Most expected extract questions and answers for SSLC part 4

Most expected extract questions and answers for SSLC part 4. Important extract questions for class 10. SSLC English notes.

In this video we are going to explain very important extract questions for 10th class. 3 marks questions and answers for class 10.

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Watch this video for the explanation of Most expected extract questions and answers for SSLC part 4.

Important extract questions for class 10


1. “Will you at least leave the door open?”

a) Who did the speaker ask?

Ans: father

b) Why did he want the door to be opened?

Ans: afraid of darkness, devils, ghosts

c) What reply did the speaker get?

Ans: Swami should promise that he would not roll up his bed and go to his grandma’s side at night.

2. “If you do it I will make you the laughing stock of your school.”

a) Who is the speaker?

Ans: father

b) Who does ‘you’ refer to?

Ans: Swami

c) What makes the speaker say so?

Ans: Swami’s efforts to escape from sleeping in the office room makes the speaker say the statement.

3. “It is disgraceful sleeping beside granny or mother.”

a) Who made this statement?     Ans: Father

b) Who slept beside his granny or mother?     Ans: Swami

c) Why did he sleep beside her?

Ans: He was afraid of sleeping alone.

d) Why did the speaker think that this action was disgraceful?

Ans: Swami was not a boy. He was in second standard.

4. “Your office room is very dusty and there may be scorpions behind your law books.”

a) Who made this remark?     Ans: Swami

b) When did the speaker make this remark?

Ans: Swami’s father asked his son to sleep alone in the office room.

c) Why did the speaker make this remark?

Ans: Swami made this remark because he wanted an excuse for not sleeping in the office room.

d) What does it reveal about the speaker?

Ans: He did not have the courage to tell his father that he was afraid to sleep alone.

very important extract questions for 10th class


1. “There’s a girl by the tracks!” the voices cried out.

a) Whose voices were they?     Ans: Passengers in the train

b) What was the name the girl?    Ans: Roma Talreja

c) How did she happen to lay by the tracks?

Ans: Roma was jammed between the other women. She lost her foothold and got pulled out of the moving train and fell on the ground.

2. “Sister, are you okay?” (Behanji aap thik hai?) But there was no response.

a) Who asked this question?     Ans: Baleshwar

b) Who does ‘sister’ refer to?    Ans: Roma Talreja

c) Why couldn’t he get a response?     Ans: She was unconscious.

d) What does ‘response’ mean in the context?   Ans: the word ‘response’ means reply.

3. “I think it is an astonishing thing that a stranger jumped off a train and risked his life for me.”

a) Who is the ‘I’?     Ans: Roma talreja

b) Who is the stranger?    Ans: Baleshwar

c) Where was the speaker when these words were said?    Ans: The speaker was in the hospital.


1. “We are like bats trying to fly by day.”

a) Who made this statement?    Ans: Diego

b) Who does ‘we’ refer to?     Ans: The seamen

c) What does the statement mean in the context?

Ans: Bats can’t see during the day. If they fly during the day they may fly anywhere. In the same way the seamen thought that they were going somewhere and they would not sight land.

2. “There are limits to our patience, sir.”

a) Who made this statement?    Ans: Diego

b) Who does ‘sir’ refer to?    Ans: Pedro

c) When did the speaker say so?    Ans: Pedro asked Diego, if he was becoming impatient.

SSLC important questions and answers

3. “Discipline is a thing of the past, sir. It’s you or us.”

a) Who does ‘you’ refer to?    Ans: Columbus

b) When did the speaker say so? OR what statement was it an answer to?

Ans: When Columbus said, “Discipline knows no buts”.

c) What trait does it reveal about the speaker?

Ans: Francisco was an indisciplined seaman. He had no respect for Columbus.


1. “We were crowded in the cabin,

Not a soul would dare to sleep.”

a. Who does ‘we’ refer to?     Ans: The sailors

b. What does ‘dare’ mean?    Ans: be bold / have the courage

c. Why was it so?

Ans: One night, the ship was caught in a violent storm. The sailors feared for their lives. They crowded in cabin and they were not able to sleep.

2. “Tis a fearful thing in winter

To be shattered by the blast.”

a. What is ‘a fearful thing’ referred to?

Ans: To be caught in a violent storm is a fearful thing.

b. How did it affect the sailors?

Ans: The sailors crowded together in a cabin in fear. They lay awake saying a silent –prayer in the dark.

c. What does ‘shatter’ mean?     Ans: To break apart.

3. “We are lost!” the captain shouted.

a. What does ‘We’ refer to?    Ans: The sailors

b. Why did the captain say this?

Ans: Their ship was caught in violent storm and the captain feared that the ship would break apart any moment.

c. How did his daughter react to the situation? Ans: His daughter remained calm. Holding her father’s hand she asked if God could protect them on land. Would he not protect them on sea?

SSLC important extract questions

4. “Isn’t God upon the ocean just the same as on the land?”

a) Who asked this question?

Ans: The little maiden/ The captain’s daughter

b) Who was it said to?

Ans: To her father, the captain and the sailors

c) What does it mean?

Ans: The little daughter wanted to instill courage and confidence in them. She wanted them to remain calm and cool even in any critical situation like this.

Most expected extract questions and answers for SSLC part 4
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