Question Bank 3 for second PUC

Question Bank 3 for second PUC. Question bank for class 12 with answer. Important questions and answers for PUC second.

In this video we are going to explain English question bank for class 12. Most expected questions and answers for second PUC exam preparation.

Question Bank 3 for second PUC

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Most expected questions and answers for second PUC

Most expected questions and answers for class 12 exam preparation

1. Juliet’s beauty was too rich for use. How does Romeo describe it?

Answer: He says her “beauty too rich for use, for earth to dear.” Compared to the other women at the party, Juliet is like a white dove among crows. He famously says he “ne’er saw true beauty till this night.” In Act II, during the famous balcony scene, Romeo glorifies Juliet’s beauty by saying Juliet is the sun.

2. Romeo’s appreciation of Juliet’s beauty is expressed through images. Explain.

Answer: Romeo’s appreciation of Juliet’s beauty is expressed through images. Obviously Juliet is the snowy dove and the other ladies in the room are crows. ‘Dove’ is a symbol of ‘love’ and beauty; crows have always been considered black and ugly. Naturally, for Romeo, Juliet is the personification of love and beauty.

3. What made the king of Monaco alter his decisions in dealing with the criminal in ‘Too Dear!’?

Answer: The king of Monaco kept changing his mind in dealing with the criminal because, every time he took a decision, he faced a problem to execute it. Then, as suggested by his council of ministers, the king ordered payment of 600 francs a year as pension and got rid of the criminal.

4. What made the king of Monaco alter the death sentence to life imprisonment in ‘Too Dear!’?

Answer: The king of Monaco sent two letters of inquiry to France and Italy so as to borrow a guillotine machine and the services of an executioner to execute the criminal. The French Government wrote to Monaco that it would cost them 16000 francs. Therefore, the king changed the death sentence to one of imprisonment for life.

Important questions and answers for PUC second

5. How does the poem, ‘On Children’ bring out the relationship of parents and children?

Answer: Kahlil Gibran tells the parents that they are not the owners of their children. He argues that children have come to this earth as Life’s longing for itself and are born as sons and daughters and they are not created by parents.

6. We cannot keep pace with our children’s life and thoughts. How is this elaborated in ‘On Children’?

Answer: The children have their own future and we should let them grow according to their own potential. The children are closer to existence than we are. Life looks forward and does not linger on. Hence parents cannot keep pace with our children’s lives and thoughts.

7. Bring out the significance of the rights of nature as explained by Vandana Shiva in her essay.

Answer: Vandana Shiva argues that since we all depend on the Earth, Earth Democracy translates into human rights to food and water, to freedom from hunger and thirst.

8. What are Cormac Cullinan’s views on eco-apartheid mentioned by Vandana Shiva in her essay?

Answer: According to the author, eco-apartheid means holding the illusion in our minds and lives that humans are separate from nature. It is necessary to remove such an illusion from our minds and lives because it leads to disharmony with nature and finally to violence against nature and people.

Second PUC English questions and answers

9. What fictitious story did Gonzalo spin about himself in the name of his cousin in ‘A Sunny Morning’?

Answer: The old Gonzalo says that he is the cousin of the young man. According to him, the young Gonzalo had to leave his place as he was involved in a fight with a merchant, the suitor of Laura. Then he joined the army and went to Africa where he met with a glorious death.

10. How does Dona Laura describe her best friend’s death to Don Gonzalo in ‘A Sunny Morning’?

Answer: After listening to Gonzalo’s account of how he had fled Aravaca, then joined the army in Africa and had met a glorious death in the war, Laura mutters to herself that it is an atrocious lie. Then Dona pretends to sympathise with him saying he must have been distressed by the calamity.

11. How does the poem ‘When You Are Old’ distinguish the speaker’s love from that of others?

Answer: The poet’s love stands different from those of the other lovers. Others loved his beloved for her soft looks, charming eyes, and physical beauty. The poet loved his beloved for her pilgrim soul and inner beauty. His love was spiritual, while others were sensual.

12. ‘When You Are Old’ brings out the transient nature of beauty and permanence of love. Explain.

Answer: The poem, while making an attempt to persuade the young lady not to ignore him or his love, also incidentally highlights the transient nature of beauty as against the permanence of love.

2nd puc english question bank with answers

13. How did Tammanna and Basavaiah manage their rivalry in the beginning in ‘The Gardener’?

Answer: When Tammanna composed ballads mentioning Basavaiah’s cruelty and his meanness and sang them, the rivalry between Tammanna and Basavaiah moved from the visible to the abstract level. Mention one of the ways suggested by Tammanna’s followers to get back his encroached land.

14. Explain the invisible means by which Tammanna decided to destroy Basavaiah in ‘The Gardener’.

Answer: Tammanna thought that if he continued his rivalry at the level of body, Basavaiah would go on offering a stiff competition. So he wanted separate his song from his body. He knew the human nature. He thought that his death would give him solace and his death alone could destroy Basavaiah.

15. Trace the stages of the foot’s transformation as portrayed in ‘To the Foot From its Child’.

Answer: So, in its spirit it is like the child’s foot and dreams of becoming a butterfly or an apple. Thus, the poet depicts his view of life in the metaphor of a foot, with clear progression from infancy, to maturity, to adulthood, old age and finally death.

16. Explain the similarity between the foot’s early life and its end as depicted in ‘To the Foot From its Child’.

Answer: In this poem, ‘foot’ is a metaphor for ‘life’. The poet Neruda using the foot as a metaphor to explore ‘life’ through its various stages from infancy through childhood until death.

questions and answers for PUC second

17. What are Borges’s views on metaphors?

Answer: Borges calls poetry as the aesthetic act. He opines that the poetic act takes place when the poet writes it and when the reader reads it. According to Borges, true metaphors have been in existence from the beginning of time. Then he says that all the existing metaphors can be grouped under five or six essential metaphors, like time and a river, life and dreams, death and sleep, stars and eyes, and flowers and women. But it is the poet who has to discover metaphors though they may already exist.

18. Why according to Borges will books never disappear?

Answer: Borges believes that books are the extension of our imagination and memory, so they do not disappear in spite of modern modes of communication. Books also give happiness and enjoyment to the reader so they never disappear.

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