Most expected questions and answers for SSLC part 8

Most expected questions and answers for SSLC part 8. We will learn 10th class English important notes for exam. Study material for 10th standard exam preparation.

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Most expected questions and answers for SSLC part 8

Important question and answer for class 10

Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow.   4×3=12

1. “How can a boy fight a tiger?”

a) Who asked this question?

Answer: Swami

b) When was this asked?

Answer: It was asked when Swami’s father told the story of the tiger.

c) Who else according to the speaker, could fight a tiger?

Answer: A very strong and grown up person.

2. “Oh, I couldn’t thank him.”

a) Who is the speaker here?

Answer: Baleshwar Mishra

b) Who does ‘him’ referred to?

Answer: A tempo-truck driver.

c) Why should he be thanked?

Answer: Because the tempo-truck driver helped Baleshwar to carry the girl to the hospital and gave mobile to contact Roma’s family.

3. “It took months of negotiation to come to an understanding with the old man.”

a) Who made this statement?

Answer: The story teller

b) Who is the ‘old man’ mentioned here?

Answer: Don Anselmo

c) Why did it take months to come to an understanding?

Answer: Because Don Anselmo was not in hurry and he had lot of time to deal.

4. “Of your children that died to call you their own”.

a) Who is the speaker here?

Answer: V.K.Gokak

b) Who are the ‘children’ referred here?

Answer: Soldiers and freedom fighters

c) Why did they die?

Answer: For the freedom of the country

Most expected English questions for SSLC exam

Answer the following questions in 8 to 10 sentences each:     2×4=8

5. How does the poet Ruskin Bond prove that his grandmother was genius?

Answer: The poet Ruskin Bond calls his grandmother as ‘Genius’ as she could climb trees even at the age of 62. She could climb tree may it be spreading or high. Everybody feared that granny would fall from a tree one day. Despite being advised to stop that practice; she would not stop.

Once it so happened that she climbed a tree but couldn’t come down. After the rescue, the doctor recommended rest for a week. But for granny it was like a brief season in hell. She demanded a house to be built on a tree. The poet’s father who was dutiful, fulfilled his mother’s will, so that granny could shift and live in a tree house, upholding her right to live in a tree.

6. Write about the conversation between Mother India and the poet, V K Gokak.

Answer: The poem ‘The Song of India’ is written by V.K.Gokak. The poet wanted to sing about the Himalayas, three seas and golden rays of sun. But mother India wishes him to sing about beggar and leaper. The poet wished to sing about temples, soldiers, seers and prophets. Mother India asked him to sing about old, ignorant and helpless children.

The poet wants to sing about dams and lakes, steel mills, ship building yards and atomic age. But she forces him to sing about struggle of the past and present and about class war. Finally, the poem ends with optimistic view, motherland sitting on the waves incarnating the supreme power to write the destiny of our nation.

10th class question with answer

Quote from memory.    2×4=8

7. The quality of _____________                           



     ____________ him that takes:

The quality of mercy is not strained;

It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven

Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest;

It blesseth him that gives and him that takes:

8. It is enthroned ____________



     ____________ seasons justice.

It is enthronèd in the hearts of kings,

It is an attribute to God himself;

And earthly power doth then show likest God’s

When mercy seasons justice.

Watch this video for the explanation of Most expected questions and answers for SSLC part 6.

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Important links for SSLC exam preparation:

1. SSLC important notes

2. SSLC Question papers with key

3. English Grammar

4. Quiz for SSLC

5. Essay Notes

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