SSLC question bank 4

SSLC question bank 4

SSLC question bank 4 is for 10th standard students. We explained two and three marks important questions. These are most expected questions for SSLC exam.

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2 marks questions: SSLC question bank 4

Q.I Answer the following questions in 2 or 3 sentences each. (2 marks questions)

1. Why did swami feel that his father’s proposition was frightful?

Ans: Because he always slept beside his granny in the passage, and any change in this arrangement kept him awake all the night.

2. Write briefly about the personal details of Roma Talreja and Baleshwar?

Ans: Roma was B. Com graduate from Pune. She worked as a call- center executive in Mumbai. Baleshwar Mishra was a high school dropout from Mirzapur, U.P. He had come to Mumbai in search of a job.

3. What did the story teller’s friends complain?

Ans: The story teller’s friends complained that the children of the village were over running their property. The children came every day, played under the trees and took blossoms.

4. Nehru chose Ambedkar as the Law Minister. What might have prompted Nehru to do so?

Ans: Ambedkar had a great skill in law and legislation. He had the vision of social justice. Made campaigns against social injustice. Therefore, Nehru chose him to be the Law Minister of India.

5. Why was Smita exited when she read the newspaper? Why do you think her mother cautioned her to be quiet?

Ans: Smita was excited because she read an announcement in the papers that Pundit Ravi Shankar was going to play at the Shanmukhananda Auditorium the next day. Smita’s brother who was lying on the bed was very sick, so her mother cautioned her to be quiet.

6. Which action of Satish changed his father’s attitude?

Ans: Satish was busy mixing the colours on his palette. Though he saw his father standing at and the staring his painting, he continued with his mixing. This action of Satish changed his father’s attitude.

7. “Patience is the utmost quality of Land.” How can you say this with the poem ‘I am the Land’?

In this poem earth is the speaker. Man thinks that he owns earth. People buy land, drill holes. People put fences, soldiers fight with guns, which chokes the land. She can punish the people. But earth waits patiently for men to realize.

8. How did the poet wish to describe the industrial progress of India?

Ans: The poet wished to sing about dams, lakes, the steel mills and about ship building yards. He also wished to sing about men who had worked hard to develop technologies, which made our country top in the Atomic Age. 

9. Why do you think the Jazz player keeps his head down?

Ans: The Jazz player is a poor, old man. He has led a hard life and had lot of worries of life. He is tired and keeps his head down.

10. Babu and Manju were a bit disappointed with the way students were marching. What was the reason?

Ans: The students marched back to their homes silently. Manju and Babu thought that there may be violence and police will beat them. According to them the students should have protested.

11. What was the biggest headache that Dolma had to face besides her physical and mental problems?

Ans: Dolma’s father was bedridden. She was not finically sound and she needed a lot of money for her father’s treatment, so the family had very little to offer her.

12. How does the writer describe the ‘introvert’ Haneef?

Ans: Haneef began to make friends at his fourteenth year of age. He often went out of his way to help people. By doing so, he derived joy.

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3 marks questions: SSLC question bank 4

Q.II Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow. (3 marks questions)

13. ‘A frightful proposition, Swami thought.”

a) What was the frightful proposition?

Ans: It was that Swami’s father wanted him to sleep alone in the office room that night.

b) Why did Swami regard it as frightful?

Ans: Swami used to sleep with his granny in the passage and any change in this left him trembling and awake all night.

c) What do you mean by the word ‘proposition’ in this context?

Ans: Proposition means suggested action or opinion.

14. “I hope I’m not too late.”

a) Who is ‘I’ here?

Ans: Baleshwar Mishra.

b) What did he have to do?

Ans: He have to search for that girl to help.

c) Why did he hope so?

Ans: Because he was not too late to come there.

15. He said, “I do not like to have you speak to me in that manner.”

a) What is the mood of the speaker?

Ans: The speaker felt that he was being insulted.

b) What made him to react so?

Ans: Story teller and the Americans ready to offer him twice the money.

c) Who is ‘he’ referred here?

Ans: Don Anselmo.

16. “Who could have dreamt that one born to a Mahar family would one day become not only a Law Minister but a Law-maker?”

a) Who is referred to as ‘Law Minister’ here?

Ans: Dr.B.R.Ambedkar

b) Whose chose him to be the Law Minister?

Ans: Jawaharlal Nehru

c) Why is he recognized as the Law-maker?

Ans: Because he was the chairman of the Drafting Committee.

17. “But they did not voice their fears.”

a) Who does ‘they’ refer to?

Ans: Anant’s parents

b) What was their fear?

Ans: Anant had not many days to live.

c) How did they look after him?

Ans: They laughed, talked and surrounded him with whatever made him happy.

18. “Why don’t you come to school today?”

a) Who is the speaker?

Ans: Surender

b) Who did ‘you’ refer here?

Ans: Satish

c) Why did the boy not go to school?

Ans: He was not feeling well.

19. “Sing of the wrinkled face indexing ignorance.”

a) Who is the speaker?

Ans: Mother India

b) Who should sing thus?

Ans: The poet, V.K.Gokak

c) What does ‘wrinkled face indexing ignorance’ mean?

Ans: The old people, illiterate people and innocent people.

20. “His rough unshaven face shows pain.”

a) Who said this?

Ans: The poet, Carl Wendall Hines, Jr

b) Who was the speaker describing about?

Ans: About Jazz player

c) What was the ‘pain’ referred here?

Ans: The problems faced by Jazz player.

3 marks questions 2: SSLC question bank 4

Q.III Answer the following questions in 5 to 6 sentences each. (3 marks questions)

21. As the night advanced, Swami felt that something terrible would happen to him, what would it be? How would it happen?

Ans: As the night advanced and everything became quite. Swami’s heart began to beat faster and heard the sounds of ticking of the clock, rustles of the tree, some night insects humming and some snoring sounds. He remembered all the stories of devils and ghosts he had heard. He was filled with fear.

22. Why was there no help to Baleshwar? How did he manage to reach the road?

Ans: Everyone feared about getting trapped in courts or police, so there was no one to help him. He crossed through some shrubbery and followed the direction of the sounds until he found the road. Then he requested motorists to carry the girl to the hospital.

23. Why did the Americans offered double the quoted price for the old man’s land?

Ans: The Americans were good people and when they found that Don Anselmo owned more than eight acres of land, they offered to pay double the price they had quoted earlier. They discovered extra land by surveyors and by the engineers. So they wished to offer extra money for extra land.

24. Ambedkar was a voracious reader. Justify this statement.

Ans: Ambedkar was very fond of reading books. He bought books by curtailing his daily needs. When he was in New York he purchased 2000 old books and from London 32 boxes of books. This shows that he was voracious reader.

25. How do you say that Satish’s parents had difference of opinion about making his life?

And; Satish’s father always wanted him to study well and earn knowledge and become successful in life. But Satish was inclined towards painting. He opposed his son for that. But his mother felt drawing as a means of entertainment for her son.

26. How did the poet father fulfil his mother’s wish in the poem ‘Grandma Climbs a Tree’.

Ans: Grandma wanted a house on the tree top. Even at the age of 62, she was passionate to climb a tree and learnt it from her loving brother. One day she climbed a tree but could not come down. After the rescue the doctor recommended her rest for a week. She demanded a house to be built in a tree. The poets father who was dutiful, fulfilled his mother’s wish.

27. You cannot put a fence around the planet earth” Justify this statement.

Ans: In the poem ‘I am the land’ the poet tells that the mother earth has ocean of patience. Man uses land in many ways but she lies patient. People do many activities and disturbs the land. Chain-link necklace chokes and suffocates her. But the land’s self-assertion is that man cannot put fence around the planet earth. Man can’t get control over the land. In front of man land is always supreme.

28. What did the poet want to sing about the glorious past of his country?

Ans: The poet wanted to sing about the rock cut temples, which tells the stories of our epics. He also wished to sing about freedom fighters and about sages and prophets who showed us straight and narrow path.

29. How was Jazz player described in the poem ‘Jazz Poem Two?

Ans: Jazz player wore a faded blue shirt, a loose necktie and an old jacket. His shoes were run down. Across his chest was an old alto saxophone supported from his neck by a wire coat hunger. He has a wrinkled old face and is unshaven and has a tired look. Jazz player has led a hard life and is tired and keeps his head down.

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