The Discovery extract questions

The Discovery extract questions

The Discovery extract questions for SSLC students. We discussed important extract questions from the discovery lesson for class 10th.

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EXtract questions from the discovery:

1. “What ! Does that child stand between me and death?” (SSLC exam 8.4.2015)

a) Who said this?

Ans: Columbus.

b) Who is referred to as ‘child’ here?

Ans: Pepe

c) When did the speaker ask this question?

Ans: When Pepe came to help Columbus from drunken seamen.

2. “It’s Sir! Glory be to God.” (SSLC Exam 18.6.2015)

a) Who said this?

Ans: Pedro

b) Who is ‘Sir’ referred here?

Ans: Columbus

c) Why did he thank God?

Ans: Because they discovered the light of the new world.

3. “Why should one man have the lives of fifty in his hands?”  (SSLC Exam 6.4.2016)

a) Who is the speaker here?

Ans: Diego

b) Who does ‘one man’ refer to?

Ans: Columbus

c) What does he mean by this statement?

Ans: Diego and other seamen were becoming impatient. They wanted to go back Spain. But Columbus was not ready to do so.

4. “I am your captain. Your duty is to obey me as mine is to obey the Royal Sovereigns of Spain who sent me.”  (SSLC Exam June 2016)

a) Who does ‘I’ refer to?

Ans: Columbus

b) Who had to obey him?

Ans: All seamen

c) Why were they disobedient to him?

Ans: Because seamen were becoming impatient. They wanted to go back Spain.

5. “The first man to move shall spend the rest of the night in irons!”    (27.6.2019)

a) Who gave this warning?

Ans: Columbus

b) What made the speaker give this warning?

Ans: To control the drunken seamen rushing toward him.

c) What was the reaction to this warning?

Ans: The drunken seamen stopped moving but Guillermo moved forward.

6. “The Santa Maria will be lighter for his carcass.”  (Preparatory exam 2016)

a) Whose words was Pepe quoting here?

Ans: Guillermo Ires.

b) What is the Santa Maria?

Ans: Name of the ship.

c) What do the words reveal about the person who said them?

Ans: The speaker was so upset with Columbus that he wished he was dead.

7. “Discipline is the thing of past, Sir It’s you or us.

a) Who does ‘you’ refer to?

Ans: Columbus

b) When did the speaker say so?

Ans: When Columbus said ‘Discipline knows no buts.’

c) What mood does it reveal about the speaker?

Ans: Francisco was desperate. He had no respect for Columbus.

8. “There are limits to our patience, Sir.

a) Who said this?

Ans: Diego

b) Who does ‘sir’ refer to?

Ans: Columbus

c) When did the speaker say so?

Ans: Columbus asked Diego if he was becoming impatient.

The Discovery extract questions:

9. “They shan’t! They shan’t !

a) Who said this?

Ans: Pepe

b) Who does ‘they’ refer to?

Ans: The seamen

c) When did the speaker say so?

Ans: When Pepe noticed the disobedience of the seamen towards Columbus.

10. “A good sailor knows his place.

a) Who is the speaker?

Ans: Columbus

b) When did the speaker say this?

Ans: The speaker said this to Diego when he found him on the quarter deck.

c) What was Diego’s reaction?

Ans: Diego tried to suppress his anger and with a scowl went off from there.

11. “Discipline knows no buts.

a) Who said this and to whom?

Ans: Columbus said this to Francisco.

b) When did the speaker made this statement?

Ans: When Francisco was not ready to call Guillermo.

c) What does the statement mean?

Ans: One should not hesitate to enforce discipline.

12. “Cowards, cowards you will have to kill me first.

a) Who is the speaker?

Ans: Pepe

b) Whom did the speaker call ‘coward’?

Ans: The Guillermo and other seamen.

c) When did the speaker say these words?

Ans: When Guillermo and other seamen tried to attack on Columbus.

13. “Let Guillermo Ires be sent to me. He shall know what it is like in irons.

a) Who said these words?

Ans: Columbus

b) Who did the speaker ask this?

Ans: Pedro

c) Why did he ask him to send Guillermo?

Ans: Because Columbus wanted to punish Guillermo.

14. “Everyone doubts except me.”

a) Who does ‘me’ refer to?

Ans: Pepe

b) About whom did everyone doubt?

Ans: Columbus

c) Why were they in doubt?

Ans: They thought that Columbus was talking them to nowhere. They doubt that they would not discover new world.

15. “The deepening of their discontent is ominous.

a) Who made this statement?

Ans: Columbus

b) Whose ‘discontent’ does the speaker refer to?

Ans: The seamen’s discontent.

c) What does ‘ominous’ mean in the context?

Ans: Ominous mean bad.

Watch this video for explanation of The Discovery extract questions for SSLC exam preparation.

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