Lal Bahadur Shastry lesson notes

Lal Bahadur Shastry lesson notes

Lal Bahadur Shastry lesson notes for 8th standard students. We discussed lal bahadur shastri supplementary reading lesson notes.

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I. Answer a sentence or two in each of the following.

1) Why is October 2 a special day in the history of India?

Ans: October 2 is the most important day in the history of India because it is the birth of two great sons of India: One is Mahatma Gandhi and the other is Lal Bahadur Shastry.

2) Where did Lal Bahadur have his studies at school?

Ans: After his schooling Lal Bahadur had his studies at Kashi Vidyapita in Varanashi.

3) Name at least two positions that Lal Bahadur had as an administrator?

Ans: Lal Bahadur Shastry was the Home Minister and Prime Minister of India.

4) Why do you think Lal Bahadur Shastry refused to stay at home even during the days of parole?

Ans: Because the daughter of Lal Bahadur Shastry died on the same day. He came to meet her. So he thought it was not proper to stay more days. After the final rites he returned to the prison.

5) When did Lal Bahadur resign his post as the Railway Minister? What was the reason he gave for this act?

Ans: When a railway accident happened in Arialur, He resigned the Post. He gave moral responsibility for the cause.

6) How did he respond to the Pakistan’s attack?

Ans: When Pakistan attacked Jammu and Kashmir Shastry declared that force would be met with force. He gave freedom to the army. The Indian Army defeated Pakistan and taught it a lesson.

Lal Bahadur Shastry lesson notes for class 8th:

II. Answer paragraph 10-12 of each of the following.

1) Give an account of Lal Bahadur’s education.

Ans: After his school studies, Shastry went to Varanasi and Joined Kashi Vidyapita. Shastry studied there for four years. He was very bright in subjects like philosophy, economics, political science and social science. He got degree ‘Shastry’ while studying at Kashi Vidyapita.

2) Narrate anyone incident from Lal Bahadur Shastry’s life which highlights his honesty.

Ans: Lal Bahadur Shastry was in prison before Independence. His daughter contracted small pox. So he got the permission of the prison authority to see his daughter. The Government agreed to release on parole for 15 days. Unfortunately, the girl died the same day. So he thought it was not proper to stay. After performing the final rites he returned to the prison. This incident shows how honest Shastry was.

3) Imagine you are supposed to speak on the life of Lal Bahadur Shastry and you are given not more than 3 minutes for your speech. Note down the points based on which you can develop your talk.

Ans: Lal Bahadur had his studies at Kashi Vidyapita in Varanashi. Later he became Home Minister and Prime Minister of India. When a railway accident happened in Arialur, he resigned the post. He gave the reason for moral responsibility.

When Pakistan attacked Jammu and Kashmir Shastry declared that ‘Force will be met with force’. He gave freedom to the army to take action. The Indian army defeated Pakistan and taught it a lesson. Once Shastry’s daughter contracted small pox. The Government agreed to release on parole for 15 days. Unfortunately, the girl died on the same day. So he thought it was not proper to stay more. so after performing final rites he returned to the prison. This incident shows how honest Shastry was.

Watch this video for explanation of Lal Bahadur Shastry lesson questions and answers for 8th class exam.

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