Most expected 3 marks questions and answers for SSLC

Most expected 3 marks questions and answers for SSLC. 10th class important 3 marks long questions. SSLC English notes.

In this post we are going to explain 3 marks sa 2 questions for class 10. Most probable questions for SSLC exam preparation.

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Most expected 3 marks questions and answers for SSLC

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Most probable questions for SSLC exam preparation


1. ‘Satish Gujral became a great artist’. Explain.


‘Physical disability is no barrier to success to Satish’. Support the statement with few of his achievements.


What are the achievements of Satish Gujral?

Ans: Satish Gujral met with an accident and became deaf. He was refused admission by schools. Because he was not a normal boy. Boys made fun of him and therefore he remained at home. One day he saw a beautiful bird which had a longish tail and a black crest. That made him takes up drawing and painting. His father admitted him to one of the best schools of arts. Within a short time, Satish learnt not only drawing and painting but also about life.

Today Satish is one of the best artists in India. Exhibitions of his work have been held all over the world. He has published four books in arts. The Government of India honoured him with the Padma Vibhushan. He has also been awarded the Order of the Crown.

2. How did the bird inspire Satish?

Ans: One day, when Satish saw a beautiful bird. He had not seen such a beautiful bird before. It had a longish tail and a black crest. It had restless energy. Its eyes kept darting here and there, its whole body ready for flight any moment. Satish stared at the bird for a pencil and sketched the bird from memory. He got interested in drawing and painting. Satish became one of the best artists in India.

10th class important 3 marks long questions



The speaker in the poem is the land. It says that it is always patient and bears all that is done to it. The reader on the other hand, uses the land in many ways. He digs the land, grows fruits and trees and even fights for land. Man also fences and makes boundaries over the land.

Mother earth has an ocean of patience and bears all the atrocities committed by human beings. It is a tone of self-assertion. The poet mocks at those who are greedy. They wage wars to acquire more land to grow crops. But the earth has not done any harm to us. She has given everything to us. Whatever harm and injustice we are doing, the earth bears everything patiently. We cannot put a fence around mother earth.

Song of India


The poet V.K Gokak sings praises of the country. He sings about the natural beauty of the country, Epics, beautiful temples, soldier who fought for the country & sacrificed their lives, seers & wise men who showed people the right path. The poet also describes the industrial progress and technological achievements the country has made.

Mother India asks the poet to sing about the numerous ills in the country. She asks him to sing about the beggars & lepers, the-aged the illiterate & children living a joyless life. She wants him highlight the strike, the division between the rich and the poor and pollution caused by industrial development.

The poet is dissatisfied whether there was a perfect song which he could sing wholeheartedly. At that point the he had a vision of the Mother rising from the sky & sitting on the throne of waves. She appeared to write the destiny of the nation.

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