SSLC preparatory exam question paper with key answer

SSLC preparatory exam question paper with key answer

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10th class preparatory exam question paper:

I. Four alternatives are given for each of the following question/incomplete statements. Only one of them is correct or most appropriate. Choose the correct alternative and write the complete answer along with its letter of alphabet.    4×1=4

1. Choose the appropriate question tag and fill in the blank.

Kiran wants to play chess, ________?

A) didn’t he          B) does he      C) doesn’t he           D) did he

2. Read the conversation and choose the language function for the underlined sentence.

Arudh: Hello… how are you?

Ankush: I’m fine, thank you. What about you?

Arudh: I’m also fine. Why are you not attended today’s function?

A) Making enquiry    B) Seeking permission    C) Giving information    D) Expressing agreement.

3. Fill in the blank choosing the appropriate words:

Sham: Anjali, Do you bring English grammar note book?

Anjali: No, I had forgotten to bring English grammar note book.

Sham: Is it? if you had brought it, we __________ prepared notes for seminar.

A) would have             B) will have                 C) would not have                   D) will not have.

4. Read the conversation and choose the Infinitive:

Police: Why are you quarreling with the man?

Manoj: He is my uncle. He wants to occupy our property. So I am quarreling with him.

A) wants          B) quarreling         C) property            D) to occupy

II. Do as directed:      12×1=12

5. Combine the word in column A with its collocative word in column B:

       A                                                               B

    Book                                    (worm, ant, hand, pen)

6. Which one of the following words has three syllables?

direction, evening, carry, fortune

7. Write the correct form of the word given in bracket:

Swami was congratulated for his…………….(brave)

8. Fill in the blank with the correct article.

He is …… honest friend in our village.

9. Identify the part of speech of the underlined word.

Jayaram is walking briskly to reach his office.

10. Fill in the blank using suitable linker.

You need to choose either book ………… bag.

11. Fill in the blank with suitable preposition.

Vikram Sarabhai was born ………. 12th August 1919.

12. Fill in the blank with appropriate tense form of the verb given in bracket.

Virat _____ (score) double century yesterday.

13. Use the word ‘water’ as a verb in a meaningful sentence of your own.

14. Change into superlative degree:

India is larger than any other democracy in the world.

15. Change into passive voice:

I have completed homework.

16. Read the following conversation and change the underlined sentence into reported speech:

Varun : What are you doing?

Vatsalya: I am preparing for quiz competition.

III The following paragraph has two errors edit the paragraph and rewrite it in the answer booklet.         1×2=2

17. Anjali is going too office. That time she saw a beautiful bird. She take a photo and shared with all friends. She loved birds.

Clue: a) Verbal mistake to be corrected.

b) Preposition mistake to be corrected.

IV Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each:   7×2=14

18. How did the fourteenth amendment of the American constitution influence on Ambedkar? 

19. Why did Dr.B.R.Ambedkar considered as a champion of the depressed classes in India?

20. ‘They had come with high hopes.’ What hopes did Anant’s parents have?

21. How did Pandith Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha keep their promise to Smita?

22. What message does the Jazz player want to convey?

23. What was there in the ‘mysterious parcel’? What suspicious did the police have about that?


       What can we learn from the lesson “Narayanpur Incident”?

24. What does Dolma say about Mountaineering after her return from Mount Everest?


The absence of mother from home taught the children something. What was that?

V. Answer the following questions in 5 to 6 sentences:       2×3=6

25. What desperate attempts did Swami make to escape from his father?

26. What message does the poet, V.K.Gokak wish to convey through the poem?

VI. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:    4×3=12

27. “Behenji aap theek hai?” he asked. But there was no response, and no help in sight.

a) Who is ‘he’ here?

b) Who does ‘behenji’ refer to?

c) Why there was no response?

28. “The trees in that Orchard are not mine, Senor”.

a) What do you mean by ‘senor’?

b) According to Don Anselmo, who did the trees belong to?

c) Why did he feel so?

29. “We will have to look for a new school.”

a) Who is the speaker of this statement?

b) Who are ‘we’ referred here?

c) Why did they look for a new school?


A) Who cannot put fence around the earth?

B) What is the mood of the speaker expressed here?

C) Why cannot we put a fence around the around?

VII. Given below is a profile. Write a paragraph using the clues given:    1×3=3


Name:                                     Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

Date of birth :                         15th October 1931

Birth place :                             Rameshwaram, Tamilnadu.

Education :                              Aeronautic Engineering.

Achievement :                         Project director, Satellite launch vehicle III

Books written :                       Wings of Fire, India 2020, Ignited Minds.

Awards & Rewards:                Bharat Ratna(1997)

VIII. Develop a story using the clues given below:     1×3=3

32. A village- a clever elephant-a river nearby-go for bath daily-passing by a tailor shop- the tailor-bananas daily-one day not given banana-pricked needle-elephant angry- came with muddy water in its trunk-sprayed-tailor’s shop dirty-he repented.

IX Study the picture given below:

33. Write a description or an account of what the picture suggests to you in a paragraph:       1×3=3

X. Quote from memory:    1×4=4

34. The throned ……………………………..



………………………….. this sceptred sway;


My day or night ………………………………



……………………………………. always day.

XI. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:    2×2=4

35. There lived a rich man who was very generous, often inviting guests for meals to his house. On his birthday he invited the entire town to dinner. One of the guests was a greedy man called Kailas. Who took his son along with him? Kailas ate till his stomach was ready to burst. Suddenly he saw his son drinking water and hit him on the head. On returning home. The boy asked why he had been hit, to which Kailas replied, you fool! Why did you fill your stomach with water instead of eating the food? The boy said didn’t you know that drinking water creates space in the stomach to eat more? Kailas hit on his head again for not being informed of the fact earlier or else he too would have done the same thing and would have eaten even more.


a) Why did Kailas and his son go to the rich man’s house?

b) Why did Kailas hit his son on his head again?

XII. Answer the following question in about 8 to 10 sentences:     1×4=4

36. According to the poet, his grandmother was a genius. Substantiate the statement.


The pathetic figure of Jazz player is lifted by his music. Justify.

XIII. Write an essay on any one of the following:    1×4=4

37.         a) Computer and its uses          b) Environmental pollution          c) Mobile phones

XIV. Write a letter using the information given below:     1×5=5

38. Imagine that you are Pallavi / Pavan, 10th Std, Govt. high School, Koppal.

Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper about the roads and drainage system in your locality.


Write a letter to your father requesting him to send Rs. 500, for your annual exam fees.

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SSLC preparatory exam key answer:


1. Ans: C) doesn’t he        2. Ans: a) Making enquiry    3. Ans: A) would have       4. d) to occupy

II. 5. Warm      6. Direction     7. Bravery       8. An   9. Adverb        10. or              11. on                    12. scored

13. I water the plants in our garden.

14. India is the largest democracy in the world.

15. Homework has been completed by me.

16. Vatsalya replied Varun that she was preparing for quiz competition.

III 17. a) took              b) to


18. The 14th amendment to the U.S.A constitution gave freedom to the Black Americans. He saw the parallel of the situation for the depressed class in India. So he decided to devote his life and talent for the depressed classes.

 19. Dr. Ambedkar started newspapers such as the Mooknayak, Bahishkrit Bharat and Samata. Institutions set up by him such as the Hitakarini Sabha and the Independent Labour Party of India. These all were recognized as authentic voices of the Depressed classes.

20. Anant’s parents had high hopes in the miracle of modern science. They thought that he would be cured. Then he could walk and run again.

 21. After listening to Smita’s story about her brother, Pandith Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha were promised to play for the boy. The next day they arrived at Smita’s house. They sat down on the divan and played for the boy.

 22. The Jazz player wants to convey to the world that he is a Black man. He came to preach the Black Gospel of Jazz. He can change the feelings by his music.

23. The mysterious parcel was a ‘cyclostyling’ machine. The police had suspected that ‘cyclostyling’ machine was used by protestors to make copies of Gandhji’s speech and distribute it among protestors.


We learn patriotism and sacrifice values. It also helps to cultivate presence of mind, dedication, organization skills, respect for our country and freedom fighters.

 24. ‘Mountaineering’ is a tough sport. This thought never comes to me. It is my zeal for the work. Seeing peaks is a second nature to me. I have never been scared when it comes to hard work” says Dolma.


Haneef’s mother a vocal artiste, would often had to leave the children alone as she travelled with the performance wing. The kids became very responsible getting up and getting ready for school without her having told them and learnt that one’s duty is the most important thing in life.


25. Swami tried to change the subject by telling about the cricket club. He wished to sleep in the office room from the first of next month. He went silently and pretended like sleeping beside his granny. He told that there were scorpions behind the law books in the office room.

 26. The poet conveys the message that we should be proud of our country’s natural beauty, glorious past and industrial progress. At the same time, we should also be aware of the ill affecting our land.

VI. 27.

a) Baleshwar Mishra.        b) Roma Talreja.         c) Because Roma was in unconscious mood.


a) A word of respect like ‘mister’ in English.         b) The tree belonged to the children of Rio-en-Medio

c) Because every time a child was born in the village, he had planted a tree for that child.


a) Avtar Narain / Satish’s father   b) Satish and his father.

c) Because the school authority couldn’t keep Satish in the school.


a) People cannot put fence around the earth.           b) The earth is in a mood of self-assertion.

c) The earth is round and it is almost covered with water.

VII. 31.

Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam was born on 15th October 1931 at Rameshwaram in Tamilnadu. He studied Aeronautic Engineering. He was the project director for Satellite launch vehicle III. He has written many books, namely Wings of Fire, India 2020, Ignited Minds. He was awarded Bharat Ratna in 1997.

VIII. 32.

Once a clever elephant was living in village. There is a river nearby so it is go for bath daily. Every day on the way it should passing by a tailor shop. The tailor gives bananas to the elephant daily. But one-day tailor did not give banana. Instead of keep quiet, he pricked the elephant by a needle. The elephant became angry and brought some muddy water in its trunk and sprayed on the tailor’s shop. So the shop became very dirty. The tailor repented for it his action.

IX 33.

In this picture we can see a picnic scene. My family is very happy family. On Sunday we went a picnic with my lovely mother, father and sister. We rode on a big elephant with the help of Mahout. That time we saw a deer. Crocodiles are swimming in the small pool. This garden is very beautiful. We all enjoyed a lot.

X. 34.

The throned monarch better than his crown.

His sceptre shows the force of temporal power,

The attribute to awe and majesty,

Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;

But mercy is above this sceptred sway;


My day or night myself I make,

When’ver I sleep or play;

And could I ever keep awake

With me ‘twere always day.

XI. 35.

a) A rich man who was very generous, often inviting guests for meals to his house. On his birthday he invited the entire town to dinner. So Kailas and his son gone to the rich man’s house.

b) The boy told that drinking water creates space in the stomach to eat more. So Kailas hit on his head again for not being informed of the fact earlier or else he too would have done the same thing and would have eaten even more.

XII. 36.

The poet Ruskin Bond calls his grandmother as ‘Genius’ because she could climb a tree. Even at the age of 62, she was passionate to climb a tree and learnt it from her loving brother at the age of six. Everybody feared that granny would fall from a tree one day. One day she climbed a tree but could not come down. After the rescue doctor recommended rest for a week. But for granny it was like a brief season in hell. She demanded a house to be built in a tree. The poet’s father, who was dutiful, fulfilled his mother’s wish, so that granny moved up and enjoyed as her wish.


Ans: The Jazz player is like an Ancient Mariner. He has a wrinkled face, closed eyes with full of wearies. His collar frayed, faded blue old shirt turned dark sweat. Old necktie undone drops, old jacket holding his sagging stomach. He had a rundown shoes having paper in them. His unshaven face shows pain. Across his chest lies an old alto saxophone. When he starts playing music he is no longer a man. He is like a bird flying higher and higher.

XIII. 37.

a) Computer and its uses


Computer is a remarkable invention of modern science. 21st Century is called ‘the age of computers’. Computer was invented by Charles Babbage.

It calculates stores, edits and preserves the data for long periods. Computer is an electronic device which calculates stores and performs logical functions. Computers are used in many fields.

Uses of computer:

1. Computers are used in the field of science and technology.

2. Computers are used in scientific laboratories.

3. Computers are used to control satellites.

4. They are used in industries.

4. Used in railway stations, airports and bus terminals for ticket reservation.


Computer is popular for its speed, accuracy and storage capacity. Today computers are being used in all fields. Now they are a part and parcel of our life.

XIV. 38.



10th standard

Govt. High School, Koppal

Date: 16-02-2022


The Editor,

Deccan Herald,


Respected sir,

Subject: Regarding bad conditions of roads and drainage.

In our village there most of the roads and drainages are damaged. Flies and mosquitoes have been troubling us. I request you to draw the attention of concerned authorities to maintain well.

Thanking You,

Yours faithfully,


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