SSLC Question bank 5

SSLC Question bank 5
SSLC Question bank 5

SSLC Question bank 5 with key answers. Important extract questions for 10th class exam. We have explained important notes for SSLC.

In this post we have explained ‘There’s a Girl by the Tracks’, ‘Gentleman of Rio en Medio’, ‘Colours of Silence’ and ‘I am the Land’ poem extract question and answer.

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SSLC Question bank 5 with key answers:

Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follows:

1. “Let’s go and help her”.

a) What made this statement?

Ans. Baleshwar Mishra.

b) Why did they have to help?

Ans. She had fallen from the train.

c) Who is ‘girl’ referred here?

Ans- Roma Talreja.

2. “The trees in that Orchard are not mine, Senor”.

a) What do you mean by ‘senor’?

Ans: A word of respect like ‘mister’ in English.

b) According to Don Anselmo, who did the trees belong to?

Ans: The tree belonged to the children of Rio-en-Medio.

c) Why did he feel so?

Ans: Because every time a child was born in the village, he had planted a tree for that child.

3. “If you want to get on in life, you have to read a lot.”

a) Who is the speaker?

Ans: Avtar Narain / Satish’s father

b) Who is ‘you’ referred here?

Ans: Satish

c) Which books did the speaker offer?

Ans: ‘The Life of Garibaldi’, books of Munshi Premchand, Sarat Chandra and others.

4. “A chain-link necklace chokes me now.”

a) Who has put the chain link necklace?

Ans: The people or soldiers.

b) Who does ‘me’ refer to?

Ans: The land.

c) Why was the chain-link necklace put there?

Ans: People who owned the land wanted to protect their property from trespassers. Therefore, they might have put a chain-link necklace around the land.

5. “Behenji aap theek hai?” he asked. But there was no response, and no help in sight.”

a) Who is ‘he’ here?

Ans: Baleshwar Mishra.

b) Who does ‘behenji’ refer to?

Ans: Roma Talreja.

c) Why there was no response?

Ans: Because Roma was in unconscious mood.

6. “I argued with him but it was useless.”

a) Who argued with whom?

Ans: The author argued with Don Anselmo.

b) What was argued with him?

Ans: He argued with him to take the extra amount for the extra land.

c) What was the result?

Ans: He signed the deed and collected the money what he had quoted earlier.

7. “This is an idle pastime.”

a) Who is the speaker?

Ans: Avtar Narain / Satish’s father

b) Which is an idle pastime here?

Ans: Sketching / drawing.

c) Why do you think father is against drawing?

Ans: Because drawing is an idle pastime. Artists make a pittance and live in poverty.

8. “Car lot eyes I stare.”

a) Who is staring here?

Ans: The land.

b) What did the speaker stare?

Ans: The scene of making muddy holes by the people.

c) What do you mean by ‘stare’ in this context?

Ans: Look at the things fixedly for a long time.

9. “I hope I’m not too late.”

a) Who is ‘I’ here?

Ans: Baleshwar Mishra.

b) What did he have to do?

Ans: He have to search for that girl to help.

c) Why did he hope so?

Ans: Because he was not too late to come there.

Important question bank for 10th class:

10. “One day they came back to the office to complain about their property.”

a) Who complained to the office?

Ans: The Americans.

b) What was their complaint?

Ans: The Children of Rio en Medio were over running their property.

c) What is the ‘property’ referred here?

Ans: The land purchased by the Americans.

11. “You will learn arts and make your life in your chosen field.”

a) Who is the speaker?

Ans: Avtar Narain / Satish’s father

b) Who is ‘you’ referred here?

Ans: Satish.

c) What is chosen field here?

Ans: Becoming an artist.

12. “You say you own me; I wait.”

a) Who does ‘You’ and ‘I ‘refer to?

Ans: ‘You’ refers to people. ‘I’ refers to the earth.

b) What is owned here?

Ans: The earth.

c) How does the speaker wait?

Ans: The earth waits with patience.

13. “I’m new to Mumbai, but I’ve noticed that people here are afraid.”

a) Who is the speaker of this statement?

Ans: Baleshwar Mishra.

b) What did they fear about?

Ans: They feared about getting involved in courts or with the police.

c) What is the effect of that on the life the people of Mumbai?

Ans: The effect is that nobody is helping one another at the time of accident.

14. “I have agreed to sell my house and land for twelve hundred dollars and that is the price.”

a) Who is ‘I’ referred here?

Ans: Don Anselmo.

b) When did the speaker say this?

Ans: When the Americans offered him double the price for his land.

c) What does this statement tell about the speaker?

Ans: The speaker was not greedy and he was a man of principles.

15. “They are for you Satish.”

a) Who said these words?

Ans: Avtar Narain / Satish’s father

b) What are ‘they’ referred here?

Ans: Paints, brushes and drawing sheets.

c) Why did father offer them?

Ans: To support Satish’s hobbies and talents.

16. “You shout, I lie patient. You buy me, I wait with muddy holes.”

a) Who is shouting here?

Ans: The people.

b) Who is lying patiently?

Ans: the earth.

c) What does ‘muddy holes’ and ‘car lot eyes’ refer to?

Ans: ‘Muddy holes’ refer to the virtual holes on the earth. ‘Car lot eyes’ refer to the earth is staring.

17. “There’s a girl by the tracks!”

a) Who cried out?

Ans. The opposite train passengers.

b) Why was she by the tracks?

Ans. She had lost her balance and was thrown out of the train.

c) Who did see the girl falling?

Ans. Baleshwar and train passengers.

18. He said, “I do not like to have you speak to me in that manner.”

a) What is the mood of the speaker?

Ans: The speaker felt that he was being insulted.

b) What made him to react so?

Ans: Story teller and the Americans ready to offer him twice the money.

c) Who is ‘he’ referred here?

Ans: Don Anselmo.

19. “My son is not dumb, sir!

a) Who is the speaker?

Ans: Avtar Narain / Satish’s father

b) Who is ‘son’ referred here?

Ans: Satish.

c) Why did the speaker say so?

Ans: Because the school authority told Satish’s father to look for deaf and dumb school.

20. “You come with guns, a chain link necklace chokes me now.”

a) Who came with guns?

Ans: The soldiers.

b) Who is choked here?

Ans: The earth.

c) What does ‘chain link necklace’ mean?

Ans: The fence between the nations is like a necklace around the neck of the earth.

Watch this video for explanation of important extract questions for 10th class exam. SSLC Question bank 5.

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