Most expected questions and answers for SSLC part 6. We will learn 10th class English important notes for exam. Study material for 10th standard exam preparation.
Study 10th class English question bank. We have provided most expected English questions for SSLC exam. 10th class important questions and answers.
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Most expected questions and answers
1. “Let me see if you can sleep alone tonight in my office room.”
a) Who said this?
Answer: Swami’s father
b) Who did the speaker ask him to sleep in the office room?
Answer: to Swami
c) Why did he ask him to sleep in the office room?
Answer: to prove his courage.
2. “There’s a girl by the tracks!”
a) Who is the speaker?
Answer: Opposite train passengers’ voice
b) Who is the ‘girl’ referred here?
Answer: Roma Talreja
c) Why was she by the tracks?
Answer: She was pulled down from train
3. What sort of a woman was the poet’s Granny? Explain with reference to the poem ‘Grandma Climbs a Tree ‘.
‘Grandma Climbs a Tree’ this poem was written by Ruskin Bond. He calls his grandma as a genius. She learnt to climb trees when she was 6 from her loving brother. Even at the age of 62 she loved to climb trees. People advised to stop climbing trees and to grow old gracefully. But she said that she would grow old disgracefully.
One day she climbed a tree and could not come. The doctor advised her to stay in bed for a week. She felt miserable in bed. The moment she felt stronger, she demanded a house on a Tree top. Her son was honest and dutiful, he built a treehouse with a door and windows. She happily moved there and lived like a Queen there. The poet also enjoyed her company by drinking sherry with her.
10th class important questions and answers
4. Quote from memory.
The throned __________________
_______________and fear of kings;
The throned monarch better than his crown.
His sceptre shows the force of temporal power,
The attribute to awe and majesty,
Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;
5. How did the students announce their intentions?
The students announce their intentions by giving a slip of paper to the DSP. They served a notice on the collector as representative of his majesty’s Government asking them to Quit India.
6. “I don’t like the way you are being brought up “he said and looked at his wife.
a) Who said this?
Answer: Swami’s father
b) Who was brought up like that?
Answer: Swami
c) How was he brought up?
Answer: Afraid to sleep alone, always slept beside his granny.
7. Let’s go and help her.
a) What happened there?
Answer: There was a girl by the tracks.
b) Why did they have to help?
Answer: She had fallen from the train.
c) Who should go there?
Answer: People of the train
10th class English important notes
8. Both the speaker and his father were considerate towards grandma.” Substantiate this statement.
The poem ‘Grandma Climbs a Tree’ portrays Ruskin Bond’s unconditional love for his family. He says that his grandmother was a genius as she could climb trees. Spreading or high, she’d be up their branches in a trice.
The narrator and his father had a very good relationship with grandma. They loved her and wanted to do something special for her.
His grandma loved climbing trees since childhood hence his father wanted to fulfil her wish now so both of them decided to start working on making a treehouse at night time. They had planned to make it with windows and doors.
9. Quote from memory.
It is enthroned _______________
_______________seasons justice.
It is enthroned in the heart of kings;
It is an attribute to God himself;
And earthly power doth then show likest God’s
When mercy seasons justice.
10. Why did Mohan not trust Patil?
Mohan did not trust Patil because he was a policeman. The police were with the British and against the Indian and freedom movement.
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