Most expected questions and answers for SSLC part 9. We will learn 10th class English important notes for exam. Study material for 10th standard exam preparation.
Study 10th class English question bank. We have provided most expected English questions for SSLC exam. 10th class important questions and answers.
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Most expected English questions for SSLC exam
I. Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentence each: 7×2=14
1. Dr. Ambedkar was a voracious reader. Explain.
Answer: Ambedkar was a voracious reader. He brought books by curtailing his daily needs,it is said that he had purchased about 2000 books,it have been said that they have to be sent to India in 32 boxes.
2. Describe briefly the feelings of Smita, when the first notes of music came over the air.
Answer: Smitha was spellbound by the music. As the first notes came over the air, she felt as if the gates of enchantment and wonder were opening. But every beat of Tabla reminded her of Ananth’s voice.
3. How can you say that Americans were generous in their ways?
Answer: The Americans surveyed the land and they were ready to pay almost twice the initial amount. Later, they bought the tree’s individual from the descendants of Don Anselmo. In these ways the Americans were generous.
4. Why were the technical experts summoned by the three super powers?
Answer: The three superpowers were willing to come to an agreement to solve the problem of nuclear weapon test ban. Hence technical experts summoned by the three super powers.
5. Why does the poet use the expression ‘Winter under lock’ in the poem ‘Off to Outer Space Tomorrow Morning’?
Answer: The expression “winter under lock” means, that in space there is no change in seasons. It also means that in space weather is chill always.
6. What had the police expected about the way of protest? How did the student leaders manage the protest?
Answer: The police expected the students to stout slogans and cause violence. This would make the police arrest them. But the student leaders did not want to be arrested. Therefore, they marched back silently.
Important question and answer for class 10
7. What kind of hardships and challenges Dicky Dolma had to face as a young girl?
Answer: Dicky Dolma had faced many hardship and challenges. At the age of eleven, she lost her mother and elder brother. She faced emotional, financial and physical hardships and challenges.
8. How can you say that Haneef was talented boy?
Answer: Haneef sketched very well, made beautiful cards out of waste materials, read books and loved playing the drums. As a young man he was so talented and had very much interest in life.
9. Do you think Wangjia was indeed very brave? Substantiate.
Answer: Wangjia was able to achieve what no one else from his village was able to achieve. He was able to find the Bird of Happiness. He was able to make the bird come to his village with him.
II. Answer the following questions in 5-6 sentences each: 2×3=6
10. Describe how the bird in the garden changed the course of Satish’s life.
Answer: One day Satish saw a rare bird that was flying here and there. It had long tail and black crest. It had restless and to flight at any moment. He was attracted by the bird and sketched from his memory. He had discovered his past time by filling the pages with pictures and patterns and became great artist. Like this the bird in the garden changed his life.
10th class English important notes
11. Appearances can be deceptive. How can you justify this statement in reference to Jazz Poem Two’?
Answer: The Jazz player has a pathetic appearance. He has a wrinkled face and closed eyes full of worries. His collar frayed faded blue old shirt turned dark with sweat. Old necktie is undone and drops, old jacket is holding his sagging stomach. The Jazz player plays divine music. He becomes one with the music and feels like a bird flying higher and higher. He is filled with new life.
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