SSLC Exam 2 preparation Part 2. 10th class study material is given for practice. SSLC English notes for exam preparation.
In this post we are going to discuss extract questions and answer, Profile writing, Story development and Editing paragraph for 10th class exam preparation.
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We will score 20 marks…!
12 marks Important Extract questions
3 marks Profile Writing
3 marks Story Development
2 marks Editing Paragraph
SSLC English notes for exam preparation
Q.I Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow. 4×3=12
1. “These Americans are Buena gente.”
a) What do you mean by Buena gente?
Answer: Buena gente means good people.
b) Why did the speaker called Americans Buena gente?
Answer: Because after the survey, they did not cheat Don Anselmo and were ready to pay twice the money for the additional land.
c) From which language ‘Buena gente’ is taken?
Answer: Spanish.
2. “Cowards, cowards you will have to kill me first.”
a) Who is the speaker?
Answer: Pepe
b) Whom did the speaker call ‘coward’?
Answer: The Guillermo and other seamen.
c) When did the speaker say these words?
Answer: When Guillermo and other seamen tried to attack on Columbus.
3. “They could not believe their eyes.”
a) Who does ‘they’ refer to?
Answer: to the neighbours of aunt Sushila.
b) What they could not believe?
Answer: Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha came to their apartment.
c) Why they could not believe?
Answer: Because Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha were very busy men. But they
came to common people house.
4. “With the tea cups circling round me like the planets round the Sun,”
a) Where does this happen?
Answer: in the space
b) Who does feel so?
Answer: The astronaut
c) Why is it happening only in the space?
Answer: Because there is no gravity power in space.
Profile writing for 10th class
Q.II Given below is a profile. Write a paragraph using the clues given below. 1×3=3
Name : Anjali
Age : 35 years
Date of Birth : 15th July
Place of Birth : Bangalore
Qualification : PhD in Biotechnology
Spouse’s Name : Dr. Ravi (Cardiologist)
Son : Aryan (Studying in 5th Standard)
Work Experience : Currently working as a Senior Research Scientist at Biocon India Ltd, Bangalore.
Answer: Anjali, aged 35 years, was born on 15th July in Bangalore. She holds a PhD in Biotechnology and is currently working as a Senior Research Scientist at Biocon India Ltd in Bangalore. Her spouse, Dr. Ravi, is a Cardiologist. They have a son named Aryan, who is studying in the 5th Standard.
Story development for 10th class
Q.III Develop the story using the clues given below. 1×3=3
6. Robert Bruce – King – lying on the ground in a dejected mood – failed to defeat his enemies – was thinking of giving up the attempt – saw a spider falling down from the ceiling – the ceiling far away – wondered how it would get there – the spider fell back again – again it tried – again it fell – it made nine such attempts – no success – climbed up once more – at last succeeded in reaching the roof – Bruce imitated its example – he too tried once again – was successful.
Robert Bruce, the King of Scotland, was feeling very sad because he couldn’t defeat his enemies. One day, as he sat alone, he saw a little spider trying to climb up to the ceiling. The spider fell down nine times, but it didn’t give up. On its tenth try, it finally reached the ceiling. Watching the spider, the king felt inspired. He decided to try again to defeat his enemies. With determination, he succeeded in his next attempt and became victorious.
Editing paragraph for 10th class
Q.IV The following paragraph has two errors. Edit the paragraph and rewrite it in the answer book. 1×2=2
7. In a village, their was a curious girl named Maya. She loved exploring the nearby forest and found a magical waterfall that shimmered in the sunlight. maya’s discovery filled her heart with wonder and happiness.
a) Spelling mistake to be corrected.
Answer: their = there
b) Capital letter mistake to be corrected.
Answer: maya’s = Maya’s
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10th class English grammar
Get ready for your SSLC Exam 2 with our comprehensive study material designed specifically for 10th class students. Our SSLC English notes will help you ace your exam by providing practice questions and answers, profile writing tips, story development guidance, and paragraph editing exercises.
With our SSLC Exam 2 preparation Part 2, you can boost your confidence and improve your English skills in no time. Don’t miss out on this valuable resource that will help you excel in your 10th class exams. Get your hands on our study material today and start preparing for success!