SSLC English model question paper 2 2022-23

SSLC English model question paper 2 2022-23. 10th class model question papers with key answers. Download SSLC question papers.

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SSLC English model question paper 2 2022-23

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10th class model question papers with key answers

SSLC English Model Question Paper 2

Subject: English (31E)                                                                                                                   Max marks: 80

Class: 10th                                                                                                                                     Time: 2.45hrs

I. Four alternatives are given below. Choose the appropriate one and fill in the blanks:                4×1=4

1. Read the conversation and fill in the blank with correct ‘If clause’ choosing from the given alternatives.

Mahesh: I didn’t save money.

Pavan: Yes.

Mahesh: If I had saved money, I……………… bought a car.

A) will have    B) would have    C) wouldn’t have    D) won’t have

2. Choose the correct question tag.

Ravish has a car……………?

A) has he     B) hasn’t he     C) does he      D) doesn’t he

3. Read the given conversation and choose the language function for the underlined sentence.

Sachin: Sir, I have arranged a party at Hotel Ashoka to celebrate my daughter’s birthday tomorrow evening.

I would be pleased if you could attend the party and bless my daughter.

Boss: I would be delighted to. May I know the timings?

Sachin: At 6:30 PM, Sir.

Boss: I’ll certainly be there.

A) Refusing invitation   B) Accepting invitation    C) Request    D) Seeking permission

4. Read the conversation and choose the correct infinitive.

Anjali: Why did Sumanth buy those flowers?

Bharat: He bought them to give to his wife.

A) bought    B) flowers     C) to give      D) did

II. Do as directed:           12×1=12

5. Fill in the blank with suitable preposition:

Smita wriggled her way …………. the crowds towards the stage.

6. Fill in the blank with suitable linker:

…………… Pepe was a page boy; he was very useful to Columbus.

7. Fill in the blank with suitable word form.

Don Anselmo signed the ……………. (agree) and took the money.

8. Fill in the blank with suitable verb form.

The Earth……… (rotate) on its own axis.

10th class practice question papers

9. Change the following sentence into passive voice.

We have made a discovery.

10. Change the following sentence into comparative degree.

Very few students are as wise as Gouthami in the class.

11. Read the following conversation and change the underlined sentence into indirect speech.

Reshma: Hi Pooja, how are you?

Pooja: Hi Reshma, I am fine. Thank you.

Reshma: Did you watch the movie ‘Kantara’?

Reshma asked Pooja __________________________.

12. Frame ‘wh’ question to get the underlined word as answer.

Raghu’s father is a farmer.

13. Combine the word in Column -A with its collocative word in Column-B:

‘A’                                                        ‘B’

Speedy                         [ damage, recovery, growth, task ]

14. Name the part of speech of the underlined word in the following sentence.

Students are going on a trip today.

15. Give one word.

A person who is especially good at some art or achievement.

16. Use the word ‘smile’ as a noun in your own sentence.

III. The following paragraph has two errors. Edit and rewrite it. Clues are given.              1×2=2

17. His heart hammering his chest, Baleshwar shoved himself to the door, and jump of the still-moving train.

Clues: A) Verbal mistake to be corrected.

           B) Prepositional mistake to be corrected.

IV. Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each.        7×2=14

18. How is the constitution a fundamental document to both the ruler and the ruled?

19. After independence, members of the scheduled castes have found the doors opened to them. How?

20. How do you appreciate the help rendered by the tempo truck driver?

21. How can you say that Avatar Narain encouraged Satish to become a great artist?

22. Why is the poet querulous? What does he want to do?

23. How did Mohan’s family hide the mysterious parcel?                 OR

s.s.l.c model question paper with answer

How did the student leaders manage the protest?

24. What hardships did Dicky Dolma face in her life?


       Why was Haneef’s life in the beginning never a smooth sail?

V. Answer the following questions in 5-6 sentences each:            2×3=6

25. Narrate Swami’s dreadful experience when he was lying under the bench?

26. How does the poet describe that the earth has an ocean of patience?

VI. Read the following extracts and answer the following questions given below.                          4×3=12

27. “I kept still and let him have his say.”

a) Who is the speaker?

b) Who does ‘him’ refer to?

c)When did the speaker say this?

28. “A walk in the park might make you feel better.”

a) Who said this?

b) Who did the speaker want to feel better?

c) Why did the speaker suggest it?

29. “What! Does the child stand between me and death?”

a) Who is the speaker?

b) Who does the ‘child’ refer to?

c) When did the child stand between the speaker and death?

30. We were crowded in the cabin, Not a soul would dare to sleep,

a) Who does ‘we’ refer to?

b) Why wouldn’t they dare to sleep?

c) Which poem are these lines taken from?

VII. Given below is a profile of Tagore. Write a paragraph using the clues given below:               1×3=3

31. Name : Rabindranath Tagore

      Born: 7th May, 1861

      Parents: Debendranath Tagore and Saraladevi

      Occupation: writer, painter and singer

      Achievement: Founder of Shanthiniketan

      Notable works: Gitanjali, Jana Gana Mana

      Award: Nobel prize for literature in 1913.

Model question papers for class 10

VIII. Develop the story using the clues given below and supply a suitable title.                                1×3=3

32. In a forest — a lion — killing many animals — everyday — for food — animals assembled —

met the lion- requested — lion agreed — sent an animal each day — it was the turn of a rabbit —

It feared — thought of a plan — went to the lion — told there was another lion — the lion was

angry —came to the well — saw its reflection — roared — jumped into the well — died — moral.

IX. Study the picture. Write a description of what the picture suggests to you in a paragraph:    1×3=3


X. Quote from memory:        1×4=4


It is enthroned……………………….                                     My day………………………………

……………………………………………..                OR               …………………………………………

……………………………………………..                                     …………………………………………

……………………..seasons justice.                                        ………………………..always day.

XI. Read the following passage and answers the questions that follow:            1×4=4

35. The cinema is an outstanding wonder of the modern age. It gives not only entertainment but also in the field of education. The cinema is a very valuable teaching aid. Science can be taught very effectively through films. There are educational film companies which devote their time to the filming of the habits and customs of animals, insects, fish, germs, and numerous other branches of scientific life. We can see the hatching of the eggs of fish and their gradual development into large fish; we can watch the increasing activity of many kinds of germs and their effect on water, milk or blood. All these actions and movements are greatly helpful in the cause of education.

a) How can science be taught very effectively?

b) How is the cinema helpful in teaching and learning history?

XII. Answer the following questions in about 8-10 sentences:             1×4=4

36. Write the substance of the poem “Grandma Climbs a Tree.”


      Describe the appearance of Jazz Player in your own words.

SSLC English model question paper


      How does the blind boy pacify himself in spite of his disability?

XIII Write an essay on any one of the following:             1×4=4

37. 1. Importance of sports and games

      2. Uses of internet

      3. Swachh Bharat (Clean India)

XIV. Write a letter using the information given below:         1×5=5

38. Imagine you are Niranth/Hithu studying in Government High School, Halepalya, Tiptur. Write a letter to your father describing your achievement in mid-term examination(SA1).


Write a letter to The Commissioner, City Municipal Corporation, complaining about dumping of waste (city garbage) near your school.

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1. B) would have

2. D) doesn’t he

3. B) Accepting invitation

4. C) to give


5. through

6. though

7. agreement

8. rotates

9. A discovery has been made by us.

10. Goutami is one of the wisest girls in the class.

11. Reshma asked Pooja whether she had watched the movie ‘Kantara.’

12. What is Raghu’s father?

13. Speedy – recovery

14. verb

15. maestro

16. Smile is a good medicine of all.



A) shaved – shoved          

B) jump of  – jumped off

IV. Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each.    7×2=14

18. How is the constitution a fundamental document to both the ruler and the ruled?

Answer: The constitution is a fundamental document to both the ruler and the ruled because it defines the powers of the three organs and the powers of the legislature against the citizens. It is dealing with fundamental rights also.

19. After independence, members of the scheduled castes have found the doors opened to them. How?

Answer: Since Independence, members of the scheduled castes have found doors opened to them. No legal bars exist for self – expression or self – advancement. They can enrol themselves in institutes of higher learning and enter public services.

20. How do you appreciate the help rendered by the tempo truck driver?

Answer: The tempo truck driver helped Balkeshwar by offering a place in his truck to take Roma to hospital. He lent his phone to inform her family.

karnataka sslc model question paper 2023

21. How can you say that Avatar Narain encouraged Satish to become a great artist?

Answer: When Satish’s father realized that his son’s interest and happiness lay in painting, he brought all the necessary things of paintings for his son. He assured Satish that he would find the best art school for him.

22. Why is the poet querulous? What does he want to do?

Answer: Because, the poet wants to sing about the beauty of the country but mother does not agree. So the poet was querulous.

23. How did Mohan’s family hide the mysterious parcel?

Answer: Mohan’s mother used the pooja room to hide the cyclostyling machine. She also allowed Suman to hide in the house.


      How did the student leaders manage the protest?

Answer: The police had expected that the students would protest and be violent. They then would have to beat them up and put them in jail. The student leaders managed the protest very peacefully and since they did not want to go to jail.

24. What hardships did Dicky Dolma face in her life?

Answer: Dicky Dolma faced emotional, financial and physical hardships and challenges. At the tender age of eleven, she lost her mother and brother. When she was getting ready for the final frontier, her father was bed-ridden and she needed a lot of money for his treatment.


       Why was Haneef’s life in the beginning never a smooth sail?

Answer: Life of Haneef in the beginning was never a smooth sail because he lost his father when he was just eight. His mother Hema Aziz was left to take care of three young boys.

sslc model question paper 2023

V. Answer the following questions in 5-6 sentences each:                                                                    2×3=6

25. Narrate Swami’s dreadful experience when he was lying under the bench?

Ans: When Swami slept under the bench, he was racked with nightmares of tiger was chasing him and he tried to escape but he couldn’t move. He could see the tiger scratching its claws on the ground and heard a loud thud.

26. How does the poet describe that the earth has an ocean of patience?

Answer: The patience of the earth is highlighted with the repetition of the word “wait” five times in the poem. Though the man exploits the land, the earth patiently tolerates man’s deeds. Here the Earth exhibits her patients which is unchallengeable.

VI. Read the following extracts and answer the following questions given below.                          4×3=12

27. “I kept still and let him have his say.”

a) Who is the speaker?

Answer:  Juan A. A. Sedillo.

b) Who does ‘him’ refer to?

Answer: Don Anselmo

c)When did the speaker say this?

When Americans offered twice the amount, Don Anselmo said ‘I do not like to have you speak to me in that manner.’

28. “A walk in the park might make you feel better.”

a) Who said this?

Answer: Aunt Shushila

b) Who did the speaker want to feel better?

Answer: Smita

c) Why did the speaker suggest it?

Answer: because Smita was upset after listening her brother news. So recovering from this situation Aunt Sushila suggest solution to walk in the park to feel better.

29. “What! Does the child stand between me and death?”

a) Who is the speaker?

Answer: Columbus

b) Who does the ‘child’ refer to?

Answer: Pepe

c) When did the child stand between the speaker and death?

Answer: When the sailors came roaring against Columbus in a rebel

sslc question paper 2023, karnataka

30. We were crowded in the cabin, Not a soul would dare to sleep,

a) Who does ‘we’ refer to?

Answer: Seamen

b) Why wouldn’t they dare to sleep?

Answer: Because their ship was caught by violent storm.

c) Which poem are these lines taken from?

Answer: Ballad of the Tempest

VII. Given below is a profile of Tagore. Write a paragraph using the clues given below:               1×3=3

31. Name : Rabindranath Tagore

      Born: 7th May, 1861

      Parents: Debendranath Tagore and Saraladevi

      Occupation: writer, painter and singer

      Achievement: Founder of Shanthiniketan

      Notable works: Gitanjali, Jana Gana Mana

      Award: Nobel prize for literature in 1913.


Rabidranath Tagore, also known as Gurudev in Bengal, was born on 7th May, 1861. His father’s name was Debendranath Tagore and mother’s name was Sarla Devi. He was a writer, painter and a singer. His notable works are Gitanjali, Jana Gana Mana, Rabindra Sangeet, Amar Sonar Bangla etc. He was awarded Nobel Prize for lietrature in 1913.

VIII. Develop the story using the clues given below and supply a suitable title.                                1×3=3

32. In a forest — a lion — killing many animals — everyday — for food — animals assembled —

met the lion- requested — lion agreed — sent an animal each day — it was the turn of a rabbit —

It feared — thought of a plan — went to the lion — told there was another lion — the lion was

angry —came to the well — saw its reflection — roared — jumped into the well — died — moral.

karnataka sslc question papers with answers


Lion and the Wise Rabbit Once there was a ferocious and greedy lion in the forest. It started killing animals in the forest indiscriminately. All the animals were worried. They gathered and decided to find out a solution. They approached the lion with the offer of one animal to be eaten by him every day. One day, it was the turn of a rabbit. The rabbit then strode along to the lion by sunset. The lion was angry at him but the wise rabbit remained clam. He told the lion that it was not his fault. He added that on the way, another angry lion attacked him.

Somehow,He said that that lion had challenged the supremacy of his Lordship. The lion was enraged and asked him to show the location of the other lion. The wise rabbit led the lion towards a deep well. It showed the lion’s reflection in the water of the well. As the lion roared on seeing the reflection, it seemed to him that the other lion was also roaring at him. He, at once jumped into the well to attack the other lion and lost his life. In this way, the wise rabbit saved all the animals from the lion

10th class series exam question papers

IX. Study the picture. Write a description of what the picture suggests to you in a paragraph:    1×3=3


Answer; There are plenty problems most of us faced while travelling in Indian railways: People sit or stand in front of door, even there is plenty of space in the coach. Still people prefer to stand which blocks the way for other passengers to enter into the coach, due to this many people sometimes misses the train even after having a reservation or met with an accident. People should understand that Station has come, they should give space to allow people to enter in the coach.

s.s.l.c model question paper with answer

X. Quote from memory:           1×4=4


It is enthroned……………………….                                     My day………………………………

……………………………………………..                OR               …………………………………………

……………………………………………..                                     …………………………………………

……………………..seasons justice.                                        ………………………..always day.


It is enthronèd in the hearts of kings,

It is an attribute to God himself;

And earthly power doth then show likest God’s

When mercy seasons justice.


My day or night myself I make

Whene’er I sleep or play;

And could I ever keep awake

With me ’twere always day.

XI. Read the following passage and answers the questions that follow:         1×4=4

35. The cinema is an outstanding wonder of the modern age. It gives not only entertainment but also in the field of education. The cinema is a very valuable teaching aid. Science can be taught very effectively through films. There are educational film companies which devote their time to the filming of the habits and customs of animals, insects, fish, germs, and numerous other branches of scientific life. We can watch the increasing activity of many kinds of germs and their effect on water, milk or blood. All these actions and movements are greatly helpful in the cause of education.

a) How can science be taught very effectively?

Answer: Science can be taught very effectively through films. The cinema is a very valuable teaching aid. The cinema is an outstanding wonder of the modern age. It gives not only entertainment but also in the field of education.

b) How is the cinema helpful in teaching and learning history?

Answer: Educational film companies which devote their time to the filming of the habits and customs of animals, insects, fish, germs, and numerous other branches of scientific life. We can see the hatching of the eggs of fish and their gradual development into large fish.

10th class practice question papers

XII. Answer the following questions in about 8-10 sentences:        1×4=4

36. Write the substance of the poem “Grandma Climbs a Tree.”


      Describe the appearance of Jazz Player in your own words.


      How does the blind boy pacify himself in spite of his disability?


The poem ‘Grandma Climbs a Tree’ is written by Ruskin Bond. He wrote so many poems in English. In this poem he calls his grandmother as “genius” because she could climb a tree. Even at the age of 62, she was passionate to climb a tree and learn it from her loving brother at the age of six. Everybody feared that granny would fall from a tree one day. One day she climbed a tree but could not come down. After the rescue the doctor recommended her rest for a week. But for granny it was like brief season in hell. She demanded a house to be built in a tree. The poets father who was dutiful, fulfil his mother’s wish, so that granny moved up and enjoyed as her wish.

XIII Write an essay on any one of the following:        1×4=4

37. 1. Importance of sports and games

      2. Uses of internet

      3. Swachh Bharat (Clean India)

2. Uses of Internet


Today the Internet is the most powerful tool in the world. The Internet is a collection of various

services and resources.

Advantages of internet:

1. To get knowledge anytime and anywhere.

2. Useful for online banking and shopping.

3. Helps to attend online class and meeting.

4. To know current affairs and news of world.

5. Booking ticket, attending live classes etc.

Disadvantages of internet:

1. addiction to internet as spends most of the time.

2. Online hacking and cheating.

10th class model question papers

3. People have become the victim of cybercrime.

4. Hackers may easily steal personal information.

5. Internet make bad effect on young minds.


Internet has made our lives extremely comfortable as well as interesting. However, just as excess of

everything is bad the over usage of internet is also bad for our mental, physical and social health.

XIV. Write a letter using the information given below:          1×5=5

38. Imagine you are Naresh/Netra studying in Government High School, Chincholi. Write a letter to your father describing your achievement in mid-term examination(SA1).


Write a letter to The Commissioner, City Municipal Corporation, complaining about dumping of waste (city garbage) near your school.




Government High School


Date: 24-01-2023


The Commissioner

City Municipal Corporation


Respected Sir,

Subject: Garbage accumulation outside the building.

I am a resident of the Chincholi. This application is to attract your attention to the disruptive accumulation of garbage in front of our building. People in the colony are very much disturbed with the mess created by the contaminated heap. There are multiple old people as well as children in the society which may get serious health issues due to this. The services of garbage-collection are not working efficiently.

Therefore, I request you kindly to take proper action against the employees appointed to clean up the city. This is disgracing the whole authority because of improper functioning of a few people. The address is same as mentioned in the head of the letter.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


Watch this video for the explanation of SSLC English model question paper 2 2022-23.

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