SSLC post-test question paper

SSLC post-test question paper
SSLC post-test question paper

SSLC post-test question paper with key answer. Download 10th class bridge course question paper. Post test question paper of English subject.

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SSLC post-test question paper:

Bridge Course 2022-23

Class: 10th                                                                                                                                                 Marks: 20

Subject: English (31E)                                         Post-test                                                     Time: 25 minutes

Four choices are given for each of the questions/incomplete statements. Choose the correct answer.     20×1=20

1. You’re absolutely right.  (The language function for the above sentence is)

 A. expressing agreement      B. expressing disagreement       C. complementing      D. wishing

2. The word which collocates with ‘wheel’ is

A. paper    B. book     C. table       D. chair

3. The word which has one syllables is     A. pain   B. return     C. couple   D. beside

4. ‘He was giving a lecture.’  (The passive form of the above sentence is)

A. A lecture was given by him.            B. A lecture was being given by him.

C. A lecture is being given by him.      D. A lecture is given by him.

5. Anand ……. (be + bring) a new book for exam. (The appropriate tense form of the verb to be used here is)

A. bringing          B. had bring        C. is bringing      D. will bring

6. The appropriate prefix to form the opposite of ‘vocation’ is   A. dis     B. un    C. ir    D. non

7. Spandana went to bring coffee. (The part of speech of the underlined word is a/an)

A. adjective         B. adverb     C. noun        D. verb

8. He brought water to ………… fire. (Use correct phrasal verb)A. put on      B. put out      C. put in     D. put off

9. No other continent is as big as Asia.  (The comparative form of the above sentence is)

A. Asia is bigger than any other continent.               B. Asia was the biggest of all continents.

C. Asia was bigger than any other continent.           D. No other continent was as big as Asia.

10. If you had spoken well, you ………. got more first prize. (Use correct ‘if’ clause)

A. wouldn’t have       B. shouldn’t have      C. would have       D. will have

11. She called me yesterday, …………….?  (Choose question tag)

A. does she   B. doesn’t she   C. do she    D. didn’t she

12. They are ……. richest person in the world. (The articles to be used here are)  A. a    B. an      C. the      D. no article

13. Kiran is interested …… go picnic.  (The preposition to be used here is)   A. by    B. to     C. at                D. for

14. …… he is wise, he got only B+ grade in the exam. (Choose conjunction)  A. so    B. though   C. but   D. and

15. Shreyas done a  ……….. job by helping poor.  (The correct form of the word to be used is)

A. wonderful       B. wonder      C. wondrous       D. wondering 

16. in the letter writing ‘yours obediently’ is   A. subscript    B. superscript    C. Salutation    D. none of these

17. The word which collocates with ‘Gentle’ is      A. girl     B. boy     C. woman     D. man

18. The word which has three syllables is   A. ago     B. beautiful     C. sweep     D. bangle

19. The appropriate prefix to form the opposite of ‘regular’ is     A. in     B. ir     C. dis     D. un

20. She sings melodiously. (Choose part of speech of the underlined word)

A. pronoun      B. adjective      C. noun      D. verb

post-test question paper with key answer:

1. A. expressing agreement

2. D. chair

3. A. pain

4. B. A lecture was being given by him.

5. C. is bringing

6. D. non

7. D. verb

8. B. put out

9. A. Asia is bigger than any other continent.

10. C. would have

11. D. didn’t she

12. C. the

13. B. to

14. B. though

15. A. wonderful

16. A. subscript

17. D. man

18. B. beautiful

19. B. ir

20. C. noun

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