India’ wonders what he should sing for his motherland., whether he should glorify the Himalayas, its abundance or the seas on the three sides. Or, may be about the beggars and lepers; or the dirty surroundings that mar his streets. Similarly, he thinks whether he should sing of the rich cultural heritage or the freedom fighters who laid their life for the country. The Mother answered to sing the song of people who are in misery due to their ignorance; sing about the helpless child. Still, the speaker asks what to sing, thinking it his job. Again he wonders if he should sing about the advancements in our country.
The speaker said Our mother India has to write the book of our destiny, cancelling all our sorrow. Tomorrow should be clear dawn. Our nightmare should flee in the night. We have to write our bright future.
The Song of India questions and answers
5. How does the poem present the ills or problems affecting our country?
The poem juxtaposes the strengths and weaknesses of the country. If the strengths are mentioned by the poet as the possible themes for his song of praise of the motherland, the ills are voiced by the Mother herself as the spokes in the wheel of progress. The two voices make it very clear to the poet that India as a country has enough reasons to be both proud and ashamed of.
India has natural resources, manpower, patriotism, magnificent temples and technological prowess; yet India also has beggars and lepers, filth and dirt, ignorance and helplessness, revolts and strikes. Thus for everything that is beautiful, there is something that is ugly; for everything that is healthy, there is something that is unwholesome. The poet employs the technique of contrasts to highlight this ambivalence of India.
6. What glorious picture of our country does the poem ‘The Song of India’ present?
Our country is God’s miraculous work because the physical features of the country are such that there is natural protection. On three sides there is the sea and in the north, there is the mountain range of the Himalayas. These features are not merely for protection. They are things of beauty and they also contribute towards the economic growth of the nation.
The man-made buildings like the stone-cut temples match the natural beauty and talk about the craftsmanship of the citizens of yesteryears. The Indians who fought for their freedom had exhibited their spirit of patriotism too. It is not that the Indians are known for their glory of the past alone. Modern India to has witnessed technological advancement. Thus India has had its due share of glory.
10th class second language English NOTES
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