The Concert lesson 2 marks question and answer

The Concert lesson 2 marks question and answer

The Concert lesson 2 marks question and answer is provided for SSLC exam. We have discussed important notes of the lesson the concert.

In this post we have given top 10 questions from the concert lesson. The Concert lesson 2 marks questions and answers are given for class 10.

To get more notes visit our YouTube channel. This channel is very useful for 10th class exam preparation.

The Concert lesson notes:

Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each.

1. What makes you to think that Aunt Sushila had supported Anant’s family? OR

“Aunt Sushila was a generous lady”. Justify.

Ans: Whenever Smitha’s family came to Bombay for Anant’s treatment they stayed in aunt Sushila’s house. Though her house was small, she always provided them a room.

2. How do you say that Anant was a talented boy? (SSLC Exam 1. 4. 2020)

Ans: Anant was the best table tennis player and the fastest runner. He was learning to play Sitar and was already able to compose his own tunes.

3. Pandit Ravishankar, the Sitar maestro deserves our appreciation. Support this statement. OR

The artists visiting Anant was unusual. Explain briefly/Justify. (SSLC Exam 24. 09. 2020) OR

What makes the readers appreciate Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha? OR

Pandit Ravi Shankar came to Smita’s house. Why do you think it was an unusual incident? OR

The response of Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha to Smita’s request was unusual. Justify.

Ans: Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustab Allah Rakha were great musicians. They were busy people. They were kind and sympathetic. They visited Anant’s home and played for him.

4. Suddenly a daring thought came to Smita. What was the thought? (Preparatory Exam 2018) OR

How did Smitha fulfill her brother’s wish? OR

How did Smitha try to bring Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha to her house? OR

Why do you think Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Sahib agree to play for Anant?

Ans: Smita planned to request Pandit Ravi Shankar to play for her brother. After the concert Smita approached Pandit Ravi Shankar. She explained the condition and the wish of her brother. They were touched by her brother’s story. They came to her house and played for him.

5. The neighbours of aunt Sushila could not believe their eyes. What made them feel so?

Ans: The neighbours could not believe because they saw Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha the two great maestros coming to their apartment.

6. Why did Smita and her family come to Bombay? Who did they stay with them? (Preparatory Exam 2018)

Ans: Smita’s brother, Anant had been struck with cancer. They had come to Bombay so that he could be treated at the cancer hospital in the city. They stayed with aunt Sushila.

7. ‘They had come with high hopes.’ What hopes did Anant’s parents have

Ans: Anant’s parents had high hopes in the miracle of modern science. They thought that he would be cured. Then he could walk and run again.

8. ‘Where there is will, there is way’. How is this saying apt for Smita? (Model QP 2020)

Ans: Smita went to the concert with her father. She also gathered courage to request Panditji to come to her house and play for Anant. It was unbelievable for everyone. Thus we can justify that ‘Where there is will, there is way’ is apt for Smita.

9. How did Pandith Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha keep their promise to Smita? (Model QP 2020)

Ans: After listening to Smita’s story about her brother, Pandith Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha were promised to play for the boy. The next day they arrived at Smita’s house. They sat down on the divan by the window and played for the boy.

10. Anant’s parents had come with high hopes. What hopes did parents have? (Series exam 2022)

Ans: Anant’s parents had high hopes in the miracle of modern science. They thought that he would be cured. Then he could walk and run again.

Watch this video for the explanation of The Concert lesson 2 marks question and answer for 10th class exam.

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