SSLC question bank 3

SSLC question bank 3

SSLC question bank 3 for SSLC students. We have provided most expected questions and answers for 10th class exam preparation.

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Q. I Answer the following questions in 2 or three sentences each. (2 marks questions)

1) Swami’s father drew his attention to a report in the newspaper. What was the report about?

Ans: The report was about a boy who while returning home fought with a tiger. He stayed half a day on the tree till some people came and killed the tiger.

2) What did Baleshwar do as soon as he saw the girl lying next to the tracks?

Ans: On seeing the girl on the tracks, he immediately pulled the red emergency chain, bravely jumped off the still moving train and rushed towards the girl to help.

3) The story teller offered the old man almost the double of what he had quoted earlier. Why?

Ans: Because he discovered that Don Anselmo owns more than eight acres of land which extends across the river.

4) There were great luminaries on the drafting committee. Dr. Ambedkar is remembered as the pilot. Give reasons.

Ans: Ambedkar was the chairman drafting committee. He was tactful, frank and had utmost patience. He explained clearly the meaning and scope of the different provision of the Draft Constitution.

5) What was Smita’s plan to help brother? Was she successful?

Ans: Smita’s plan was to request Pandith Ravi Shankar to play for her brother. Her plan was successful, because they were agreed to play for her brother.

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6) Many schools refused to take in Satish. How did it affect him?

Ans: Satish became very moody after he was rejected by the school. He could not talk freely to others. His brother Inder tried to teach him words and pronunciation. Satish began to avoid going out to play with the other children.

7) Who does the poet mean by “of your children that died to call own”?

Ans: In this poem “of your children that died to call own” refers to the soldiers and freedom fighters. They are the children of mother India. They fought against enemies and sacrificed their lives to get freedom.

8) How do you know that Mohan’s mother was supportive of their struggle?                       

Ans: When Suman and their friend brought the cyclostyle machine, she asked them to keep it in the Puja room. When the sub Inspector came in initially, she acted as if everything was normal and nothing revolutionary took place at their home.

9) How did the lofty Himalayas inspire Dicky Dolma?

Ans: She had always been fascinated by mountains. She always had an urge to climb the peaks that surrounded her home. This helped her to take up mountaineering.

10) What were the hardships that Haneef faced in his life?

Ans: Haneef lost his father when he was just eight years old. His mother a vocal artiste, was out very often with the performance wing. Therefore, he became very responsible at a tender age.

Q. II Answer the following questions in 5 to 6 sentences each. (3 marks questions)

11) Grandma felt that lying on the bed is hell.’ Explain.

Ans: Grandma could climb up trees very quickly even at the age of sixty-two.  She had such an unusual gift since childhood. But She was very happy in a tree than in lift. Her neighbors advised her to stop climbing tree in old age and spend her life gracefully. She rejected their advice. One day she climbed up a tree but could not come down. After the rescue the doctor recommended her a week bed rest. But she felt it like a hell.

12) What comment did Swami make when he heard the newspaper report?

Ans: Swami’s father was reading newspaper. He drew Swami’s attention toward the newspaper report. Swami felt that it was not possible for a boy to fight a tiger and it must have been a strong and grown up person who had done this. So he argued it is may be false news. But father disagreed and said courage is everything.

13) “You cannot put a fence around the planet earth” Justify this statement.

Ans: In the poem ‘I am the land’ the poet tells that the mother earth has ocean of patience. Man uses land in many ways but she lies patient. People do many activities and disturbs the land. But the land’s self-assertion is that man cannot put fence around the planet earth. Man can’t get control over the land. In front of man land is always supreme.

14) Why did the poet felt querulous in the poem “The Song of India”?

Ans: The poet wished to sing about beauty and progress of our country but mother India asked him to sing about the ill affecting our land. The poet wondered if there was a perfect song which he could sing whole heartedly and this made him querulous.

15) What was the special gift possessed by the Jazz player? How does it change his feelings?

Ans: Jazz player is poor and simple man. But he is the commanding artist. By the music he can attracts everyone and forgets miseries of life. When he plays music, suddenly he filled with a new life. There is power in his music which draws people to listen. He forgets all pain and flies like a bird. When he stops playing music he again becomes a black man.

16) Why was there no help to Baleshwar? How did he manage to reach the road?

Ans: Everyone feared about getting trapped in courts or police, so there was no one to help him to carry the girl to hospital. He crossed through some shrubbery and followed the direction of the sounds until he found the road. Then took the help of a tempo-truck driver and admitted the girl to a good hospital.

17) Explain briefly the appearance and manners of Don Anselmo?

Ans: Don Anselmo wore an old, green faded coat. His gloves were torn and his fingertips showed through them and carried a cane which was the skeleton of a worn out umbrella. When he entered the room he bowed to all and slowly removed his hat and gloves. He always speaks about his large family, rain and weather.

18) ‘Where there is will, there is way’. How is this saying apt for Smita?

Ans: Smita and Anant had done things together. Now Anant was ill and could not accompany Smita to the music concert. She went to the concert with her father. She also gathered courage to request Panditji to come to her house and play for Anant. It was unbelievable for everyone. Thus we can justify that ‘Where there is will, there is way’ is apt for Smita.

19) What were the opinion of the Buddha and Avvai regarding the caste division?

Ans: According to Buddha the only valid division are the noble (wholesome) and the ignoble (unwholesome). Tamil poetess Avvai had said that there are only two castes in the world, namely the charitable (superior) and the miser (inferior).

20) Narrate the circumstances that compelled Satish stay in the house.

Ans: Satish went to Kashmir during the holidays. There he met an accident. As a result of this his leg and ear were injured. His legs became weak. The teacher did not allow him to come to school because he was hard of hearing and frequently absented for the class. His father tried to get admission to him in some other school. But in vain when he went outside to play with children. They teased him. Therefore, he was compelled to stay at home.

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