The First Woman in the Space question and answer

The First Woman in the Space question and answer

The First Woman in the Space question and answer for 8th class. We discussed notes of the lesson The First Woman in the Space.

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The First Woman in the Space NOTES:

I. Answer each of the following in a sentence or two.

1. When did Valentina go round the earth? What was great about this event?

Ans: Valentina went round the earth on June 16,1963. She won the credit of being the world’s first space woman. It was a great event.

2. How did Valentina help her mother? What else was she doing at the same time?

Ans: Valentina went to work at a tyre factory and at a textile mill to help her mother. At the same time, she attended some classes at Yaroslav.

3. How did people all over the world share her joys at the historic moment?

Ans: People all over the world simply danced with joy when they heard that Valentina was going round the globe.

4. What did she say on landing after the space flight?

Ans: Valentina said that it was very nice to be a guest but it was always better at home and she felt joy at being home again when she landed.

5. Apart from flying, what were Valentina’s hobbies?

Ans: Apart from flying she was interested in music and literature. She loved reading.

II. Answer each of the following in a paragraph of about 80-100 words.

1. Imagine you are asked to interview Valentina Tereshkova. Prepare a list of questions you would like to ask her.


1. Good morning madam, What inspired you to achieve this success?

2. How do you. feel about your achievement?

3. Could you tell me about your early education?

4. Who supported you to do this achievement?

5. Do you have any other hobbies?

6. What is your advice to the younger generation?

7. Thank you so much Madam.

8th class eNGLISH NOTES:

 2. You must have read about Kalpana Chawla. Write in a paragraph the similarity and the contrast between the flights of Tereshkova and Kalpana Chawla.

Ans: Valentina is a Russian. She is the first woman cosmonaut in the world. Kalpana Chawla is an Indian. She is the First Indian woman Cosmonaut. Both of them went round the earth in space and made the observation of earth and gave information from the space. Valentina was dreaming of sailing on a ‘magic carpet.’ Kalpana Chawla also dreamt that she was flying an aero plane, while riding bicycle to the school.

3. What do you think youngsters like you can learn from the life of Valentina Tereshkova? Discuss and write.

Ans: Valentina’s early life was never a smooth sail and faced lot of problems. She lost her father at early age. She worked to help her family. At the same time she attended some night classes and graduated in a trade school. Later she became first woman cosmonaut in the world.

By understanding her life story, we should not get disheartened at the time of difficulties. We have to face difficulties with courage. We learn boldness, dedication, determination and hard working leads a great success in the life.

Watch this video for explanation of The First Woman in the Space question and answer for 8th class.

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