Mid-term question paper for SSLC

Mid-term question paper for SSLC

Mid-term question paper for SSLC. SA 1 question paper with key answer for class 10. Download SSLC SA 1 question paper with key answer.

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SSLC mid term question paper:

Subject: English                         MID-TERM EXAMINATION 2022-23             Marks: 80

Class: 10th                                                                                                                  Time: 2hrs 30 min

I. Four alternatives are given for each of the following question/incomplete statements. Only one of them is correct or most appropriate. Choose the alternative and write the complete answer along with its letter of alphabet.      4×1=4

1. My wife prepares food. The passive voice form of the given statement is

a. Food is prepared by my wife                        b. Food is being prepared by my wife

c. Food has been prepared by my wife            d. Food is being prepared by my wife

2. She has written a story. The correct question tag to be added to the given statement

a. had she?      b. is she?       c. has she?      d. hasn’t she?

3. I went to market to buy vegetable. The infinite verb in the given line is

a. to market       b. to buy      c. went        d. vegetables

4. “You should consult a doctor.” Identify the language function.

a. advice       b. suggestion       c. order       d. Command

II. Do as directed.      12×1=12

5. Fill in the blanks with appropriate tense form of the verbs given in the bracket.

Mohan is my friend. He ___________(be+work) in the post office.

6. Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition.

Congratulations were showered _____Swami next day.

7. Give one-word answer. – To breathe in a noisy way.

8. Choose the appropriate auxiliary verb to fill in the blank.

Shilpa__________(have/has) presented a pen to her friend.

9. Fill in the blank with a suitable linker.

Charvi is very active_______Chandana is lazy.

10. Write the opposite of the underlined word in the given sentence.

There are merits and ____ of mobiles

11. Frame a question to get the underlined words as answer. The box is on the table.

10th class mid term question paper

12. Change the following underlined sentence into reported speech.

Ajith: Shalini, what is your profession?

Shalini: I am a teacher.

13. Fill in the blank with appropriate articles.

We are going to school by ______auto.

14. Combine the word in column A with its Collocate word in B.

  A                                               B

Key                        (group, drive, remote, bunch)

15. Which one of the following word has two syllables?

Quiz, accept, primary, direction

16. Change the following sentence into superlative degree.

Shakespeare was greater than many other dramatists.

III. Following paragraph has two errors. Using clues edit and rewrite it.    1×2=2

17. There had been a accident whom he went hiking with his brother inder.

a. Correct article to be used.

b. Capital letter to be used.

IV. Answer the following in two three sentences     7×2=14

18. Why did Baleshwar revisit the spot where Roma had fallen?

19. What was frightful preposition for Swami?

20. Americans were willing to pay double the amount, but Anselmo was not ready to take. Why?

21. How can you say that Ambedkar had a great thirst for books when he was a student?

22. As silence deepened in the room what was Swami reminded off?

23. Babu and Manju were a bit disappointed with the way students were marching. Why?


Why had Patil, the sub-inspector come to Mohan’s house?

24. Mention any two events to show that Dicky Dolma had a tragic child hood?


How had Dolma described her preparations for the task of scaling Mt. Everest?

V. Answer the following questions in five to six sentences each.      2×3=6

25. Narrate Swami’s dreadful experience when he was lying under the bench.

26. Write the summary of the poem “The Song of India.”

English SA 1 question paper for 10th class

VI. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow.       4×3=12

27. “It is disgraceful sleeping beside his granny or mother.”

a. Who made this statement?

b. Who slept beside his granny or mother?

c. Why did he sleep beside her?

28. “Chacha can I borrow your mobile?”

a. Who wanted the mobile?

b. Who is the ‘chacha’ here?

c. Why did he want the mobile?

29. “These Americans are Buena gente.”

a. What is the meaning of ‘Buena gente’?

b. Why did the speaker called so?

c. Who is the speaker?

30. “You cannot put a fence around the planet earth.”

a. Which poem is this line taken from?

b. Who is the speaker?

c. What does the statement say about the speaker?

VII. Given below is a profile. Write a paragraph using the clues given below.   1×3=3

31. Name: P.T.Usha

Born : 27th June 1964

Nationality : Indian

Other names : Payyoli Express, Golden girl

Known for : Track and Express field athlete

Employed : Indian railways

Awards : Padmashri

VIII. Develop the story using clues given below.      1×3=3

32. An old woman-greedy-a goose in her house-golden egg-every day sold-her living-become very rich though-hundreds of golden eggs-its stomach-killed only one egg lost what she had.

IX. Study the picture given below.    1×3=3

33 Write a description or an account of what the picture suggests to you in a paragraph.

English mid term question paper for SSLC

X. Quote from memory.    1×4=4

34.The quality_______________




XI. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.     2×2=4

35. The great Saint Teresa wished to have a torch in her right hand and a vessel of water in her left. So that with the one she might burn the glories of heaven, and with the other extinguish the fires of hell and men might learn to serve god from love without fear of hell and without the temptation of heavenly bliss.

a. Who is the paragraph about? Why did she hold a torch in her right hand?

b. What was Saint Teresa’s message to humanity?

XII. Answer the following questions in about 8-10 sentences.     1×4=4

36. Summarize the poem “Grandma Climbs a Tree.”


What is the mother Earth trying to covey in the poem, I am the Land?

XIII. Write an essay on any one of the following.    1×4=4

37. a) Covid-19

      b) Newspaper

      c) Uses of Internet

XIV. Write a letter using the information given below.    1×5=5

38. Imagine that you are Anand / Anjali of X standard, studying in Vidyashree school, Bengaluru.

Write a letter to your headmaster requesting him to issue your study certificate. Give reasons.


Write a letter to your father about your progress in studies.

SA 1 question paper with key answer for class 10


Q. I

1. a) Food is prepared by my wife.     2. d) hasn’t she?     3. b) to buy     4. a) advice


5. Is working      6. on       7. snore      8. has        9. but       10. demerit      11. where is the box?

12. Shalini told Ajith that she was a teacher.       13. an         14. key bunch       15. accept

16. Shakespeare was the greatest dramatist.


17. a) an accident     b) Inder


18. Baleshwar revisited the spot where Roma had fallen to look for Roma’s belongings.

19. Swami’s father challenged him to sleep alone in his office room that night which was a frightful proposition.

20. Don Anselmo was generous. He refused to accept more money for his property. He loved children and planted a tree for every child.

21. Ambedkar was a voracious reader. He brought books by curtailing his daily needs. He had purchased about 2000 books and sent to India in 32 boxes. Ambedkar was very fond of reading books from his childhood.

22. As silence deepened in the room Swami reminded the stories of devils and ghosts he had heard in his life. For example, His Chum Mani had seen the devil in the banyan tree at his street.

23. They were expecting slogans and shouts which normally a protest has but the march had ended peacefully. They did not cross barred area nor did they show any aggression.


Patil the sub-inspector came to Mohan’s house to give a warning about the raid of his wife. As he was a close friend of Mohan’s father.

SSLC question papers with key answers

24. Dolma faced problems in life right from her childhood. At the tender age of eleven, she lost her mother and brother. When she was getting ready for the final frontier, her father was bed-ridden.


From the childhood days Dolma had an urge to climb Mount Everest. Daily she watched the beautiful, breath taking view of the Mountain. She had firm determination, and hard work helped her. She practiced 4 hours a day.

Q. V

25. When he was asleep under the bench, he was disturbed by nightmares. In his dream a tiger was chasing him, he could hear the loud thud and scratching sound. Swami tried to open his eyes but it would not open. The nightmare continued and he groaned in despair.

26. The poet asks Mother India what aspect of his country he should glorify through a song. He wonders if he should sing about the snow-clad Himalayas at the North or the three water bodies at the South.  

Alternatively, he ponders on singing about the country’s historical temples, the Indian soldiers who died fighting for the nation, the country’s religious saints and its technologies.

However, Mother India requests the poet to sing about the lepers and beggars on her street, the helpless children and other things or people of less importance. Through the poem, VK Gokak tries to convey that we must be proud of our tradition, culture, heroes and industrial progress.


27. a) Swami’s Father      b) Swami      c) Swami usually slept beside his granny.

28. a) Baleshwar Mishra.     b) A Tempo truck driver.   

c) To inform Roma’s family about the incident.

29. a) good people.    b) Americans were ready to give extra amount.      

c)The story teller.

30. a) I am the Land       b) The land      c)The land has patience

SSLC SA 1 question paper with key answer


31. P.T. Usha is fondly called the ‘Payyoli Express’ and ‘the golden girl’ because of her awesome speed on the track. Born on the 27th of June 1964, Usha took to athletics when girls hardly dared to take to athletics and had no future in the sports field. Usha, however, even as an employee of Indian Railways, practised hard to shine as a brilliant star on the firmament of Indian athletics. She won the well-deserved Padmashree – the fourth highest civilian award – for her outstanding contributions in the field of sports. She is a woman who makes women proud.


32. Once a greedy woman had a goose that laid a golden egg every day. She sold the golden egg in the market. This made her very rich. Her greed increased day by day. After sometime she said to herself, “My goose lay one egg in a day. That gives me seven eggs in a week. That is a very slow process. I will kill it and get all the golden eggs at once.” So she foolishly killed the goose. There was no gold in her body. All the goose is the same. The greedy woman wept and repented for her foolishness. She said, ‘Oh! I have lost all with my greed”.


33. Industrial factories are major contributors to air pollution. The amount of toxic gases that factories release into the air increases health and environmental damages. In factories, toxic materials and gases, like carbon dioxide and methane, are burned and pumped out into the atmosphere. Industrial pollution is characterized as pollution that originates directly from industry. This form of pollution is one of the most common sources of pollution around the world.

SSLC English question paper with key


34. The quality of mercy is not strain’d,

It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven

Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest:

It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.


35. A) The great saint Teresa wished to have a torch in her right hand and a vessel of water in her left.

B) men might learn to serve god from love without fear of hell and without the temptation of heavenly bliss.


36. This poem by Ruskin’s Bond describes his granny’s love for trees. The poet begins the poem by calling her ‘genius’ as she could climb any type of tree easily. She had learnt it from her brother when she was six;

and she had been climbing trees since then. As she grew old, she was advised not to climb trees as it looked disgraceful, however, she did not pay heed to this advice.

One day she climbed a tree, but could not come down. Doctor advised her bed rest for a week. Everyone felt relieved as this would curb granny’s tree-climbing. She sat up on her bed and declared she would not be confined to bed any longer. She called the poet’s father and instructed him to have a house built for her in the treetop.

Poet and his father built a beautiful treetop house for the granny. The granny moved into the treetop house. She had a wonderful time living in the treetop house.


37. Newspapers


Newspaper is a printed publication that appears daily. Newspapers bring us news from every corner of the world. The first newspaper published in India was “The Bengal Gazette.” Newspaper play an important role in the society.

Uses of newspaper:

SSLC question papers with key answers

1. It helps to improve our general knowledge.

2. It works as an adviser of democracy.

3. We can get information of weather, local news, jokes, TV programs etc

4. Newspapers keep our mind up to date about current affairs.

5. It also helps for students to learn subjects.


Newspapers helps us a lot. It improves our reading habit. Those who are preparing for competitive exams,

they must read newspapers regularly. Newspapers are the best way of communication between the

government and public.





X standard

Vidyashree school, Bengaluru

Date: 01.10.2022


The Headmaster,

Vidyashree school


Respected sir,

Subject: Issuance of study certificate.

With due respect, my name is Anand, studied in class 10th class holding roll number 34 of your prestigious school. I am writing this letter to request you to kindly issue my study certificate, as I would need it for further studies. It was a great experience learning from you and your school, I assure you that I will not forget the values and manners which I have learned here. I am proud of being a part of this school.

Please do the needful at the earliest. I will be highly obliged.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully


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